Germantown and Mt. Airy Redevelopment Initiative
After two (2) years of litigation to reclaim possession of properties formerly owned by Greater Germantown Housing Development Corp (GGHDC), the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority, (PRA) is now the owner of the Properties. The properties exist in various stages of disrepair and consist of forty-five (45) buildings containing approximately one hundred forty (140) units total. Eighteen (18) of those units are currently occupied by tenants and managed by DHC Management, LLC. The rest of the units are vacant and are being maintained in a sealed and safe condition. PRA intends to dispose of the properties for redevelopment.
However, prior to issuing a Request for Proposals, PHDC/PRA launched a community engagement process. The purpose of this initiative was to acknowledge ideas, solicit feedback and accept comments from stakeholders regarding reuse of properties.
Please find below all the documents that cover this process:
- Lower Germantown Redevelopment Community Engagement Report
- Appendix A Community Meeting #1
- Appendix B Community Meeting #2
- Appendix CCE Meeting Steering Committee Feedback
- Appendix D Community Meeting #3
In 2021, a Physical Conditions Needs Assessment (PCNA) was commissioned to study the properties, which are scattered throughout the area.
PHDC led a community feedback driven process to allow residents to take part in the redevelopment plans for these properties. We wanted to ensure decisions are made that reflect the best interest of the neighborhood. Recordings of past meetings are posted below. We would like to thank everyone who participated in this process.
- Steering Committee Feedback_Community Meeting 3
- May 10, 2022 meeting video
- April 14, 2022 meeting video
On March 8, 2021, PRA contacted the community to let them know about a change in property management, with new contact information for any questions or concerns about the maintenance of the properties.
On April 15, 2021, PHDC contacted the community to announce the release of the Physical Conditions Needs Assessment Reports. Click the links below to access the reports:
Property Reports

Members of the Steering Committee can be found here.
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