RFP Affordable Rental & Special-Needs Housing Development – November 2024
NOTE: Q&A posted 11/27/2024 (See below in Questions)
The Division of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is soliciting proposals to finance the development of rental and special needs units designed to serve low- and moderate-income households using funding from the Philadelphia Housing Trust Fund (HTF), Neighborhood Preservation Initiative (NPI), federal HOME and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. This Request for Proposals (RFP) is designed to assist in providing gap financing for rental projects that will seek Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) from the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA). PHFA’s deadline to submit full LIHTC applications is February 11, 2025 by 3:00 pm.
Please download all of the following documents:
- RFP-for-Affordable-Housing-Rental-and-Special-Needs-Housing-Development-LIHTC
- Exhibit-A-Project-Summary-Form
- Exhibit-B-Development-Proforma
- Exhibit-B-Development-Proforma-tax-credit-projects-Commercial-breakout
- Exhibit-B-Operating-Proforma_-with-with-out-rental-subsidy
- Exhibit-C-EOP
- Exhibit-D-Minority-Participation-and-Workforce-Commitments-Affordable-Housing
- Exhibit-E-Affordable-Housing-
- Tax-Credit-Summary
Briefing Session
A pre-submission in-person Briefing Session will be held to answer any questions regarding this RFP. Interested parties are urged to attend this conference. You can register by emailing [email protected]. RFP for Affordable Rental and Special Needs Housing Development 2024 10
The Briefing Session will be held on Monday, November 18th at 2 pm at:
1234 Market St.
17th Floor Boardroom
Philadelphia, PA 19107
You will be required to show ID at the Security Desk to access the building
Questions related to the RFP may be directed to Mirta Duprey, at 215-686-9770, or to [email protected]. Questions must be submitted in writing by by Friday, November 22nd. Answers to all questions received will be posted on the DHCD and PHDC websites by Wednesday, November 27th
Proposal Deadline
Proposals must be in the format described in the RFP and must be received no later than midnight on Monday, December 16, 2024.
Proposals received after the deadline will not be accepted and will not be reviewed. The City assumes no liability for costs incurred in proposal preparation. The City reserves the right to accept or reject proposals or to seek additional information from any applicant. The City is under no obligation to award all available funds through this RFP and reserves the right to reallocate funds between funding categories.
RFP Affordable Rental & Special-Needs Housing Development – October 2023
Note: FAQ added 10/30/2023 (See below)
Note: on 10/24/2023 the RFP was revised on page 6 with the addition of the red text (Project sponsors for the production of new units, must seek local community input AND preservation projects are NOT required to hold a community meeting) and on page 8 under the bullet evidence of community engagement the following text was added, preservation projects are exempt.
The Division of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is soliciting proposals to finance the development of rental and special needs units designed to serve low- and moderate-income households using funding from the Philadelphia Housing Trust Fund (HTF), Neighborhood Preservation Initiative (NPI), federal HOME and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds.
This Request for Proposals (RFP) is designed to assist in providing gap financing for rental projects that will seek Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) from the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA). PHFA’s deadline to submit LIHTC applications is December 15, 2023.
Please download all of the following documents:
- RFP-for-Affordable-Housing-Rental-and-Special-Needs-Housing-Development-LIHTC-Oct-4-2023 rev
- Exhibit-A-Project-Summary-Form
- Exhibit-B-Development-Proforma- tax credit projects – Commercial-breakout
- Exhibit-B-Development-Proforma
- Exhibit-B-Operating-Proforma-with-with-out-rental-subsidy
- Exhibit-C-Economic Opportunity Plan
- Exhibit-D-Minority-Participation-and-Workforce-Commitments-Affordable-Housing-RFP
- Exhibit-E-Certificate of Compiance Affordable-Housing
- Tax-Credit-Summary
Briefing Session
A pre-submission in person Briefing Session (non-mandatory) will be held to answer any questions regarding this RFP. Interested parties are urged to attend this conference. If you are interested in attending you can register by emailing [email protected]. The Briefing Session will be held on Tuesday, October 17th at 12 noon at: 1234 Market St., 16th Floor Boardroom, Philadelphia, PA 19107
You will be required to show ID at the Security Desk to access the building.
Questions related to the RFP may be directed to Mirta Duprey, at 215-686-9770, or to [email protected]. Questions must be submitted in writing by Wednesday, October 25, 2023. The following are the FAQ’s from the 9% RFP Briefing:
- Q: Are preservation projects required to have community meetings?
A: The preservation projects of existing subsidized affordable housing development expiring are not required to hold community meetings.
Please note all other projects are required to meet the community meeting criteria. - It was emphasized at the briefing that developers are required to submit a plan on how they propose to solicit and contract MBE/WBE contractors. This is now a threshold requirement.
Proposals must be received no later than midnight on Monday, November 13, 2023. Proposals received after the deadline will not be accepted and will not be reviewed.
Applications must be submitted on-line by clicking the Online Submission button located below.
RFP for Acquisition of Rental Housing Developments, August 2023
NOTE: The Submission deadline expired at Midnight of October 19, 2023
Note: Questions anad Answer posted (see below)
The Division of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is soliciting proposals to finance the acquisition of rental housing developments to increase housing opportunities that will remain affordable for occupants with incomes below 60% of Area Median Income (AMI) for 42 years.
City funding will be limited to $50,000 per affordable unit, with a $5,000,000 maximum and funding is limited to acquisition costs. There is no funding available for rehabilitation or capital repairs. Please note that DHCD will determine the funding source to be utilized for each project that is selected under this RFP. Proposals received in response to this RFP will be reviewed by an interagency group comprised of representatives of DHCD and PHDC.
Please download all of the following documents:
- RFP-for-Acquisition of Rental Housing Developments-August 2023
- Exhibit-A-Project Acquisition Summary-Form
- Exhibit-B-Operating-Proforma-Acquisition RFP August 2023
Briefing Session
A pre-submission Zoom conference (non-mandatory) will be held on Wednesday August 30, 2023 at 1 pm to answer any questions regarding this RFP. Interested parties are urged to attend this conference. If you are interested in attending this virtual briefing you can register at:
https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUvdOmhqj4tG9BAjhVRzNoxkXHNj9Lo3jH2 After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Questions related to the RFP may be directed to Mirta Duprey, at 215-686-9770, or to [email protected]. Questions must be submitted in writing by Wednesday, September 6, 2023.
Proposal Submission Deadline EXTENDED
Proposals must now be received no later than Midnight of October 19, 2023. Proposals received after the deadline will not be accepted and will not be reviewed.
Applications must be submitted on-line by clicking the Online Submission button located below.
RFP for Affordable Rental and Preservation Housing Developments September 2022
Note: Q&A from the Affordable RFP Briefing posted 10/25/2022 – See drop down below.
Note: Additional file Exhibit B – Operation Proforma added 10/11/2022 – see below.
The Division of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is soliciting proposals to finance the development and preservation of affordable rental needs units designed to serve low- and moderate-income households using funding from the Philadelphia Housing Trust Fund (HTF), Neighborhood Preservation Initiative (NPI), federal HOME, federal HOME-ARP, and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. This Request for Proposals (RFP) is designed to assist in providing gap financing for rental production and preservation projects that will seek Four Percent Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) from the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA). Gap Financing for preservation projects not seeking Four Percent LIHTCs are also eligible under this RFP.
Please note that any development with an existing commitment of a Four Percent or Nine Percent tax credit award from PHFA is NOT eligible for financing under this RFP.
Also note that the development of affordable units for which a developer is receiving a density bonus under the Mixed-Income portion of the Zoning Code is NOT eligible for financing under this RFP.
Please download all of the following documents:
- RFP-for-Affordable-Rental-Production-and-Preservation-Housing-Development-September-2022
- Exhibit A – Project-Summary-Form
- Exhibit B – Operating Proforma
- Exhibit B – Development Proforma non-LIHTC
- Exhibit B – Development-Proforma- tax credit projects
- Exhibit B – Development Proforma non tc with Commercial breakout
- Exhibit B – Development Proforma with LIHTC with Commercial breakout-
- Exhibit C – EOP_9-09292022
- Exhibit D – Minority-Participation-and-Workforce-Commitments-Affordable-Housing-RFP-2022
- Exhibit E – Affordable-Housing-RFP-2022
- Tax-Credit-Summary-2022-RFP
Briefing Session
A pre-submission Zoom conference (non-mandatory) will be held on Thursday October 13, 2022 at 1:00 pm to answer any questions regarding this RFP. Interested parties are urged to attend this conference. If you are interested in attending this virtual conference you can register at:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Questions related to the RFP may be directed to Mirta Duprey, at 215-686-9770, or to [email protected] Questions must be submitted in writing by Tuesday October 18, 2022.
Q&A from our Affordable RFP Briefing
Read the questions and answers below or download the text here.
1. Will a list of legit contractors nonprofits can partner with be issued by the city?
2. Do people with disabilities qualify under special needs?
Please refer to the Rental and Special Needs Project Selection Criteria, Appendix pp. 14-22 in the City’s Consolidated Plan Federal Fiscal Year 2022-2026 (City Fiscal Year 2023-2027), which is available at www.phila.gov/dhcd, for definitions and process.
3. Does the maximum award of $3M include the $500,000 from Commerce?
No, an additional $500,000 is available for the commercial portion of a mixed-use development. Please be advised that the City will determine the source of funding up to $3M.
4. Are community meetings required for preservation projects?
No, preservation projects do not require community meetings.
5. Will this be recorded and emailed to registrants?
No, this briefing was not recorded, any questions please contact [email protected]
6. For non-LIHTC preservation projects, is there a 42-year required additional affordability period by this DHCD funding?
The affordability period will be 40-42 years to be determined during underwriting of the project There may be an exception but this would need to be determined during underwriting.
7. Are preservation projects that were supported by CDBG funds in the past, eligible for this funding?
Yes, as long as they do not have a current award.
8. Any further clarification on when PHA will release their RFP for operating subsidy?
Not at this time
9. Will this be the only RFP for HOME-ARP funds? Or will DHCD/OHS have additional opportunities for HOME-ARP funds?
Yes, there will be a future RFP for HOME-ARP and NPI funding for permanent homeless housing projects not seeking tax credits.
10. Is a developer required if the proposed project is for the preservation of properties already in use as permanent supportive housing? If so, what role would the developer be expected to plan in this type of project.
Projects under this RFP require an experienced development team to implement all of the requirements outlined in the RFP.
11. Is a capital needs assessment required for preservation projects or only those with 26 or more units?
Note that the threshold criteria (page 8 of the RFP) indicates that preservation projects of more than 26 units require a capital needs assessment. A capital needs assessment is required only for projects with 26 units or more. It is highly suggested that if the project is less than 26 units a construction cost estimate is provided by a 3rd party contractor.
12. For what period are operating subsidy commitments required?
Operating subsidies are not required but encouraged so they can serve lower income residents. Every project is required to serve 10% of residents at or below 20% of Area Median Income.
13. For preservation projects, i.e. not projects proposing “new” units, how long before the submission must the community be notified of the proposed updates?
Preservation projects do not require a community meeting but developments for the production of new units require a community meeting within the past year.
14. For a preservation proposal for properties currently in use as permanent supportive housing and which met the affordability requirement at initial construction, is the property considered to have met this RFP’s requirement? If not, is the 42 year affordability requirement under this RFP effective from initial construction or from the award of funding under this RFP. For example, if the property to be preserved met the affordability requirements in 2010 that expire in 2062, would funding awarded under this RFP begin a new 42 year affordability period?
A new 40-42 year affordability period would be started at financial loan closing. Depending on different circumstances there may be some flexibility regarding the length of time..
15. For a non-LIHTC preservation application, would this award now preclude us from applying for additional preservation funds from the City in the future, if we decide to purse a LIHTC preservation project in 5-10 years?
No it would not preclude a future proposal.
Proposal Submission
Applications must be submitted on-line by clicking the Online Submission button below:
Proposal Submission Deadline
Proposals must be received no later than midnight on Tuesday November 15, 2022. Proposals received after the deadline will not be accepted and will not be reviewed.
RFP for Shallow Rent Program
Revised RFP added 5/10/2022
The Philadelphia Housing Development Corporation (“PHDC”) is pleased to issue this Request for Proposals (RFP) to owners and/or property managers (on behalf of owners) of affordable housing properties with income-restricted rental units that were built or substantially renovated with federal, state, or local subsidies. PHDC is seeking owners and/or property managers who are interested participating in the Shallow Rent Program that is designed to provide monthly rent vouchers not to exceed $500/month to tenants who are leasing units in the City of Philadelphia at rent levels that exceed 30 percent of their gross income.
Please download all of the following documents:
- RFP-Shallow-Rent-Program-revised
- Attachment-A-Shallow-Rent-Voucher-Tenant-Application-Spreadsheet
- Attachment-B-Combined-Tax-Certification and Conflict of Interest-PHDC-PRA-PLB
- Attachment-C-Campaign-Disclosure-Form-PHDC-PRA-PLB
- Attachment-D-PHDC-Insurance-Requirements-for-Shallow-Rent-Program
All questions and information requests must be directed in writing to [email protected] by 10 AM on May 16, 2022. Questions, responses, and additional information will be posted on this page within seven (7) business days.
Proposal Submission Deadline and Process
Respondents must submit a proposal no later than June 09, 2022, by 3:00 PM; absolutely no Response will be accepted after this time. All Applications may be submitted either:
- Online by clicking the Online Submission button below;
(File Upload Instructions
Files are restricted to a maximum of 8 MB. If you have documents larger than 8 MB, then separate them into smaller documents to successfully upload them to the system. Allow time for the file to upload.)
- by hard copy submission that includes three original print copies in addition to one digital copy saved as a PDF or within a Microsoft Word document on a USB Flash Drive. Hard copy submissions must be sent through registered mail to:
Milagros Garcia
Housing Compliance Manager
Community Investment Group, PHDC
1234 Market Street, 16th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
RFP for Affordable Rental and Special-Needs Housing Development, April 2022
Please note that the following file was added on 5/16/2022:
Please note that the following two files were revised on 4/27/2022:
- Exhibit B – Development Proforma rev 4-27
- Exhibit B – Development Proforma with Commercial breakout rev 4-27
The Division of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is soliciting proposals to finance the development of rental and special-needs units designed to serve low- and moderate-income households using funding from the Philadelphia Housing Trust Fund (HTF), Neighborhood Preservation Initiative (NPI), federal HOME and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. This Request for Proposals (RFP) is designed to assist in providing gap financing for rental projects that will seek Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) from the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA). PHFA’s deadline to submit LIHTC applications is June 30, 2022.
Please note that any proposal that received a commitment or conditional commitment of HTF, NPI, HOME or CDBG funds for LIHTC rental development from DHCD in the past and that has not been awarded LIHTC by PHFA MUST submit a new proposal in response to this RFP.
Please note that any development with an existing commitment of a Four Percent or Nine Percent tax credit award from PHFA is NOT eligible for financing under this RFP. Also note that the development of affordable units for which a developer is receiving a density bonus under the Mixed-Income portion of the Zoning Code is NOT eligible for financing under this RFP.
Please download all of the following documents:
- RFP-for-Affordable-Housing-Rental-and-Special-Needs-Housing-Development-LIHTC-April-2022
- Exhibit A – Project-Summary-Form
- Exhibit B – Development Proforma rev 4-27
- Exhibit B – Operating-Proforma with or without-rental-subsidy
- Exhibit B – Development Proforma with Commercial breakout rev 4-27
- Exhibit C – Economic Opportunity Plan
- Exhibit D – Minority-Participation-and-Workforce-Commitments
- Exhibit E – Certification of Compliance
- Tax-Credit-Summary-2022 RFP
Briefing Session
A pre-submission Zoom conference (non-mandatory) will be held on April 27, 2022 at 2 pm to answer any questions regarding this RFP. Interested parties are urged to attend this conference. If you are interested in attending this virtual conference you can register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_NbCzbSuxTe-OsIz8vWpYjQ After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Questions related to the RFP may be directed to Mirta Duprey, at 215-686-9770, or to [email protected]. Questions must be submitted in writing by May 4, 2022. Answers to all questions received will be posted on the DHCD and PHDC websites by May 6, 2022.
Proposal Submission Deadline
Proposals must be received no later than midnight on Wednesday May 25, 2022.
Applications must be submitted on-line by clicking the Online Submission button located below.
RFP for the Production of Permanent Homeless Housing and Special Needs Projects
The Division of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) in collaboration with the Office of Homeless Services (OHS) is soliciting proposals to finance the development of permanent homeless housing using funding from the Neighborhood Preservation Initiative (NPI). This Request for Proposals (RFP) is designed to provide gap financing for the development of permanent homeless housing projects that will NOT seek Four Percent or Nine Percent Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) from the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA).
Please download all of the following documents:
- RFP – 2022 Permanent Homeless Housing NPI
- Attachment A – Key Homeless Service System Definitions
- Exhibit-A-Project-Summary-Form NPI 2022
- NPI- Exhibit-B-Development-Proforma 2022
- Exhibit-B-Operating-Proforma_-with-with-out-rental-subsidy-2022
- Exhibit-C-Economic-Opportunity-Plan-Permanent Homeless and Special Needs Housing RFP-2022
- Exhibit-D-Minority-Participation-and-Workforce-Commitments-Permanent Homeless and Special Needs Housing RFP
- Exhibit-E-Certification of Compliance
Briefing Session
A pre-submission Zoom conference (non-mandatory) will be held on February 14, 2022 at 2:00 pm to answer any questions regarding this RFP. Interested parties are urged to attend this conference. If you are interested in attending this virtual conference, please contact Mirta Duprey at [email protected] by close of business February 11, 2022.
Questions related to the RFP may be directed to Mirta Duprey, at 215-686-9770, or [email protected]. Questions must be submitted in writing by February 22, 2022. Answers to all questions received will be posted on the DHCD and PHDC websites by February 25, 2022.
Proposal Submission
Applications must be submitted on-line by clicking the Online Submission button below
Proposal Submission Deadline
Proposals must be in the format as described on page 4 of the RFP and must be received no later than midnight, Friday March 18, 2022. Proposals received after the deadline will not be accepted and will not be reviewed. The City assumes no liability for costs incurred in proposal preparation. The City reserves the right to accept or reject proposals or to seek additional information from any applicant. The City is under no obligation to award all available funds through this RFP and reserves the right to reallocate funds between funding categories.
RFP for Affordable Rental Production and Preservation Housing Projects August 2021
Note Additional File to be completed (see below): Exhibit B – Tax Credit Summary 2021 (added 9/20/2021)
The Division of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is soliciting proposals to finance the development and preservation of affordable rental units designed to serve low- and moderate-income households using funding from the Philadelphia Housing Trust Fund (HTF), federal HOME and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. This Request for Proposals (RFP) is designed to assist in providing gap financing for rental production and preservation projects that will seek Four Percent Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) from the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA). Gap financing for preservation projects not seeking Four Percent LIHTCs are also eligible under this RFP.
Please download all of the following documents:
- RFP for Affordable Rental Production and Preservation Housing Projects August 2021
- Exhibit A-Project-Summary-Form
- Exhibit B – Operating Proforma_ with-without rental subsidy
- Exhibit B – Development Proforma
- Exhibit B – Development Proforma with Commercial breakout
- Additional file to be completed: Exhibit B – Tax Credit Summary 2021
- Exhibit C – Economic-Opportunity-Plan-Affordable-Housing-RFP-2021
- Exhibit D – Minority-Participation-and-Workforce-Commitments-Affordable-Housing-RFP-2021
- Exhibit E – EOP Affordable-Housing-RFP-2021
Briefing Session
A pre-submission Zoom conference (non-mandatory) will be held on August 17, 2021 at 1:00 pm to answer any questions regarding this RFP.
- Zoom Meeting
When: August 17, 2021 at 1:00 pm Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting by contacting [email protected]
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Questions related to the RFP may be directed to Melissa Long, Director, at 215-686-9789, or to [email protected]. Questions must be submitted in writing by August 24, 2021. Answers to all questions received are posted below.
Proposal Submission
Applications must be submitted on-line by clicking the Online Submission button below:
Proposal Submission Deadline
Proposals must be received no later than 4 p.m. on Friday September 24, 2021. Proposals received after the deadline will not be accepted and will not be reviewed.
RFP for Affordable Rental and Special-Needs Housing Development – LIHTC 2020
The Division of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is soliciting proposals to finance the development of rental and special needs units designed to serve low- and moderate-income households using funding from the Philadelphia Housing Trust Fund (HTF), federal HOME and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. This Request for Proposals (RFP) is designed to assist in providing gap financing for rental projects that will seek Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) from the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA). PHFA’s deadline to submit LIHTC applications is February 5, 2021.
Please download all of the following documents:
- RFP for Affordable Housing Rental and Special Needs-Housing Development LIHTC October 2020
- Exhibit A – Project-Summary-Form Affordable Housing RFP 2020
- Exhibit B – Budgets Affordable Housing RFP 2020
- Exhibit C – Economic Opportunity Plan Affordable Housing RFP 2020
- Exhibit D – Minority Participation and Workforce Commitments Affordable Housing RFP 2020
- Exhibit E – Certification of Compliance Affordable Housing RFP 2020
Briefing Session
A pre-submission Zoom conference (non-mandatory) was held on November 17, 2020 from 1-3 PM to answer any questions regarding this RFP.
- Zoom Meeting
When: Nov 17, 2020 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting. https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUqf-GvrjgjGtx8DgVWzm3j-OgyHZSMFX7i
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Answers to all questions that were received by November 20, 2020 are posted below.
Proposal Submission Deadline
Proposals must be received no later than 4 p.m. on Friday December 11, 2020. Proposals received after the deadline will not be accepted and will not be reviewed. The City assumes no liability for costs incurred in proposal preparation. The City reserves the right to accept or reject proposals or to seek additional information from any applicant. The City is under no obligation to award all available funds through this RFP and reserves the right to reallocate funds between funding categories.
Applications were only accepted on-line.
RFP for Shallow Rent Pilot Program
PHDC is pleased to issue this Request for Proposals to owners and/or property managers (on behalf of owners) of affordable housing properties with income-restricted rental units that were built or substantially renovated with federal, state or local subsidies. PHDC is seeking Respondents who are interested in participating in a new program (Shallow Rent Pilot Program) designed to provide monthly rent vouchers, not to exceed $300/month, to tenants who are leasing units in the City of Philadelphia at rent levels that exceed 30% of their gross income.
Pre-bid Meeting
Questions & Requests for Additional Information
Submission Deadline
Respondents must submit a proposal no later than 3/9/2020 at 3:00 PM; absolutely no Response will be accepted after this time.
Please download all of the following documents: