If you are a member of the media and have questions, please email [email protected]
ADVISORY: City, Philadelphia Land Bank, PHDC and Partners Increase
First-time Homeownership with Turn The Key Homes
WHAT: The innovative public-private Turn the Key (TTK) affordable luxury homebuilding initiative continues to make an impact on the city’s housing stock, creating more affordable housing options for first-time homebuyers.
TTK is funded by City Council’s Neighborhood Preservation Initiative (NPI).
TTK is putting income-qualified first-time homebuyers into beautiful NEWLY constructed homes by lowering the cost of homeownership dramatically. The Philadelphia Land Bank’s two-pronged strategy is to contribute publicly owned land from its inventory as sites for the new construction to decrease building costs and then provides up to $85,000 to buyers as a mortgage buydown and downpayment or settlement assistance.
Invited Speakers
- Mayor Cherelle L. Parker
- City Councilmember Jeffery Young, Jr. (5th District)
- City Councilmember Kendra Brooks, At-Large, Minority Leader
- Turn the Key Homeowner
- Brennan Tomasetti, Owner, Civetta Property Group
- Jennifer Ashley, Vice President of Mortgage Lending, Guaranteed Rate
- Angel Rodriguez, Executive Director of the Philadelphia Land Bank
- David Thomas, President and CEO of PHDC
WHEN: Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 11:00 a.m.
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony: 900 Block of Turner Street, Philadelphia, PA 19122
For navigation: 929 Turner St., Philadelphia, PA 19122
Model Home Tour Immediately Following Ceremony: 928 Cecil B. Moore Ave. Philadelphia, PA, 19122
All the homes were constructed with additional installation to improve energy efficiency, feature mansard roofs, and are three bedrooms, two bathrooms.
Turn the Key Stats:
- TTK Average Monthly Payment For 3-Bedroom Home: $1,353 (average cost of rent in Philly for a 2-bedroom apartment is $1,800)
- TTK Homebuyer Average Annual Income: $45,000
- Average TTK Homebuyer is at 57% of Area Median Income (AMI)
- Average Hours of Free Housing Counseling provided to Set TTK Homebuyers up for success: 8
- Average Sales Price of Home in Philly: Over $300,000
- Average TTK Home Price BEFORE grants and buydowns: $280,000
- Average TTK FINAL Home Price AFTER grants and buydowns: $183,499
TTK Homes are on sale now! Income and eligibility requirements for homebuyers, program details and definitions, and the TTK application can be found on the Turn the Key webpage.
Ribbon Cutting is open to the press.
City Officials and Community Partners Celebrates PHDC’s 60 Years of Service
Friday, January 24, 2025, 11:30 a.m, City Hall, Mayor’s Reception Room, 2nd Floor, 1400 John F. Kennedy Blvd., Philadelphia, PA 19107
The City of Philadelphia, City Council and other elected officials and community leaders came together to celebrate PHDC, the city’s leading full-service community development agency, for its 60 years of service to Philadelphia. In 1964, City Council created PHDC, and in January of 1965, the city’s Court of Common Pleas approved the articles of incorporation. Over the last 60 years, PHDC has leveraged and invested hundreds of millions of dollars in affordable housing creation, rental assistance, home repair and preservation programs, and transformed the homes, and the lives, of thousands of Philadelphians.
PHDC Highlights:
- Since 1996, PHDC’s Basic Systems Repair Program has repaired over 55,000 homes.
- Since 1996, PHDC’s Adaptive Modifications Program has improved the accessibility of more than 4,800 homes.
- Since 1995, PHDC has leveraged and subsidized nearly $1.7 billion in Low Income Housing Tax Credits to fund more than 9,000 rental units.
Many more PHDC accomplishments were highlighted at the press conference.
Invited Speakers:
- David Thomas, President and CEO, PHDC
- Honorable Mayor Cherelle L. Parker
- City Council President Kenyatta Johnson, 2nd Council District
- Pennsylvania State Senator Vincent Hughes, 7th District
- Sheree Johnson, BSRP/AMP Participant
- Zayd Babb-Alibey, CEO/President, Alibey Management Inc.
- Jessie Lawrence, Director, Department of Planning and Development
PHDC staffs and conducts business on behalf of the Philadelphia Housing Development Corporation, the Philadelphia Land Bank (PLB) and the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority (PRA). PHDC partners with community-based agencies, banking institutions, the building trades, small businesses, and affordable housing developers. To see PHDC’s history of highlights timeline, please click here.
For more information on PHDC, please visit https://phdcphila.org/
City Officials and Community Partners Announced Expansion of Right to Counsel for Eligible Tenants Facing Eviction
January 21, 2025-PHILADELPHIA
The City’s Division of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) joined community partners and other city officials at Logan Library to announce expansion of the successful Right to Counsel (RTC) initiative. Low-income renters are entitled to free legal representation if they are facing eviction in three newly added zip codes, 19124, 19141 and 19154, bringing the total number of covered zip codes to eight.
Philadelphians in the covered zip codes, with income at or below 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Level, are eligible for RTC. Immigration status does not affect eligibility. The zip codes were selected based on those identified by a Reinvestment Fund report as having the highest need.
“DHCD is proud to oversee the Right to Counsel initiative—as well as the Philadelphia Eviction Prevention Project and the Eviction Diversion Program—for the City of Philadelphia and its residents,” said Mark Dodds, Interim Deputy Director, DHCD. “Right to Counsel keeps residents in their homes, stabilizes neighborhoods, and promotes fairness. It reduces evictions that uproot families and disrupt communities and ensures equitable access to legal representation.
RTC is part of a broader eviction prevention strategy that includes citywide legal representation, in-court support programs, and the Eviction Diversion Program. Together, these services have lowered eviction filings by almost 40%. The addition of the new zip codes means that more than 35% of all renters facing eviction are covered by RTC.
Success of Right to Counsel: FY24 Highlights
- RTC is achieving positive outcomes for tenants. Last year, RTC preserved, stabilized, or improved housing in more than 80% of cases and obtained critical financial relief for 70% of the remaining tenants.
- RTC proactively reaches out to tenants to connect them with services. Thanks to Community Health Workers at the City’s Philly Counts office, 48% of tenants contacted before their trial were referred for legal services.
- Families are at the heart of our efforts. Over half of those served by RTC were families. Consequently, RTC directly impacted the lives of 1,747 children in the last year.
- Legal advice and representation totals. In FY24, RTC partners provided legal services to over 4,400 households. Over 1,500 of these households lived in RTC zip codes.
- Tenants represented by Philadelphia Eviction Prevention Project (PEPP) partners achieve better outcomes in Municipal Court compared to those without representation.
- No tenants represented by PEPP prior to trial lost by default judgment as compared to over 40% in all other cases.
- PEPP-represented tenants were twice as likely to prevail at trial as compared to unrepresented tenants.
- Tenants represented by PEPP secured favorable Judgments by Agreement at more than twice the rate of unrepresented tenants.
Right to Counsel services are funded through the City’s Philadelphia Eviction Prevention Project budget and managed by DHCD. DHCD is part of the City’s Department of Planning and Development.
Tenants can go to phillytenant.org or call the Philly Tenant Hotline at (267) 443-2500 to access both Right to Counsel and Philadelphia Eviction Prevention Project services. Legal representation, support, and outreach are provided by Community Legal Services, SeniorLAW Center, Legal Clinic for the Disabled, Philly VIP, the Tenant Union Representative Network, Philly Counts (a part of the Office of Community Empowerment and Opportunity), and Clarifi.
Please view the updated RTC Annual Reports to see how RTC has impacted Philadelphia.
For more information on DHCD, please visit phila.gov/dhcd
ADVISORY: City, Philadelphia Land Bank, PHDC and Partners Host Turn the Key Open House for First-time Homebuyers.
WHAT: The innovative public-private Turn the Key (TTK) affordable luxury homebuilding initiative is hosting an Open House for interested first-time homebuyers.
TTK is putting income-qualified first-time homebuyers into beautiful NEWLY constructed homes by lowering the cost of homeownership dramatically. The Philadelphia Land Bank’s two-pronged strategy is to contribute publicly owned land from its inventory as sites for the new construction to decrease building costs, and then provides up to $85,000 to buyers as a mortgage buydown and downpayment or settlement assistance.
Mortgage payments for Turn the Key three-bedrooms homes are often cheaper than the average cost of two-bedroom apartments.
TTK is one of several programs supported by the Parker Administration as we progress towards the Mayor’s goal of producing and preserving 30,000 housing units.
Event attendees can meet TTK homebuilders and participating financial lenders that can help persons purchase their first home. To register, please visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/turn-the-key-open-house-tickets-1041905315847
Invited Speakers
- City Council and other elected officials
- Turn the Key homeowners, homebuilder partners and participating lenders
WHEN: Saturday, November 2, 2024, 12:00 p.m. Welcome and brief remarks will begin around 12:30 p.m.
WHERE: Deliverance Evangelistic Church, 2001 West Lehigh Ave., Philadelphia, PA, 19132
Turn the Key Stats:
- TTK Average Monthly Payment For 3-Bedroom Home: $1,353 (average cost of rent in Philly for a 2-bedroom apartment is $1800)
- TTK Homebuyer Average Annual Income: $45,000
- Average TTK Homebuyer Credit Score: 600
- Average TTK Homebuyer is at 57% of Area Median Income (AMI)
- Average Hours of Free Housing Counseling provided to Set TTK Homebuyers up for success: 8
- Average Sales Price of Home in Philly: Over $300,000
- Average TTK Home Price BEFORE grants and buydowns: $280,000
- Average TTK FINAL Home Price AFTER grants and buydowns: $183,499
Income and eligibility requirements for homebuyers, program details and definitions, and the TTK application can be found on the Turn the Key webpage.
TTK Homes are on sale now and in Fall 2024 in Brewerytown, Carroll Park, East Kensington/Port Richmond, Grays Ferry, Sharswood/Blumberg, and Wharton/South Philadelphia
Event is open to the press and public.
Home Repair Initiative Helps Local Residents In Philadelphia
- In West Philadelphia on October 18th, 2024, the Wells Fargo team and Rebuilding Together Philadelphia, or “RTP” repaired ten homes with the help of more than forty volunteers and community partner ACHIEVEability. Check out the article.
Philadelphia Housing Development Corporation celebrates 60 years of service during volunteer day with Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia
Adam McGrath, 267-218-3448, [email protected]
Jamila Davis, [email protected]
In support of Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia’s efforts to build decent, affordable homes in partnership with families in need, volunteers from the Philadelphia Housing Development Corporation (PHDC) will donate their time to paint interior walls and ceilings at a rehabilitated Habitat home in West Philadelphia. In 2025, PHDC celebrates 60 years of making Philadelphia better, block by block, through affordable housing options, home repairs and other services.
“We’re proud to work alongside PHDC to develop affordable housing solutions and provide critical home repairs for Philadelphia homeowners,” said Carrie Rathmann, Vice President of Strategic Partnerships at Habitat Philadelphia. “Sixty years of service is an incredible milestone. Thank you for building alongside the Habitat team today and every day to create stability and self-reliance through shelter.”
PHDC supports Habitat Philadelphia’s homeownership and home repair programs through initiatives such as the Philly First Home grant, which offers up to $10,000 in assistance for first-time home buyers, and the Basic Systems Repair Program, which funds critical repairs that maintain a home’s functionality.
“Thank you to Habitat Philadelphia for working with us to come up with a great volunteer opportunity,” said David Thomas, President and CEO of PHDC. “Our mission is serving the residents of Philadelphia by helping them with their housing needs. We are celebrating 60 years of service this year and wanted to create space for our employees to continue to impact lives outside of the office. Habitat and PHDC are both focused on making a difference for Philadelphians through housing. Today was a great day, and I look forward to strengthening our partnership.”
Wednesday, October 16, 10:00am – 2:00pm
1007 N 45th St
Philadelphia, PA 19104
PHDC volunteers painting interior walls and ceilings alongside Habitat Philadelphia carpenters
[envira-gallery id=”21040″]
David Thomas, President & CEO, Philadelphia Housing Development Corporation
Carrie Rathmann, Vice President, Strategic Partnerships, Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia
Amazjah Grant, Volunteer Coordinator, Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia
About Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia
Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia builds strength, stability, and self-reliance through shelter. Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia transforms lives and our city by building and repairing quality homes in partnership with families in need and by uniting all Philadelphians around the cause of affordable housing. Since 1985, Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia has built and sold 265 energy-efficient homes to first-time homeowners, and strategically partnered with more than 950 homeowners and their families to provide critical home repairs. For more information, visit www.habitatphiladelphia.org.
About PHDC
PHDC is the City of Philadelphia’s full-service community development organization. For 60 years PHDC creates and provides services and programs that makes Philadelphia a great place to live. PHDC helps residents, community groups, businesses and developers repurpose vacant land. PHDC also facilities the repair of homes and finances affordable housing projects. Supported by dedicated staff, PHDC works in every neighborhood in Philadelphia. The Philadelphia Land Bank and the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority is staffed by PHDC, and PHDC works closely with the City’s Department of Planning and Development.
Today, the City, Philadelphia Land Bank, PHDC, Fine Print Construction and Riverwards Group Celebrate 39 More Turn the Key Homes
More Affordable Luxury Turn the Key Homes Now on the Market
Philadelphia, October 15, 2024
Today, the City, PHDC and the Philadelphia Land Bank announced 39 more units using their innovative public-private Turn the Key (TTK) affordable luxury homebuilding initiative. These units were constructed by Fine Print Construction and Riverwards Group.
TTK is putting income-qualified first-time homebuyers into beautiful NEW construction homes by lowering the cost of homeownership dramatically. The Philadelphia Land Bank’s two-pronged strategy is to contribute publicly owned land from its inventory as sites for the new construction to decrease building costs, and then providing up to $75,000 to buyers as a mortgage buydown and up to $10,000 downpayment or settlement assistance.
TTK is one of several partnerships fostered by the Parker Administration in progressing towards the Mayor’s goal of producing and preserving 30,000 housing units.
Turn the Key Stats:
- TTK Average Monthly Payment For 3-Bedroom Home: $1,353 (average cost of rent in Philly for a 2-bedroom apartment is $1800)
- TTK Homebuyer Average Annual Income: $45,000
- Average TTK Homebuyer Credit Score: 600
- Average TTK Homebuyer is at 57% of Area Median Income (AMI)
- Average Hours of Free Housing Counseling provided to Set TTK Homebuyers up for success: 8
- Average Sales Price of Home in Philly: Over $300,000
- Average TTK Home Price BEFORE grants and buydowns: $280,000
- Average TTK FINAL Home Price AFTER grants and buydowns: $183,499
Income and eligibility requirements for homebuyers, program details and definitions, and the TTK application can be found on the Turn the Key webpage.
Living and working in the Grays Ferry area is a dream come true, as it allows us to give back to the community in meaningful ways,” Dawud Bey CEO of Fine Print Companies. “We are thrilled to be part of the “Turn The Key” program, which we believe is the best affordable housing homeownership initiative in the country. This groundbreaking program makes it possible for Philadelphians, with an average income of $20 per hour, to own a new, high-quality single-family home for under $1,200 per month. One of the program’s unique aspects is the $75,000 non-payable second mortgage, which is later forgivable—a feature no other program offers. We at Fine Print Construction, alongside our partners at Riverwards Group, are honored to participate in this effort to bring sustainable and affordable homeownership to our community. Together, we’re helping to open doors for countless individuals and families in Philadelphia, fostering a brighter, more inclusive future.”
“On behalf of staffs of PHDC and the Philadelphia Land Bank, we are proud to be the partner for this initiative with the Parker Administration and City Council,” said David Thomas, CEO of PHDC. “Turn the Key makes homeownership dreams a reality for residents that work hard each day, and never thought they would be homeowners. It is truly a rewarding program to be a part of.”
This is by far, the best program in the entire country for affordable housing homeownership,” Mo Rushdy, Managing Partner, The Riverwards Group. “With average buyer making $22/hr, this program has opened opportunities for so many Philadelphians to be able to live in a quality new single-family home at sub-$1,200 per month. No program offers $75,000 in a non-payable second mortgage, that later on, becomes forgivable, the way the Turn The Key program does. Riverwards Group is proud to be a major participant in this successful program.”
TTK Homes are on sale now and in Fall 2024 in Brewerytown, Carroll Park, East Kensington/Port Richmond, Grays Ferry, Sharswood/Blumberg, and Wharton/South Philadelphia
“Penn Community Bank is proud to be a key partner in the Turn the Key initiative, which is transforming lives and communities across Philadelphia,” said Lewis Cyr, Chief Lending Officer at Penn Community Bank. “As a mutual bank, our mission is to foster economic growth and stability in the communities we serve. Through our Home Opportunity Mortgage program and construction loans, we’re helping to make the dream of homeownership a reality for hardworking Philadelphians. We’re committed to continuing our support for innovative programs like Turn the Key that create lasting positive impact in our region.”
“Citizens Bank is a proud participant of the Turn the Key program,” said Deborah Mason, CRA Mortgage Loan Officer, Home Lending Solutions – Mortgage, Citizens Bank. “Our Affordable Lending products along with grants, down payment and closing cost assistance products are making homeownership achievable for First Time homebuyers across the Phila area. Our commitment to the Communities, Colleagues and Customers helps strengthen our partnerships with PHDC, Mayor Parker and City Council , Phila Land Bank and nonprofits across the city. “Together, we are creating a stronger more financially empowered community.”
2024 PHDC Housing Fair Presented by Temple University and NBC10
Largest Housing Fair in the City; Providing Resources, Programs and Services for Homeowners and Renters
September 28, 2024
PHILADELPHIA –Today the City of Philadelphia’s full-service community development nonprofit PHDC hosted its 2nd Annual Housing Fair. The fair took place at Temple University Aramark Student Training and Recreation (STAR) Complex, 1816 N 15th St, Philadelphia, PA 19121, from 10a-3p. This is PHDC’s second Housing Fair and was created to address all aspects of housing. The fair had over 70 exhibitors, and over 3,500 persons pre-registered to attend.
“This is becoming a fall tradition in our city,” said David Thomas, CEO & President of PHDC. “As the City’s community development agency, we wanted to host an event that gave our residents the opportunity to learn about all the housing resources available in the city. And for the second year, we met that challenge. We all know that homeownership is a path to help individuals and families create generational wealth, and we are doing our part to give more Philadelphians the resources and information to make that happen. We said this event is “ALL THINGS HOUSING!”, and it definitely is. Thank you to Temple University, NBC 10, Wells Fargo, the City, our additional sponsors, our exhibitors and everyone who came today to make this event a huge success!”
The fair provided resources for current homeowners, potential first-time home buyers, renters, landlords and developers interested in learning more about finding, paying for, maintaining, and producing housing.
“Temple University is proud to join hands with PHDC, the City of Philadelphia, and NBC 10 in hosting the 2023 PHDC Housing Fair at our Aramark Student Training and Recreation (STAR) Complex,” said Shirley Moy, executive director of Temple’s Lenfest Center for Community Workforce Partnerships. “This event stands as a testament to our collective commitment to equipping residents with the knowledge and resources they need to navigate the intricate landscape of housing. As an institution deeply rooted in the heart of Philadelphia, we understand the profound impact that homeownership and quality housing have on building generational wealth and strengthening our vibrant communities. ‘ALL THINGS HOUSING!’ is more than just a slogan—it’s a promise to empower individuals and families at every stage of their housing journey. Together, we’re creating a brighter and more inclusive future for all Philadelphians.”
“As the Bank of Doing, Wells Fargo is taking action to help people across the country reimagine their homeownership journey,” says Ernest Campbell, Mortgage Retail Sales Senior Manager for Wells Fargo in Pennsylvania. “The PHDC Housing Fair does the same by helping prospective and current homeowners and renters make informed decisions to find the right home for their families. I am proud of our contributions and honored to work with the Philadelphia Housing Development Corporation to help Philly residents realize their homeownership dreams.”
Attendees were able to meet housing counselors from City-funded agencies, mortgage lenders, realtors, insurance agents, contractors, homebuilders, representatives from relevant City of Philadelphia departments, legal services organizations, and other professionals in the housing industry.
“We believe that successful homeownership is a significant part of building strong communities,” said Justin Messer, President and CEO of Prosperity Home Mortgage. “Partnering with PHDC for the 2024 Housing Fair aligns with our mission to provide resources and financing options to help the communities we serve achieve their homeownership goals. Prosperity offers a wide variety of lending programs, such as Pathway to Prosperity, which provides additional financial assistance to qualified applicants in eligible communities in the greater Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Camden areas. We are honored to participate in and sponsor this year’s Housing Fair, and we look forward to the opportunity to meet with the members of the community, local businesses, and community leaders at this exciting event.”
“The whole team at Independence Blue Cross Blue Shield is committed to creating healthier communities for the people we serve to live and thrive in,” said Kortney Cruz, Senior Vice President of Government Markets at Independence Blue Cross. “We believe that a more holistic approach that goes beyond traditional health care is essential to making change happen. That’s why we’re proud to support this event and the work PHDC is doing. They understand the importance of addressing social determinants and know that by working together, we can ensure that everyone has the opportunity to thrive in a healthy and livable community.”
Homeowners and renters who needed repairs to their homes were able to get help on the spot from PHDC to start the application process for Basic Systems Repair Program (BSRP) and the Adaptive Modifications Program (AMP)-two popular city programs.
“The WSFS CARES Foundation is proud to support PHDC’s second Annual Housing Fair to help provide resources and education to first-time homebuyers,” said Ron Dutton, SVP, Director of Community Reinvestment, WSFS Bank. “As the oldest and largest locally headquartered bank and trust company in the Greater Philadelphia and Delaware region, WSFS Bank is committed to providing the tools and resources needed to help consumers achieve the dream of homeownership and unlock opportunities to create generational wealth.”
“TD Bank is proud to sponsor PHDC’s Housing Fair, ensuring Philadelphia families have the resources and knowledge to make the dream of homeownership more attainable,” said Vanessa Owens, Community Mortgage Sales Manager for TD Bank. “Through homebuyer education, extensive community outreach, and the convergence of industry experts, this event will further efforts to reduce barriers to purchasing homes, empower aspiring buyers in their pursuit of homeownership and ultimately strengthen our communities.”
The fair also included:
- Opportunity to meet financial lenders in informational sessions scheduled throughout the day.
- If attendees participate in one of the “Discover the Keys to Successful Homeownership”, they will be registered for a $500 Regency Furniture gift card!
- Chair Massage by Sponsored by Independence Blue Cross
- Kid Zone Sponsored by Civetta Property Group, LLC. Featuring make and take crafts, face painting, flower crowns, hula hoop contests, and other activities.
- 360 Photo Booth
- Games and Great Prizes
- Free PHDC tote bags upon entry
- And much more!
Event Sponsors included Temple University, NBC10, Wells Fargo, Prosperity Home Mortgage, LLC, TD Bank, Independence Blue Cross, and WSFS Cares Foundation.
For more information and pictures (which will be posted on social media immediately, and on the webpage within 48-72 hours), please visit: https://phdcphila.org/housingfair/
City, Philadelphia Land Bank, PHDC & Partners Celebrate 100 Turn the Key Homes
Turn the Key Makes the Dream of Homeownership a Reality for Working Philadelphians
September 6, 2024
Today the City, the Philadelphia Land Bank, and PHDC hosted a ceremonial ribbon-cutting and celebration of the milestone of 100 Turn the Key (TTK) homes purchased.
“This is a great day to celebrate the 100th home sold under our tremendous Turn the Key program – with so many more to come,” said Mayor Cherelle L. Parker. “100 homes means 100 individuals and families are now homeowners. It means 100 previously vacant lots are now homes. It means we continue working – every day – to create more units of affordable housing. Check out Turn the Key! It is an unprecedented opportunity with the grants and assistance we offer, and makes homeownership a reality for more Philadelphians who deserve to own their own home.”
TTK is a Philadelphia Land Bank, PHDC and City of Philadelphia initiative to build over 1,000 new affordable homes across the city. TTK puts vacant publicly-owned land back into productive use while increasing the limited supply of affordable homes on the market. TTK dramatically lowers the out-of-pocket cost of a home by providing as much as $75,000 towards a mortgage buydown and up to $10,000 in downpayment or settlement assistance. TTK is one of several programs supported by the Parker Administration as we progress towards the Mayor’s goal of producing and preserving 30,000 housing units.
“City Council will continue to provide support to the Turn the Key initiative,” said Philadelphia City Council President Kenyatta Johnson (Second District). He continued, “We recognize that through the innovative use of dollars, like those that make up Council’s Neighborhood Preservation Initiative (NPI), are the only way that Turn the Key can exist, making homeownership a reality for many Philadelphians. With federal and state housing dollars shrinking in recent years, as the City of Philadelphia, we need to fund and prioritize programs like NPI. When NPI is fully funded, we are helping residents with the Turn the Key mortgage buy-down, and the City’s Philly First Home down payment/settlement assistance, and ultimately, creating generational wealth for them and their families.”
TTK Homes are on sale now or will be in the fall of 2024 in the following Philadelphia neighborhoods: Brewerytown, Carroll Park, East Kensington/Port Richmond, Grays Ferry, Sharswood/Blumberg, and Wharton/South Philadelphia
“This is an exciting moment for the Philadelphia Land Bank,” said Angel Rodriguez, Executive Director of the Philadelphia Land Bank. “Initiatives like Turn the Key are exactly why the Land Bank was created. These first 100 homes prove the value of Public and Private Partnerships, this is the blueprint for a successful homeownership program. Now that we have it, we are focused on scaling up, to the next 100 and beyond until we meet and exceed our goal of 1000 homes!”
After a ceremonial ribbon cutting at an onsite TTK home, the interior, fully staged by event co-sponsor Regency Furniture, was open for tours. “We are beyond excited to be a part of this incredible venture,” said Regency Furniture’s CEO, Abudl Ayyad. “Our team is dedicated to ensuring that every room in the 100th home is beautifully staged with our most stylish furniture and accessories, reflecting our commitment to quality and design. This collaboration with the Philadelphia Land Bank represents a significant step in supporting Philadelphia’s first-time homebuyers and fostering vibrant, thriving communities.”
What makes TTK unique?
- In a fluctuating housing market with elevated construction costs, the Philadelphia Land Bank is partnering with community-minded homebuilders focused on improving Philadelphia. Together we have developed a workable plan to build quality new construction homes for middle-income families.
- Flexible funding from the Neighborhood Preservation Initiative (NPI) supports the mortgage or interest rate buydown that makes it possible for homeowners to purchase the house for a lower cost and maintain an affordable mortgage over the life of loan.
- Using publicly-owned parcels eliminates the cost of land for TTK homebuilders, which makes constructing affordable luxury TTK homes a cost-effective business proposition.
- Building a network of participating Turn the Key Lenders has resulted in these banks providing additional financial incentives that can further lower homebuyers’ mortgages and related expenses.
- Providing housing counseling is a proven method for more effectively setting first-time homeowners up for success. Accordingly, housing counseling is integrated into the process of purchasing a Turn the Key Home.
Turn the Key By the Numbers:
- Between FY 2023-24 the Land Bank approved the development of 724 units of affordable houses for homeownership; 460 (64%) of those housing units are either complete or under construction on over 700 formerly vacant lots.
- 103 homes completed
- 100 homes sold – and counting
- 29 homes under agreement
- 52 homes sold to City of Philadelphia employees
- $7,645,000 total amount of TTK mortgages committed
- $1,000,000 total amount of Philly First Home Grants committed
- TTK homebuyers are social workers, bus drivers, sanitation workers, librarians, administrative professionals, and other everyday people.
- Average Monthly Rent for 2-Bedroom Apartment in Philadelphia: $1800.
- TTK Average Monthly Payment For 3-Bedroom Home: $1,353.
- TTK Homebuyer Average Annual Income: $45,000.
- Average TTK Homebuyer Credit Score: 600.
- Average TTK Homebuyer is at 57% of Area Median Income (AMI).
- Average Hours of Free Housing Counseling Provided to Set TTK Homebuyers up for Success: 8
- Average Sales Price of Home in Philly: Over $300,000
- Average TTK Home Price BEFORE Grants and Buydowns: $280,000
- Average TTK FINAL Home Price AFTER Grants and Buydowns: $183,499
For more information on PHDC, and to apply for Turn the Key today, please visit https://phdcphila.org/residents-and-landlords/homebuyers-and-renters/turn-the-key/
The Arlene Thorpe Townhomes provide 27 affordable rental units to low-income Philadelphians
July 11, 2024
Contact: London Faust [email protected] 215-893-4289
PHILADELPHIA – The Women’s Community Revitalization Project (WCRP) celebrated the completion of its newest affordable housing development, 27-unit the Arlene Thorpe Townhomes, with a ribbon cutting ceremony last week. Philadelphia City Council President Kenyatta Johnson, whose Second Council District the townhomes were built in, was on-site to honor the occasion.
The Arlene Thorpe Townhomes are the latest WCRP properties developed on land owned by the Community Justice Land Trust (CJLT) which ensures the homes will remain permanently affordable. This unique partnership is part of WCRP’s strategy to prevent residents from being displaced in neighborhoods like Grays Ferry as the area undergoes rapid gentrification. The Townhomes are named after Arlene Thorpe, a beloved community leader and fierce advocate for the Grays Ferry neighborhood.
“With this new development we have continued to create homes that are truly affordable for community residents” said Nora Lichtash, Executive Director, WCRP. The townhomes include central air, stove, refrigerator, washer/dryer, garbage disposal, and common space for tenant activities. Six of the homes are wheelchair accessible and two were built with specific accessibility features for persons with hearing or visual disabilities.
“Today’s celebration speaks to the power of innovative and equitable real estate development,” said Kenyatta Johnson, Philadelphia City Council President. “The Arlene Thorpe Townhomes represent what is possible when public and private entities work together with a shared vision to ensure long-term stability and affordably priced housing in Grays Ferry.”
With a particular focus on low-income women and their families, WCRP strives to increase equity through the development of affordable housing in Philadelphia. The organization involves residents and neighbors in their design to ensure homes meet the real-life needs of the families who live there. WCRP will provide supportive services to tenants of the Arlene Thorpe Townhomes to help them achieve family and financial goals. The organization also acts as property managers, handling leases and maintenance.
“Arlene Thorpe is a fantastic project,” said John Mondlak, Interim Director of the City’s Department of Planning and Development. “It furthers the Mayor’s mission of creating homes that are beautiful, as well as affordable. WCRP is a great partner, and we look forward to continuing to work with them in the future.”
To learn more about WCRP, please visit www.wcrpphila.org.
About WCRP
The Women’s Community Revitalization Project (WCRP) is committed to social and economic equity for low-income women and their families, developing housing, providing supportive services, advocating for policy change, and honoring leadership, dignity, and justice in our communities. Learn more at www.wcrpphila.org.
City, PHDC & Partners Announce Initiative to Help First-time Homebuyers Buy Brand NEW Homes
Turn the Key Makes the Dream of Homeownership a Reality
April 23, 2024-PHILADELPHIA
Today the City and PHDC invite Philadelphians interested in becoming first-time homebuyers to the first PHDC Turn the Key (TTK) Open House. The Open House, to be held on May 8, 2024, 3-7pm, at 1234 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107, Mezzanine Level, is an opportunity to learn about the TTK homeownership initiative for income-qualified first-time homebuyers and possibly begin the homebuying process on the spot.
“Turn the Key makes buying a home possible in a challenging housing market,” said Mayor Cherelle L. Parker. “Thanks to Turn the Key, working-class, middle-income Philadelphians who could only dream of owning a home are purchasing affordable luxury homes for their families or themselves. This is for the bus drivers, the teachers, the police officers, the construction workers, the social workers, and anyone else, who works hard every day but still cannot buy a home. If that is you, and you want to buy a home, you should apply!”
TTK is a PHDC and City of Philadelphia initiative to build new affordable homes across the city. TTK puts vacant publicly-owned land back into productive use while increasing the limited supply of affordable homes available for purchase in the city. Income and eligibility requirements for homebuyers can be found on the Turn the Key webpage.
“City Council has and will continue to provide instrumental support for the Turn the Key initiative,” said City Council President Kenyatta Johnson. “We recognize that flexible dollars, like those that make up the Neighborhood Preservation Initiative (NPI), are the only way that Turn the Key can exist. Federal and state housing dollars have been shrinking over the years, making funding like NPI critical. NPI dollars are helping with the Turn the Key mortgage buy-down, and the City’s Philly First Home downpayment/settlement assistance.”
Turn the Key By the Numbers*:
- TTK homebuyers are social workers, bus drivers, sanitation workers, librarians, clerks, and other everyday people.
- TTK leverages grant, loan, tax abatement, and mortgage buy down programs offered by the City of Philadelphia, PHDC, and TTK Preferred Lenders to save homebuyers up to $75K or more.
- TTK Average Monthly Payment For 3-Bedroom Home: $1,353 (average cost of rent in Philly for a 1-bedroom apartment is $1500).
- TTK Homebuyer Average Annual Income: $45,000
- Average TTK Homebuyer Credit Score: 600
- Average TTK Homebuyer is at 57% of Area Median Income (AMI)
- Vacant Lots Already Back in Productive Use as TTK Homes: 724
- Average Hours of Free Housing Counseling provided to Set TTK Homebuyers up for success: 8
- Average Sales Price of Home in Philly: Over $300,000
- Average TTK Home Price BEFORE grants and buydowns: $280,000
- Average TTK FINAL Home Price AFTER grants and buydowns: $183,499
“I am proud of Turn the Key,” said David Thomas, CEO and President of PHDC. “I am meeting city workers, retail store employees, librarians — people who are keeping our city, schools and businesses running – and they tell me that they never thought they could be homeowners, and now they are because of Turn the Key. Turn the Key is life changing.”
TTK Homes are on sale now or will be by Summer 2024 in the following Philadelphia neighborhoods: Brewerytown, Carroll Park, Sharswood Blumberg, East Kensington, and Grays Ferry.
“Putting vacant land back into productive use the mission and vision of the Philadelphia Land Bank,” said Angel Rodriguez, Executive Director of the Philadelphia Land Bank. “What better way to do that than to turn empty vacant lots into vibrant brand-new affordable housing for families! That’s what Turn the Key does. The housing counseling, our preferred lenders, NPI funding, and skilled homebuilders interested in helping our city and not just their bottom line all make TTK unique.”
The Open House on May 8th in the SEPTA building is open to the public and press. Registration for participants is required. To register, please visit https://phdcphila.org/residents-and-landlords/homebuyers-and-renters/turn-the-key/registration-for-phdcs-turn-the-key-open-house-event-may-8-2024/
For more information on PHDC, and to apply for Turn the Key today, please visit the TTK Webpage.
*As of April 2024
City & Partners Celebrate Minority Developer Program Success & Ceremonial Groundbreaking for New Affordable Homes
Ground breaking for Turn The Key at 1553 South Dover Street. From left: JamesErb, Dave Thomas, Kenyatta Johnson, Mrs. Bey, Dawud Bey, Mayor Cherelle Parker, Mo Rushdy, Angel Rodriguez, Joseph Hallinan
Date: February 20, 2024
WHAT: PHDC and the City of Philadelphia join City Officials, Riverwards Group, Fine Print Construction and community partners to celebrate the groundbreaking for 17 new affordable homes in the Grays Ferry neighborhood. This project is also a product of PHDC’s Minority Developer Program (MDP). The project’s co-developer is an MDP participant and graduate, Dawud Bey, Owner and Founder of Fine Print Construction.
To date, through the Turn the Key initiative, PHDC and the City have approved construction of over 700 homes on vacant publicly owned land. Over 200 are currently under construction and nearly 50 are under agreement or sold.
WHO:Invited Speakers:
Mayor Cherelle Parker, City of Philadelphia
Council President Kenyatta Johnson, Second District
Mo Rushdy, Owner & Founder, Riverwards Group
Dawud Bey, Owner & Founder Fine Print Construction
Joseph Hallinan, Vice President, WSFS Mortgage Sales Team Leader
James B. Erb, Senior Vice President, Commercial Real Estate Lending Manager, Penn Community Bank
David Thomas, President and CEO of PHDC
Angel Rodriguez, Executive Director of the Philadelphia Land Bank and Senior Vice President of Land Services for PHDC
WHEN: Tuesday, February 20, 2023, at 1:30 p.m.
WHERE: 1553 S Dover St, Philadelphia, PA 19146
NOTES TO THE MEDIA: Minority Developer Program (MDP)
MDP was created to address the lack of diversity in the Philadelphia real estate development and construction industry. The program provides hands-on, business technical assistance program for small developers and contractors in Philadelphia, and helps promote wealth creation and business growth. It leverages public land and funding to create opportunities for small developers and contractors to obtain contracts for development projects, gain experience, and improve their balance sheets.
The applications process for Phase 1 began in August of 2021. Almost 70 developers applied. The developers represented varying levels of capacity from just starting out to established small to mid-size companies. There were 16 developers that were selected. Because of the expertise gained in MDP, six MDP developers were awarded proposals, helping create 151 new units of affordable or mixed-income housing.
Phase 2 was launched in May 2023. Almost 30 small-mid size companies applied. Seven were selected to participate in MDP training, which started in August of 2023.
The program provides 18 hours of technical assistance for every developer selected.
Turn the Key
Turn the Key is a PHDC and City of Philadelphia Initiative to build 1,000 new affordable homes across the city. Turn the Key puts vacant publicly owned land back into productive use while increasing the limited supply of affordable homes available for purchase in the city. Income and eligibility requirements for homebuyers can be found on the Turn the Key webpage. Prices for Turn the Key homes on average is around $280,000 and are available for purchase by qualified first-time homebuyers who apply to Turn the Key initiative. To increase affordability, 20-year notes placed on Turn the Key properties are forgivable and mortgage buydown assistance funds are available. Turn the Key participants can also apply for settlement assistance of up to $10,000 for down payment and closing costs. City of Philadelphia employees get first preference.
This event will be open to the public and the press.
For more information on Turn the Key, please visit: Turn The Key – MAKING PHILADELPHIA BETTER BLOCK BY BLOCK
For MDP, please visit: https://phdcphila.org/mdp/
Ribbon cutting at 2229 East WIlliam Street – From left: Block Captain Thurston, Angel Rodriguez.Pam Russakoff, David Thomas, Christopher Annas, Councilmember Mark Squilla,Mo Rushdy, and Lawrence McKnight
City, PHDC, Riverwards Group and Partners Celebrate Ceremonial Ribbon Cutting For 15 New Affordable Homes
Turn the Key is providing opportunities to first-time homebuyers facing tight housing market
WHO: PHDC and the City of Philadelphia join City Officials, Riverwards Group and community partners celebrate a ribbon-cutting for 15 new affordable homes in Port Richmond. To date, through the Turn The Key initiative, PHDC and the City have approved construction of over 700 homes on vacant publicly owned land. Over 200 are currently under construction and nearly 50 are under agreement or sold. Each project is moving the city closer to the goal of building 1,000 new Turn The Key homes.
These new homes will cost no more than $280,000 and are available for purchase by qualified first-time homebuyers who apply to Turn the Key initiative. City of Philadelphia employees get first preference.
Invited Speakers:
Councilmember Mark Squilla, First District
Council President Darrell Clarke, Fifth Distict
Mo Rushdy, Owner & Founder, Riverwards Group
Lawrence McKnight, Co-Owner & Founder, Riverwards Group
Christopher Annas, CEO, Meridian Ban
Pam Russakoff, Mortgage Consultant, Prosperity Mortgage
David Thomas, President and CEO of PHDC
Angel Rodriguez, Executive Director of the Philadelphia Land Bank and Senior Vice President of Land Services for PHDC
WHEN: Tuesday, December 19, 2023, at 10:30 a.m.
WHERE: 2229 East Williams Street, Philadelphia, PA 19134
WHAT: Turn The Key puts vacant publicly owned land back into productive use while increasing the limited supply of affordable homes available for purchase in the city. Income requirements for homebuyers can be found on the Turn The Key webpage. To increase affordability, 20-year notes placed on Turn the Key properties are forgivable and mortgage buydown assistance funds are available. Turn the Key participants can also apply for Philly First Home grants of up to $10,000 for down payment and closing costs.
DETAILS: This event will be open to the public and the press.
City, PHDC, Developer and Community Partners Break Ground To Build 22 New Condominiums and Single-Family Homes In Haddington, to be known as Pastor Allen Homes
Celebration highlighted Turn The Key’s diverse affordable homeownership options and provides more housing stock in limit market
Groundbreaking for Pastor Allen Homes, 22 new condominiums/homes in Haddington. From left: Brennan Tomasetti,, Vanessa L. Owens, Darrell L. Clarke, Henrietta Lemmon Barnes Allen, wife of the late Pastor James S. Allen, Curtis Jones, David Thomas, Angel Rodriguez, and Michael Tomasetti
Philadelphia December 4, 2023
Contact: [email protected]
WHO: PHDC and the City of Philadelphia join City Officials, developers and community partners broke ground on 36 new Turn The Key condominiums and single-family homes. Condominiums are an even more affordable homeownership opportunity for Philadelphians. Prices for the condominiums and the single-family homes will not exceed $250,000. Units are 2-3 bedrooms and 1.5-2 baths. Turn the Key helps put vacant publicly owned land back into productive use, while also increases the limited housing stock in the city by providing additional options for purchase.
City of Philadelphia employees get first preference.
City Councilmember Curtis Jones, 4th District
City Council President Darrell L. Clarke, 5th District
Pastor Ralph E. Blanks, Vine Memorial Baptist Church
Vanessa L. Owens, Community Mortgage Sales Manager, TD Bank
Brennan Tomasetti, Co-Founder, Civetta Property Group
David Thomas, President and CEO of PHDC
Angel Rodriguez, Executive Director of the Philadelphia Land Bank and Senior Vice President of Land Services for PHDC
WHEN: Monday, December 4, 2023, at 10:00 a.m.
WHERE: 534-40 North 54th St., Philadelphia, PA 19139
WHAT: Income requirements to purchase the homes can be found on the Turn the Key webpage. To increase affordability, 20-year notes placed on Turn the Key properties are forgivable and mortgage buydown assistance funds are available. Turn the Key participants can also apply for Philly First Home grants of up to $10,000 for down payment and closing costs.
DETAILS: This event will be open to the public and the press.
For more information on Turn the Key, please visit: Turn The Key – MAKING PHILADELPHIA BETTER BLOCK BY BLOCK (phdcphila.org)
City of Philadelphia and Community Ventures Break Ground to Create New 30+ Units of Supportive Housing
Groundbreaking at Old First House for Housing for the Chronically Homeless at 4th and Race Streets
Public and Private Partnership Creates Additional Housing for Chronically Homeless in Converted Church in Old City
Contact: Jamila Davis, PIO for the City’s Department of Planning and Community Development, [email protected],
Troy Hannigan, Director of Development, [email protected]
PHILADELPHIA, PA-NOVEMBER 20, 2023-The City of Philadelphia and Community Ventures celebrated the ceremonial groundbreaking of Old First House. This affordable housing mixed-use development will create 34 permanent supportive housing units for the chronically homeless.
Old First House will redevelop an underutilized portion of Old First Reformed UCC’s property along the 100 block of N. 4th Street. The Old First House building will include 2,656 square feet of ground floor commercial space at the corner of 4th & Race and new ground floor offices and multipurpose room for the Church. The second through fifth floors will include 34 small efficiency units ranging in size from 277 SF to 353 SF and a residential community room.
To accommodate the new building, there will be a relocation of a circa 1760 three-story building known as 151 N. 4th Street later in the week. The link to livestream the move will be provided at the groundbreaking. The building will be moved approximately 48 feet to the south on the project site and be fully renovated and restored. The 1760s building has been used by Old First Reformed UCC since the 1970s as their parsonage and later their church office space. After the relocation, the building will remain as a portion of their office space. The building is being moved by Wolfe House & Building Movers.
“On behalf of Mayor Jim Kenney, the Division of Housing and Community Development and our great partners at PHDC and the Office of Homeless Services, the City is so very excited for this project,” said Melissa Long, Director of the City’s Division of Housing and Community Development. “DHCD gave over $3.7 million to this project. This is because the City is committed to strategies to help create safe and permanent housing options. The affordable housing crisis is real, and much more funding is needed. But with the local, state and federal funding we do receive, we are able to fund projects like this and others that give Philadelphians the chance to have a home or keep their home-which is life-changing. I am grateful to be a part of this work for our city.”
“Our City desperately needs affordable living options for our unhoused population,” said Councilmember Mark Squilla, District 1. “I am pleased to have this development in the Council district I represent and am grateful to Old First Reformed UCC and the other partners on this project for bringing it to fruition.”
Since the 1980s, when then-Philadelphia Mayor Wilson Goode called on congregations to open their doors to the homeless population, Old First Reformed UCC has sheltered 30-45 homeless men in their social hall, located on the first floor of the church, during the six coldest months out of every year. This project will be an extension—and an improvement—of Old First Reformed UCC’s long-term efforts to shelter the homeless. This project will move Philadelphia closer to its ultimate goal of welcoming all of its citizens off the street and into safe and affordable housing.
“For an historic church, it’s a great new beginning. We’ve been sheltering homeless men each winter since 1986. It’s about time we break ground on providing permanent housing..” said Pastor Michael Caine, “We’re grateful and excited to be working with our partners to make a difference in the lives of our neighbors.”
“We are at this point because Old First UCC invited Community Ventures here some 7 years ago and asked us what we would propose to build on this site. We suggested that the plan be supportive housing as an extension of the work the church had been doing for over 30 years,” said David La Fontaine, Executive Director of Community Ventures, “This project has been made possible not just with the generosity of the Old First congregation but also with the very strong support from several other organizations, both public and private.”
The project has received funding commitments from the City of Philadelphia’s Division of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), Low Income Housing Tax Credits and additional funding from the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, and operating subsidy from the Philadelphia Housing Authority (PHA). Old First House will also include a construction loan from TD Bank, equity investment from the National Equity Fund, and a permanent loan from Community Lenders.
Community Ventures is a non-profit affordable housing developer, founded in 1987 to work in partnership with neighborhood-based organizations with the goal of improving communities and increasing the supply of affordable housing. Community Ventures has developed over 470 units of affordable housing including rental, homeownership, and permanent supportive housing throughout Philadelphia and currently manages over 280 units of affordable housing. Community Ventures is the developer and property manager for Old First House. www.community-ventures.org
An historical church, founded in 1727, Old First is Philadelphia’s fourth oldest congregation and one of the “mother-churches” of the United Church of Christ. It is also a lively, progressive congregation with a variety of ministries to our current day and time. For 36 years, among its ministries to homeless and economically disadvantaged neighbors, it has hosted a Winter Men’s Homeless Shelter. The church is excited by the next step forward, replacing the Shelter with permanent, supportive housing and welcoming new neighbors to Old City. www.oldfirstucc.org
Depaul USA is a national homeless services organization, currently working in eight cities across the United States and affiliated with Depaul International Group. Depaul USA operates 20 different programs providing services ranging from permanent and transitional supportive housing to jobs programs and health clinics. They assist homeless men and women to realize their potential through an array of supportive services, with the goal of giving people the tools they need to permanently exit homelessness. Depaul USA will be the supportive services provider and on-site property manager for Old First House. www.depaulusa.org
The Division of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is the City of Philadelphia’s housing policy agency. DHCD is responsible for the funding and support of housing and community development programs that benefit low- and moderate-income residents and revitalize the City’s neighborhoods. This is accomplished through effective and innovative policy development and implementation.
DHCD administers the City’s housing budget, which is funded from a variety of public and private sources, including the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the City of Philadelphia. The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) is the primary source of revenue from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and is used to fund and support housing and community development activities. Each fiscal year DHCD prepares the Consolidated Plan, which delineates how the grant and other funds will be used.
PHDC is the City of Philadelphia’s full-service community development organization. For over 50 years, PHDC creates and provides services and programs that makes Philadelphia a great place to live. PHDC helps residents, community groups, businesses and developers repurpose vacant land. PHDC also facilities the repair of homes and finances affordable housing projects. Supported by dedicated staff, PHDC works in every neighborhood in Philadelphia. The Philadelphia Land Bank and the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority is staffed by PHDC, and PHDC works closely with the City’s Department of Planning and Development. Visit https://phdcphila.org/ to learn more.
PHDC & the City Provide 26 Affordable Units for Homeownership Through the Turn The Key Ribbon Cutting

Turn The Key ribbon cutting for houses on the 3200 block of Wharton Street. From left: Angel Rodriguez, Bernard Tynes, David Thomas, new Turn The Key homeowner Shonda Young, Kenyatta Johnson, President Darrell L. Clarke, Brennan Tomasetti, and Michael Tomasetti
Creating More Affordable Homeownership Opportunities for Middle Income Philadelphians
Posted November 17, 2023
Contact: [email protected]
PHILADELPHIA — November 17, 2023 —Today PHDC and the City of Philadelphia celebrate Turn The Key’s expansion across the city with a ceremonial ribbon-cutting. Turn the Key is a public-private partnership funded through the City’s Neighborhood Preservation Initiative to help up to 1,000 Philadelphia families become first-time homebuyers. City of Philadelphia employees get first preference.
“The Turn the Key Program is working,” said David Thomas, President & CEO, PHDC. “If you are a middle-income, working-class Philadelphian and you want to buy a home, this current market can be challenging. The housing stock is limited, and many of the homes that have been renovated or newly built are out of the average resident’s price range. This program gives an opportunity for working individuals and families, many who serve the City of Philadelphia, the option to buy a brand new home while paying lower than what they may be currently be paying in rent! This program is a win-win for everyone-the city and the residents.”
This Turn the Key development on Wharton Street creates 26 units with prices range from $230-250K. All the homes are three-bedrooms, two full baths, and 17 of the 26 include basements.
“I am happy to see the completion of the first 26 homes to be built under ‘Turn the Key’ and they have been built in Grays Ferry in the Second District,” said City Councilmember Kenyatta Johnson (Second District) “These are the first of 1,000 affordable homes to be built across Philadelphia over the next several years. Philadelphia has experienced a development boom in recent years, and it is important to make sure that we make housing available for citizens of Philadelphia – regardless of their checkbook or pocketbook. I thank Council President Clarke and my colleagues for passing legislation to make this affordable home ownership program a reality. I am looking forward to the progress of the Turn the Key program in the future.”
“We’re proud to stand here at another Turn the Key Affordable Home Ownership closing today in South Philadelphia,” said Council President Darrell L. Clarke, the architect along with all of Council of the $400 Million Neighborhood Preservation Initiative, which includes Turn the Key funding. “We’re not wavering in our goal – 1,000 new affordable homes for deserving and qualifying Philadelphians.”
Turn the Key home prices will not exceed $280,000. Most homes will have three bedrooms and two bathrooms. To increase affordability, 20-year notes placed on Turn the Key properties are forgivable and mortgage buydown assistance funds are available. Turn the Key participants can also apply for Philly First Home grants of up to $10,000 for down payment and closing costs. The homes are being built on city-owned land in Brewerytown, Grays Ferry, Ludlow, East Kensington, Port Richmond, Sharswood/ Blumberg, Wharton, South Philadelphia, and West Poplar by private developers selected through an RFP process.
“As real estate developers, our company is incredibly proud to partner with the city of Philadelphia to deliver high-quality, new construction homes to hard-working citizens, at an affordable price,” said Brennan Tomasetti, Owner, Civetta Property Group. “As Philadelphians, my husband and I are proud to know our city is committed to implementing innovative solutions, focused on resolving the affordable crisis our city – and the majority of cities, across the country – are facing.”
“Community banks play a critical role in forging a path to fair and equitable housing for as many people as possible. In close collaboration with nonprofits, local governments, and dedicated developers, financial institutions like Penn Community Bank can serve as catalysts of change,” said Bernard Tynes, Penn Community Bank Chief Marketing and Impact Officer. “We are committed to making this dream of homeownership a reality for families throughout the region, including here in Philadelphia, because we know that accessible housing is the key to thriving and sustainable communities. Together, we’re helping families create generational wealth with homeownership, one mortgage at a time.”
Interested first-time homebuyers must be income eligible, submit an interest form and complete housing counseling.
For more information on Turn the Key, please visit: Turn The Key – MAKING PHILADELPHIA BETTER BLOCK BY BLOCK (phdcphila.org).
2023 PHDC Housing Fair Presented by Temple University and NBC10
Providing Resources, Programs and Services for Homeowners and Renters

October 21, 2023 – PHILADELPHIA – Today full-service community development nonprofit PHDC teamed with the City of Philadelphia to host the 2023 PHDC Housing Fair. The family-friendly fair took place at Temple University Aramark Student Training and Recreation (STAR) Complex, 1816 N 15th St, Philadelphia, PA 19121, from 10a-3p. This is PHDC’s first Housing Fair as was presented by Temple University and NBC10, was designed to address all aspects of housing. The fair had over 60 exhibitors, and over 3,000 persons pre-registered to attend.
“This is something we’ve wanted to do for a long time,” said David Thomas, CEO & President of PHDC. “As the City’s community development agency, we wanted to host an event that gave our residents the opportunity to learn about all the housing resources available in the city. Homeownership is a path to help individuals and families create generational wealth, and we are doing our part to give more Philadelphians the resources and information to make that happen. If persons are at a rental stage, a landlord or already a homeowner-we have programs and services for them too! We have said this event is “ALL THINGS HOUSING!”, and it definitely is. Thank you to Temple University, NBC 10, our additional sponsors, our exhibitors and everyone who came today to make our first event a huge success!”
The fair provided resources for current homeowners, potential first-time home buyers, renters, landlords and developers interested in learning more about finding, paying for, maintaining, and producing housing.
“Temple University is proud to join hands with PHDC, the City of Philadelphia, and NBC 10 in hosting the 2023 PHDC Housing Fair at our Aramark Student Training and Recreation (STAR) Complex,” said Shirley Moy, executive director of Temple’s Lenfest Center for Community Workforce Partnerships. “This event stands as a testament to our collective commitment to equipping residents with the knowledge and resources they need to navigate the intricate landscape of housing. As an institution deeply rooted in the heart of Philadelphia, we understand the profound impact that homeownership and quality housing have on building generational wealth and strengthening our vibrant communities. ‘ALL THINGS HOUSING!’ is more than just a slogan—it’s a promise to empower individuals and families at every stage of their housing journey. Together, we’re creating a brighter and more inclusive future for all Philadelphians.”
Attendees were able to meet housing counselors from City-funded agencies, mortgage lenders, realtors, insurance agents, representatives from relevant City of Philadelphia departments, local legal organizations, and other professionals in the housing industry.
“An event like the PHDC Housing Fair it is a can’t-miss opportunity for lenders and consumers alike,” said Justin Messer, President and CEO of Prosperity Home Mortgage. “The Housing Fair is a great opportunity not only for Prosperity to advance our mission of making affordable homeownership more accessible to all the members of our community, but also for our team members to educate potential borrowers about the mortgage process, provide resources on financial assistance programs that may be available, and encourage financial literacy. Prosperity is excited and honored to participate in this year’s event.”
“In today’s challenging environment for housing and home ownership, it’s very important to be aware of all of the resources available to help,” said Kathy Cummings SVP; Home Loans Fair Lending/CRA Strategy and Strategic Relationships Executive for Bank of America. “At Bank of America, we offer educational tools through experts in our financial centers and on our Better Money Habits site, where we can help people understand the basics of renting vs. buying, saving for and purchasing a home. We also offer access to one of the best homebuyer grant programs in the industry which can provide significant savings to those investing in their first home.”
Landlords learned about PHDC’s new Rental Improvement Fund program to assist small landlords (owners of five or fewer rental properties with 15 or fewer units) with funding for repairs to make their rental properties safe and keep them affordable.
“TD Bank is deeply committed to identifying meaningful and sustainable ways to accelerate housing affordability and stability, which is why we are proud to work alongside PHDC,” said Michael Innis-Thompson, Head of Community Lending & Development and Fair Lending Center of Excellence for TD Bank. “Today focused on continuing efforts to ensure a more inclusive financial future for Philadelphia families and educating them about the paths to homeownership. We had the opportunity to connect with aspiring homeowners about the potential barriers that so often slow the rate of homeownership in our communities and empowered them with viable solutions that can make the homebuying process more equitable and attainable.”
“Independence is proud to support this event and applauds the work the PHDC is doing,” said Kortney Cruz, SVP, Government Markets of Independence Blue Cross Blue Shield. “There are a lot of things that contribute to a community’s health that go far beyond the doctor’s office. Having access to adequate housing is at the top of the list, along with transportation, healthy food, and employment opportunities. Addressing these underlying social and environmental factors head on is important to us. We believe it will help ensure that there are better and more livable communities for our aging adult population and beyond.”
The fair included:
- Interactive KID ZONE featuring games, Make and Take Crafts, and other activities (Sponsored by Civetta Property Group and Fulton Mortgage Company)
- Games and Great Prizes throughout the day
- Independence Blue Cross FREE Chair Massages
- The Chill Zone sponsored by PhillyWorkForceHomes.com
- Free PHDC tote bags upon entry
Event Sponsors include Prosperity Home Mortgage, LLC, Bank of America, TD Bank, and Independence Blue Cross. Additional sponsors include Truist, Civetta Property Group, Frankel Enterprises, and Fulton Mortgage Company.
For more information and pictures (will be posted within 24-48 hours), please visit: https://phdcphila.org/housingfair/
PHDC, City of Philadelphia, & Jevs’ Orleans Technical College Hosted 3rd Building Trades & Construction Hiring Fair
>Contractors, Developers, and Businesses across the City sought persons skilled in the trades
September 21, 2023
Philadelphia – Yesterday the Philadelphia Housing Development Corporation (PHDC), The City of Philadelphia, and Orleans Technical College (Orleans Tech), a program of JEVS Human Services, hosted a Building Trades and Construction Hiring Fair.
More than 100 employers participated. This is the third Hiring Fair hosted by PHDC & Orleans Tech. The first was held in 2019.
According to the National Association of Home Builders, the top 25% in most construction trades professions earn at least $60,000 annually. People do not need to follow the traditional college path to get there.
The US Bureau of Labor Statistics outlines the average salaries of persons in the trades, and many fields are pathways to career longevity, entrepreneurship, and building generational wealth.
“This is the third time PHDC and JEVS Orleans Tech have partnered to host this hiring fair for building trades and construction professionals,” said David Thomas, President and CEO of PHDC. “For over 50 years PHDC has helped Philadelphians preserve and maintain their homes, as well as help build affordable housing. The goal of this event is to match qualified Orleans students as well as other trades professionals with the building and construction industry. Many companies are looking to increase their capacity with skilled talent, and this event is the connection for that to happen. By doing this we can help more Philadelphians get not only a skill, but a career, and help increase these businesses’ bottom line – it’s a win-win for everyone.”
“JEVS Human Services is honored to come together with PHDC and the City once again to host the hiring fair,” said Cynthia F. Figueroa, President and CEO of JEVS Human Services. “We are excited to bring together employers and job seekers and create opportunities that lead to their future success. Our Orleans Technical College, where we held this event, provides career and technical education focused on employer-responsive programs in the skilled and construction trades sector. We measure our success and impact by matching well-trained graduates with employers committed to offering sustainable employment and growth opportunities.”
About PHDC
PHDC is Philadelphia’s full-service community development organization. From home repair to financing affordable housing, PHDC preserves and develops housing. PHDC also helps residents, community groups, businesses, and developers repurpose vacant land. Each initiative supports amenities that make Philadelphia neighborhoods great places to live. For more information on PHDC’s programs, please visit: https://phdcphila.org.
About Orleans Technical College
JEVS’ non-profit career training school, Orleans Technical College, prepares adults for new futures. Since 1974, Orleans Tech has helped students move toward one common goal: learning new skills to enhance their success in the workforce. Ranging from healthcare to building trades, Orleans Tech offers a variety of six-month job training programs. Graduates are prepared for employment through hands-on learning and real-world experience. For more information, please visit www.jevs.org and www.orleanstech.edu.
PHDC Celebrates First Turn The Key Closing, Settlement & Move-In With Ribbon Cutting
Turn the Key initiative is building brand new affordable homes on City-owned land; City Employees get first preference
PHILADELPHIA — September 7, 2023 —Today PHDC and the City of Philadelphia celebrate Turn The Key’s first closing, settlement and move-in with a ceremonial ribbon-cutting.
Turn the Key is a public-private partnership funded through the City’s Neighborhood Preservation Initiative to help up to 1,000 Philadelphia families become first-time homebuyers. City of Philadelphia employees get first preference.
“Turn the Key works!” said City Employee who hosted the ribbon-cutting in front of their brand new home. “I heard about Turn the Key on the job. Applying was straightforward. I went through housing counseling, got a mortgage, and now have a new home. I am still surprised how quickly this all came together. I hope other city employees take advantage of this opportunity.”
“Living in Philadelphia is a requirement for City employees. City Council, the Mayor and PHDC want to give them a fair shot in obtaining quality housing and building assets,” said David Thomas, President & CEO, PHDC. “Turn the Key gives City employees and other Philadelphians a chance to buy a new home in areas that might otherwise be out of reach in the rapidly changing real estate market.”
“We’re proud to be here today to celebrate and welcome the first homeowner under the city’s Turn The Key Affordable Homeownership Initiative,” said City Council President Darrell L. Clarke, whose office conceived the Turn the Key program under the larger umbrella of the Neighborhood Preservation Initiative, a $400 Million neighborhood revitalization and preservation program approved by City Council and the Kenney administration. “As excited as we are for today, we have miles to go – and hundreds and hundreds of affordable homes to build and sell to deserving city residents and city workers – before we sleep. We’re going to keep building and marketing and selling these affordable homes all over Philadelphia. This is a good day.”
Home prices will not exceed $280,000. Most homes will have three bedrooms and two bathrooms. To increase affordability, 20-year notes placed on Turn the Key properties are forgivable and mortgage buydown assistance funds are available. Turn the Key participants can also apply for Philly First Home grants of up to $10,000 for down payment and closing costs.
“As we face increasing housing prices in Philadelphia, we need programs like Turn the Key to offer affordable home ownership to strengthen neighborhood,” said Councilmember Mark Squilla, 1st District. “I am pleased that residents who work for the City will have an opportunity to buy their first home through this great program. When you live and work in the City, you are motivated to become involved in the community and improve the quality of life for all.”
The homes are being built on city-owned land in Brewerytown, Grays Ferry, Ludlow, East Kensington, Port Richmond, Sharswood/ Blumberg, Wharton, South Philadelphia, and West Poplar by private developers selected through an RFP process.
“On behalf of myself and my partners Joseph Byrne and Danny Govberg, we are honored to be selected as developers to participate in such a great program with City of Philadelphia and PHDC to develop a great product throughout Philadelphia and selling them through the “Turn the Key” Initiative,” said Justin Veasey, Co-Founder, BVG Property Group. “The City of Philadelphia, PHDC and the Philadelphia Land Bank have done a great job assembling a strong team as well as selecting some of the best developers in the City to execute this vision. We believe this is going to be a great opportunity for so many first-time homebuyers in the city and hope to stay involved with it over the next few years!”
“As Philadelphians, Mike and I are incredibly proud to play a part in bringing more affordable housing options for the city’s workforce,” Brennan Tomasetti, Co-Founder, Civetta Property Group. “It is an honor to make an impact in the city we love. The lack of affordable housing is a nationwide issue, and we are pleased to see the City of Philadelphia take initiative, with a problem-solving mindset.”
Interested first-time homebuyers must be income eligible, submit an interest form and complete housing counseling.
For more information on Turn the Key, please visit: Turn The Key – MAKING PHILADELPHIA BETTER BLOCK BY BLOCK (phdcphila.org).
PHDC Celebrates The Launch Of The Rental Improvement Fund
PHDC’s Rental Improvement Fund provides forgivable and 0% loans to help small landlords pay for repairs to maintain affordable rental units
August 23, 2023
PHILADELPHIA — PHDC announces the Rental Improvement Fund (RIF). This program offers eligible landlords citywide forgivable and 0% interest loans to cover the cost of much needed repairs and maintenance in exchange for rent stability.
PHDC recruited landlords who had previously worked with other PHDC programs and services to participate in a small RIF pilot. After months of testing the loan products with this initial group of landlords, PHDC is ready to launch RIF to small landlords across Philadelphia.
“With the help of the Rental Improvement Fund, landlords across the city will finally be able to give their buildings the necessary updates needed to assure a comfortable living space for residents,” said David Thomas, CEO of PHDC.
RIF loans can be used for repairs and upgrades such as roofs, windows and doors; asbestos, mold and lead remediation; and electrical, plumbing and heating/cooling improvements.
RIF is partially funded by the Neighborhood Preservation Initiative and Whole Home Repair Fund.
“Thanks to the Neighborhood Preservation Initiative and Whole Home Repair funding, this program will help many landlords across the city provide affordable and safe units to rent,” said Mayor Jim Kenney.
“This funding will improve rental units around Philadelphia without passing that cost to renters,” said State Senator Vincent Hughes. “We need to make sure rentals in Philadelphia are safe and in good condition, but also affordable. Tenants should not be expected to pay a premium to have a nice, well maintained place to live. With Whole Home Repair funds that Democrats fought hard for in Harrisburg, this program will enable landlords to provide comfortable spaces for renters to live while keeping the cost of rent stable.”
RIF offers two types of loans, 10-year forgivable loans up to $24,999 and 15-year 0% interest loans up to $50,000. To qualify landlords must:
- Own no more than five rental properties and no more than 15 rental units
- Have a rental license and property insurance, unless the loan will be used to address repair issues that currently prevent the property from getting a license and/or insurance
- Be current or in a payment agreement for city taxes and able to produce a tax compliance certificate
“Everyone deserves to live in a home that is safe, healthy, and affordable, regardless of whether that home is owned or rented,” said State Senator Nikil Saval. “When our small landlords are forced to sell their properties or to forgo repairs, the loss of this housing is experienced across the city, and the repercussions are irreversible. When we create the means to shore up our small landlords, properties are preserved, communities are stabilized, and residents can stay in their homes. I’m incredibly proud for dollars from the Whole-Home Repairs fund to support this important initiative.”
“Through the Rental Improvement Fund, we are pushing back against the affordable housing crisis by keeping our existing stock online,” Councilmember Jamie Gauthier (3rd District) said. “As construction costs continue to soar, I am proud to invest in community-minded landlords that provide working class and low-income residents with the high quality, safe, and stable housing they need to thrive and survive.”
Any L&I violations issued during the loan term must be corrected within six months and landlords must maintain a valid rental license and property insurance. Landlords qualify for loan forgiveness or the preferable 0% interest rate by capping annual rent increases at no more than 3% during the loan term.
“The Rental Improvement Fund has helped me so much”, said a participating Philadelphia Landlord. “It feels good to provide a newly renovated, safe and comfortable home that my tenants can afford and enjoy without putting me in overwhelming debt.”
For more information, please visit phdcphila.org/residents-and-landlords/ landlords/rental-improvement-fund/
The City of Philadelphia, Impact Services and Community Leaders Celebrate Ribbon-Cutting for the Mill Redevelopment Project
July 20, 2023
Contact: Jamila Davis, PIO for PHDC & DPD, 215-686-9727, [email protected] or
Paul Marcus, Real Estate for Impact Services, [email protected], 267-209-0450
PHILADELPHIA , PA – Today City officials, Impact Services, Government Officials and Community leaders celebrate the ribbon-cutting for the Mill Redevelopment Project at A & Indiana. This project is providing 48 rental units of affordable housing, office space for nonprofits including Impact Services and additional commercial space.
Impact Services has been working for more than 40 years in collaboration with Philadelphia residents to build economic opportunity and community stability. In 2017, with support of the Regional Foundation, Impact Services undertook a community planning process and engaged more than 300 residents to prioritize and guide the investment of Impact Services. The redevelopment of this site was a priority in the plan to support the stabilization of the Hope Park focus zone. This building reactivation has been coupled with renovation of homes, beautification of vacant lots, regular street cleaning, and most importantly this work has been led by a group of longtme residents.
All of the work was made possible through partnerships with neighbors, local elected officials, mission aligned service organizations such as HACE, NKCDC, and Rebuilding Philadelphia Together as well as funders listed below.
“This building is an essential part of a comprehensive plan to bring safety and stability to Kensington for the residents that are living here today,” said Casey O’Donnell, Impact Services President. Just as important as the restoration and repurposing of this factory is the collaborative work in these surrounding blocks led by neighbors who have been here for years.”
Following its closure in 2009 as a paper archiving warehouse Impact Services has worked to steward the site until redevelopment was feasible. It was originally constructed as a carpet mill in 1896 and represents the history of Kensington which was once thriving with manufacturing and thousands of workers lived within walking distance of mills such as the one at A & Indiana. Impact Services has created a vision of a multi-use community site where the affordable housing and 10,000sf of office and community space is the newest phase.
“Projects like this are important to the stabilization of neighborhoods in the City of Philadelphia,” said Melissa Long, Director of the Division of Housing and Community Development (DHCD). “Affordable Housing and community development is what DHCD, and the city’s community development partner PHDC, do every day. DHCD is proud to work with Impact Services and provide funding to make this project a reality.”
With the opening of the affordable housing, 48 families will have a decent, safe affordable place to live. Many of the prospective residents will be relocating from within the community where their housing situation is not stable and rents are rising. Many of the units are supported by rental assistance and rental rates for the units are 20-30% below the area market rents in Kensington. The completion of this project is a critical step that will enable Impact to move forward in the development of 60,000 sf of community serving office space and the redevelopment of a 10,000 sf property into a youth facility in partnership with a local nonprofit.
“Our job is to find the resources to actualize the vision of neighbors,” said O’Donnell. We are grateful to have the partnerships that make progress possible. We would not be standing here today were it not for residents, elected officials, government agencies, funders, and other stakeholders who share in our mission.”
Funding Partners: The City’s Division of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), PHDC, Neubauer Family Foundation, Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA), Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh, Philadelphia Housing Authority, Citizens Bank, Alliant Capital, A Walker & Dunlop Company, Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation (PIDC), Nonprofit Finance Fund, PIDC, Sea Change, Partners for the Common Good, Local Initiatives Support Corp (LISC), Reinvestment Fund, Community First Fund, Corporation for Supportive Housing.
Project Professional Partners: Clemens Construction, Barton Partners, Rodriguez Consulting, Turner Law Legal, Becker & Frondorf, Community Realty Management, Delta Development, Marcus Reinvestment Strategies
To learn more about Impact Services, please visit: hIps://www.impactservices.org/
City of Philadelphia and PHDC Announce Phase 2 of Successful Pilot Program for Minority Developers
May 26, 2023
Contact: Jamila Davis, PIO, Department of Planning and Development & PHDC, [email protected]
PHILADELPHIA, PA – The City of Philadelphia and PHDC announce Phase 2 of the pilot program that assists in addressing the lack of diversity in the Philadelphia real estate development and construction industry, PHDC’s Minority Developer Program (MDP).
“We are proud of the success of the Minority Development Program in Phase 1 and look forward to continuing to provide more opportunities for small and mid-size developers to create jobs and expand their portfolio of developments,” said Mayor Jim Kenney.
MDP is a hands-on, business assistance program for small developers and contractors in Philadelphia. The program promotes wealth creation and business growth among minority developers. The applications process for Phase 1 began in August of 2021.
“Phase 1 of MDP was a success,” said David Thomas, CEO, PHDC. “We have brainstormed ways to improve the program to make it even more robust for those that participate in Phase 2. Our goal is to increase the bottom line for minority developers and give them the tools they need to flourish in the marketplace.”
MDP’s goals include developers to gain experience, improve balance sheets, and create mentorship opportunities with larger scale developers. Participants are able to enhance their marketing, budgeting and cost analysis skills.
Almost 70 developers applied to Phase 1 of the MDP. The developers represented varying levels of capacity from just starting out to established small to mid-size companies. There were sixteen developers that were selected to participate.
In January of 2022, PHDC launched MDP. The program provided 18 hours of technical assistance for every developer selected. Because of the expertise gained in MDP, six MDP developers were awarded proposals, helping create 151 new units of affordable or mixed-income housing.
“Getting city-owned land back into productive use while helping minority developers learn how to better navigate development within the city is rewarding,” said Angel Rodriquez, Senior Vice President of Land Services, PHDC/Executive Director, Philadelphia Land Bank. “We saw successful projects in 2022 that included MDP developers, and I am looking forward to even more in 2023 and 2024.”
“As a participant in the Minority Developers Program, I am excited to use and share all the new tools I’ve learned from the program and my mentor-The Riverward Group (RWG),” said Dawud Bey, Owner and Chairman of Fine Print Construction (FPC). “MDP helps developers gain tools and strategies to successfully apply for publicly owned land. Combining that knowledge with access to the Philadelphia Accelerator Fund helps close the economic gap between people of color and bigger majority-owned development firms. This model has helped my firm and RWG purchase several lots from the city and get predevelopment funds. This is huge for someone like me (a returning citizen) who is using my business to not only change my life, but the lives of those in my family and community! Now FPC is excited to mentor and partner with new MDP participates so we can repeat history!”
“MDP is a great example of a true practical based program that will make a difference in scaling up black & brown developers by leveraging public land that the city owns,” said Mo Rushdy, Managing Partner of The Riverwards Group, Vice President of Philadelphia Building Industry Association and Board Chair of The Philadelphia Accelerator Fund. “My company has already formed two different partnerships with black developers to build over 120 mixed income single family homeownership units as part of PHDC’s Turn the Key Program. I am so excited for the prospects that the MDP will bring to the development community. MDP is a game changer.”
The RFQ for Round 2 of MDP is available until June 23, 2023, and must be completed and submitted in its entirety by that date. No applications will be accepted after this date. Participants will be selected early July 2023. If participants applied to Round 1 but were not selected, they need to apply again.
MDP RFQ can be found here: https://phdcphila.org/rfps-rfqs-sales/professional-services-rfps/ Developers can direct questions about the RFP to [email protected] through June 5, 2023.
Questions from the press and community can be emailed to [email protected].
Visit https://phdcphila.org/mdp/ for more information.
Eviction Diversion Program Now Includes Targeted Financial Assistance Component
Contact: Jamila Davis, PIO, Department of Planning and Development & PHDC, [email protected]
PHILADELPHIA, PA-January 31, 2023-Today the City of Philadelphia and PHDC announced the creation of a Targeted Financial Assistance (TFA) component of the City’s successful Eviction Diversion Program. Eligible landlords and tenants participating in the Eviction Diversion Program may be selected to apply for a one-time payment from the City to a landlord to cover a tenant’s rent arrears.
The City of Philadelphia’s FREE Eviction Diversion Program (EDP) helps landlords and tenants resolve disputes and avoid going to court. EDP facilitates satisfactory and sustainable landlord-tenant agreements through mediation or supported direct negotiation. Per City Ordinance # 220655, EDP is required before a landlord can file an eviction in court. Landlords initiate the eviction diversion process after sending tenants the Notice of Diversion Rights (NOR).
City officials have allocated 30 million in funding to TFA. The benefits of participation in the Eviction Diversion Program are:
- Tenants avoid an eviction filing or judgment on their record that could prevent them from accessing quality housing in the future.
- Landlords save money by avoiding court fees and attorney expenses.
- The court reduces caseloads, putting less strain on the court system.
- Low-income renters and landlords are assisted with applications for rental assistance and other resources to stabilize their housing during the pandemic.
- Landlords recoup back rent owed while avoiding vacancies and unit turnover costs.
“The Eviction Diversion Program is a means for the City to help tenants and landlords resolve residential rental issues while avoiding a costly or drawn-out court process,” said Mayor Jim Kenney. “With this new Targeted Financial Assistance component, people who fell behind on their rent have the opportunity to start over and keep their home.”
TFA may be awarded if a tenant and landlord are eligible and participate in the program in good faith. The award is equal to the total amount of arrears plus one-month’s rent. Eligibility is determined after an Eviction Diversion application is submitted. Good Faith Participation means that a tenant and landlord have both made reasonable efforts to complete the program.
Over 4000 landlord/tenant pairs have participated in previous iterations of the Eviction Diversion Program since 2020. Almost 75 percent of participants have reached an agreement that allowed the tenants to remain in their residences and avoid eviction.
Between May 2020 and January 2023, the City and PHDC disbursed nearly 300 million in federal, state, and local emergency COVID relief dollars to assist over 46,500 households. For most of this period, landlords and tenants applied directly to PHDC’s PHLRentAssist program to access these funds. PHLRentAssist closed to new applications on January 2022 and had disbursed all remaining funds as of January 2023.
For a landlord to meet the definition of good faith participation, the following conditions must be met:
- Provide evidence that the Notice of Diversion Rights was sent to tenant, updated ledger account of any balances owed, and any additional issues to address through mediation as required.
- Provide current and accurate contact information for tenant as part of the Eviction Diversion Program application.
- Respond timely to requests for communication from a tenant, a housing counselor, or City-funded agency representative to resolve application issues or reach an agreement.
- Attend mediation sessions as scheduled. A landlord may have an agent attend, but the landlord must be available by phone to participate if needed. The agent must have all necessary information and authority to resolve disputes and enter into agreements.
- During mediation, the landlord must make reasonable efforts to address all lease issues that could lead to eviction in addition to applying for rental assistance.
- If eligible for Targeted Financial Assistance, a landlord must apply for TFA within 5 days of EDP application approval. Landlords will be notified of eligibility and provided with instructions for the TFA application.
For a tenant to meet the definition of good faith participation, the following conditions must be met:
- Tenant must actively participate by attending mediation sessions as scheduled. If not, a tenant risks non-compliance and the legal process of eviction.
- Tenant must attempt to address all issues raised.
- Tenant must submit all requested materials for Targeted Financial Assistance within 5 days of request.
For more details about “good faith participation” and other aspects of the Eviction Diversion Program, see questions about the Eviction Diversion Program application and mediation process, contact Cora Good Shepherd Mediation at [email protected] or the Eviction Diversion Program Tenant Hotline at 215-523-9501.
For general questions about tenant’s rights, free legal advice and possible representation, tenants may call the Philly Tenant Hotline at 267-443-2500 or visit Phillytenant.org.
PHDC Announces Finalists of Group 2 Awardees For ARTisPHL – Philly Artists Connecting Communities
Contact: Jamila Davis, PIO, Department of Planning and Development & PHDC, [email protected]
PHILADELPHIA, PA-January 24, 2023-Today PHDC and the James L. Knight Foundation are excited to announce the three local Philadelphia artists selected to receive funding to implement their community-based public art ideas through the ARTisPHL program.
Each of the three selected artists will receive an award of $30,000 to develop their project.
“Cobbs Creek Art Club” by Linda Fernandez
Cobbs Creek Art Club will be a monthly workshop for adults in the Cobbs Creek neighborhood. The monthly workshops will create an empowering space for community members to spend time exploring the natural environment and expressing themselves through art.
“The Communal Griddle” by Eugenio Salas
The Communal Griddle project represents the evolution of a fire-powered sculpture, originally designed, and made collaboratively with other Latinx immigrant laborers, to engage communities confronting food waste and insecurity across the city. This project creates an opportunity to activate the sculpture in diverse settings through a participatory re-design process. Through community engagement, performances, and documentation, the project will serve as a platform for community-building and storytelling.
“The Fourth Trimester” by Nikki Brake Silla
THE FOURTH TRIMESTER is a call to action, highlighting the lack of support Black women and birthing folx receive before, during and after pregnancy. Our intent with THE FOURTH TRIMESTER is to have ten participants in a six-week psychotherapeutic group, helmed by a licensed Social Worker, reproductive psychotherapist, and International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant, Jabina Coleman, that will combine group therapy with individually devised monologues, patterned after A.M.A. – AGAINST MEDICAL ADVICE.
“We are excited to announce the three selected ARTisPHL artists representing their communities,” said David Thomas, CEO of PHDC. “The ARTisPHL program opens the door for PHDC and the City of Philadelphia to further a long commitment to art through allowing artists to create new reflective avenues of expression. Congratulations to the finalists!”
To learn more about each of our awardees and hear them discuss the projects in their own words, please visit ArtIsPHL.com.
About ARTisPHL
ARTisPHL is a first of its kind, multi-round program designed to create high-quality, artist-driven and community-informed public art. Artists from across Philadelphia will reimagine how we engage with each other and our communities. This program, made possible with $150,000 of public funds and $150,000 from John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, supports local artists who are interested in expanding public art in Philadelphia. Full program details can be found at ArtIsPHL.com.
About the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
Knight Foundation is a national foundation with strong local roots. We invest in journalism, in the arts, and in the success of cities where brothers John S. and James L. Knight once published newspapers. Our goal is to foster informed and engaged communities, which we believe are essential for a healthy democracy.
About PHDC
PHDC is Philadelphia’s full-service community development organization. From home repair to financing affordable housing, PHDC preserves and develops housing. PHDC also helps residents, community groups, businesses and developers repurpose vacant land. Each initiative supports amenities that make Philadelphia neighborhoods great places to live.
PHDC and the City of Philadelphia, in Partnership with University of Pennsylvania and PHA, Announce Initial Successes of Guaranteed Income Pilot Program: PHLHousing+
Contact: Jamila Davis, PIO, Department of Planning and Development & PHDC, [email protected]
PHILADELPHIA – December 20, 2022-Today PHDC and the City of Philadelphia, in partnership with University of Pennsylvania and Philadelphia Housing Authority (PHA), announce initial successes of the PHLHousing+ guaranteed income pilot program. This is the City’s first guaranteed income program.
Each month, the PHLHousing+ pilot is providing 300 qualifying households selected at random from PHA Housing Choice Voucher and public housing waitlists with a direct cash payment loaded onto a prepaid debit card. The pilot will last for 30 months.
“PHLHousing+ provides a more flexible resource for participants to make their own decisions to meet their family’s needs,” said Mayor Jim Kenney. “Programs like this give Philadelphians the extra help they need to make a difference in their future. We are grateful to the partners in this pilot for supporting participants and creating this opportunity to learn more about the benefits of flexible assistance.”
Participation in the PHLHousing+ pilot was optional and by invitation-only. The 300 participating households have already been randomly selected from PHA waiting lists and the program is not open to the public. Participating households must earn no more than 50% of Area Median Income at the time of enrollment and have a child at or under the age of 15 in the household.
The monthly payment amount received by the program participants is calculated to close the gap between what a household can afford to pay for housing – generally 30% of the household’s income – and actual housing costs. This means monthly payment amounts differ across households. The funds are unconditional and unrestricted. PHLHousing+ is unique in the country for its explicit focus on housing cost burden and relevance to national programs like HUD’s Housing Choice Voucher program.
“As a single mother of five children, this program is very beneficial,” said T. Harrington, PHLHousing+ recipient. “These funds have taken the stress level down and making household decisions has become a lot easier.”
Recognizing that many low-income households currently participate in safety net programs to help them make ends meet, PHLHousing+ is working to protect participants as much as possible from any impact on the public benefits they receive, including by obtaining waivers from other public agencies that administer benefits. Invited households were strongly encouraged to join benefits counseling sessions hosted by the City’s Office of Community Empowerment and Opportunity (CEO) to understand these protections and how participating in PHLHousing+ might impact public benefits they may receive. Over 90% of participants have attended those sessions.
“PHLHousing+ Program is an extension of PHDC’s commitment to helping our residents with their housing needs,” said David Thomas, CEO of PHDC. “Because of rising cost for basic needs, persons can often be at risk of housing insecurity. This extra income can help them bridge the gap in their finances to create more room in their budget to make better choices for them and their families.”
Research partners at the University of Pennsylvania are surveying and interviewing participants to understand and document their experiences as guaranteed income recipients. An additional 900 households from PHA waitlists will be invited to participate in a series of surveys conducted by researchers. Their experiences will then be compared to those receiving cash assistance. The results will contribute to the national conversation around the effects of rental assistance and direct cash assistance programs on the well-being of children and families.
“PHLHousing+ is a truly innovative housing program,” said Sara Jaffee, Professor of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania. “The lessons learned from this program will offer invaluable insight about the impact of housing assistance on a broad set of adult and child outcomes and about the difference flexible assistance makes in people’s ability to access and maintain housing.”
If a participating household is offered a housing voucher or Public Housing unit while participating in PHLHousing+, they can withdraw from the pilot to accept the voucher or unit. Participants can withdraw at any time for any reason.
“Philadelphia really needs multiple housing strategies because no single approach will work for everyone,” said PHA President and CEO Kelvin A. Jeremiah. “PHLHousing+ supports Philadelphians in reimagining their lives and their futures. It also shows them that they are no longer on this journey alone.”
“I’m a single dad raising two boys,” said A. Walker, PHLHousing+ recipient. “Between COVID, job loss and remote schooling for my children, my finances took a major hit. This program has helped me with rent and other household expenses, and made a huge difference for me and my family.”
Funding for this pilot comes from a combination of public and philanthropic sources, including the Neighborhood Preservation Initiative bond proceeds, Housing Trust Fund, PHFA, William Penn Foundation, Spring Point Partners LLC, and the Stoneleigh Foundation.
Program partners: Housing Initiative at Penn, Center for Guaranteed Income Research, The City of Philadelphia’s Office of Community Empowerment and Opportunity (CEO), Mayor’s Policy Office, Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank and Philadelphia Housing Authority.
City Council Leaders, City Officials Break Ground on First of 1,000 Affordable Homes To Be Built Through Council’s Neighborhood Preservation Initiative
Contact: Jamila Davis, PIO, Department of Planning and Development & PHDC, [email protected]
PHILADELPHIA – City Council leaders, joined by housing officials and advocates, broke ground today on the first of 1,000 affordable homes scheduled for construction and sale to qualifying Philadelphians under the “Turn The Key” program funded through Council’s Neighborhood Preservation Initiative (NPI).
“Turn The Key,” the Philadelphia Affordable Homeownership Program, is being funded through the $400 million NPI program created by City Council in 2020.
The “Turn The Key” program will help facilitate the sale of 1,000 new, energy-efficient, 3 bedroom, 1½ bath homes on publicly-owned city land.
Using publicly-owned land reduces development costs, increasing home affordability. The first group of 25 homes to be built in Grays Ferry, at 30th & Wharton Streets, will cost $230,000 to purchase. NPI’s Mortgage Affordability Program will offer loans of up to $75,000 (subject to household income) to help further reduce the homes’ cost. The 30-year loans will be secured by a second mortgage, and portions will be forgiven over time.
At today’s announcement, Councilmember Kenyatta Johnson (2nd District) explained why the initiative was so important. “I am happy that the groundbreaking of the first 25 homes to be built under ‘Turn the Key’ will be built in Grays Ferry in the Second District,” Johnson said. “These will be the first of 1,000 affordable homes to be built across Philadelphia over the next several years. Philadelphia has experienced a development boom in recent years, and it is important to make sure that we make housing available for citizens of Philadelphia – regardless of their checkbook or pocketbook. I thank Council President Clarke and my colleagues for passing legislation to make this affordable home ownership program a reality.”
“Today marks another critical step forward for the Neighborhood Preservation Initiative,” said Council President Darrell L. Clarke (5th District). “NPI is launching the largest development of affordable housing in Philadelphia history. Grays Ferry is a first step. We have many more groundbreakings to give residents the chance to own their own home.”
Also present at today’s groundbreaking in South Philadelphia, along with Council leaders, were other developers poised to break ground on the next set of affordable homes in other neighborhoods in Philadelphia through NPI.
“I am excited to celebrate our first of many Turn The Key groundbreakings,” said Angel Rodriguez, Senior Vice President of Land Management at the Philadelphia Housing Development Corporation (PHDC) and Executive Director of the Philadelphia Land Bank. “Using publicly-owned land for this program helps reduce blight in our communities and reduces the cost to develop these homes. Using this land also increases the affordability which is important. Turn The Key is a pathway for families to build generational wealth and receive other benefits that come from homeownership.”
To be eligible, first-time home-buyers must have not previously owned a home or owned a home in the last three years, be income-certified and complete a free, city-funded homeownership counseling program before signing an Agreement of Sale.
Turn The Key will include a preference given to income-qualified City of Philadelphia employees – a preference approved by City Council in legislation earlier this year. For more information on Turn The Key, visit: https://phdcphila.org/residents/homebuyers-and-renters/turn-the-key/
Turn The Key is a critical part of the Neighborhood Preservation Initiative – but it isn’t the only element of NPI. In Year One of NPI, city agencies working closely with Council have spent or committed $100 million on an array of initiatives, including the Tangled Title program, Basic Systems Repairs, Philly First Home, Eviction Diversion, Adaptive Modifications, and Neighborhood-Based Small Businesses, among many other programs funded by NPI. For additional information about NPI’s first year, visit https://bit.ly/NPIDashboard.
Department of Planning and Development Announces Rental Assistance Milestone, Outlines Next Step
Contact: Jamila Davis, PIO, Department of Planning and Development & PHDC, [email protected]
Immediate Release
PHILADELPHIA, PA – November 7, 2022 – Today the City of Philadelphia announced a new milestone for the City’s rental assistance program: $297 million disbursed to aid 46,300 at-risk households within just 30 months.
The City’s program, PHLRentAssist, has been recognized as a national model since its launch within weeks of the region’s COVID-19 shutdown. The program is operated by community development non-profit PHDC.
In addition to PHLRentAssist payments made directly to landlords and tenants, rental assistance has been provided to many participants in the City’s Eviction Diversion program. Since January 2022, landlords who wish to file in court for eviction have been required to apply directly to the court’s Eviction Diversion portal. The availability of rental assistance to help bridge the gap between rent owed and rent paid has been critical to the extraordinary success of Eviction Diversion in resolving landlord-tenant issues and heading off evictions.
The Department of Planning and Development is working with its partners to update the Eviction Diversion program. Assistance will be targeted to participants in the updated Eviction Diversion program when that program opens up.
“Rental assistance has been a very valuable tool for overcoming landlord-tenant disputes said Eva Gladstein, Deputy Managing Director for Health and Human Services. “The coordination among the City, PHDC, and Court has helped keep families in their homes. We look forward to the continuing partnership under the future version of Eviction Diversion.”
PHLRentAssist, created as the City’s COVID-19 Emergency Rental and Utility Assistance Program, made payment directly to eligible landlords and tenants. Payment has been made on all completed, approved, and eligible PHLRentAssist applications and applications still in pending status at PHDC are now inactive and closed to further review.
Landlords who had applied to PHLRentAssist, are currently participating in the City’s existing Eviction Diversion Program, or are currently in Landlord-Tenant Court may still receive payments from other state or federal funding sources. This funding is limited.
“I applaud the work of PHDC and the Department of Planning and Development on PHLRentAssist,” said Mayor Jim Kenney. “PHDC staff went above and beyond every day to help eligible Philadelphians get the payments they needed. This expertise will be invaluable as we move forward with rental assistance as a component of Eviction Diversion.”
To date, PHDC staff have responded to over 141,000 Help Desk inquiries and partnered with 311 to handle over 75,000 phone calls from the public about PHLRentAssist. Staff at over a dozen partner Neighborhood Advisory Committees provided in-person support in multiple languages.
To see how funding has been administered for rental assistance in Philadelphia, please view the PHLRentAssist dashboard.
Landlords can visit Eviction-Diversion.Phila.gov to apply to participate in the Eviction Diversion Program.
Tenants can learn about their rights and responsibilities at www.phillytenant.org.
As of November 7, the City of Philadelphia & PHDC announced the end of direct payments to eligible landlords and tenants that applied to Phase 4 of the PHLRentAssist Program, the City’s COVID-19 Emergency Rental and Utility Assistance Program. Payments were made directly to eligible landlords and tenants until funding was exhausted from primary funding sources. To date, all approved eligible complete applications have been paid.
Landlords that applied to Phase 4 that are currently participating in the City’s Eviction-Diversion Program may still receive payments from other state/federal funding sources. Please note that funding is limited. Landlords can visit Eviction-Diversion.Phila.gov to apply to participate in the Eviction Diversion Program.
Tenants can learn about their rights and responsibilities at www.phillytenant.org.
PHDC’S Percent for Art Program Announces New Commission CASCODE: A Public Artwork by Eto Otitigbe that Visualizes Data as Design
Contact: Susan Miller Davis, Public Art Curator / Consultant, 267.294.9634, [email protected] or
Jamila Davis, PIO, Department of Planning and Development & PHDC, 215-686-9727, [email protected]
September 20, 2022-Philadelphia, PA—PHDC, in conjunction with Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority’s (PRA), Percent for Art program announces that polymedia artist Eto Otitigbe has been awarded the commission to create a landmark public art installation for Amy Gutmann Hall, a new interdisciplinary data engineering and science center at the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Engineering and Applied Science.

PHDC’s Percent for Art Program mandates that at least one percent of the construction costs for new buildings on land owned by the PRA to be used to commission an original work of site-specific public art. The Program also supports new artworks and programming through its Fund for Art and Civic Engagement.
The installation, Cascode, encompasses a mix of organic forms, natural materials and data-informed design to represent the intersection of environment, health, community and data, and its collective impact on West Philadelphia residents. Measuring approximately 60 feet high, Cascode will be completed and installed in 2024 on the facade of the parking garage adjacent to Amy Gutmann Hall at the northeast corner of 34th and Chestnut Streets.
For Cascode, Otitigbe envisions a piece that translates hard data into interactive artwork. The piece will be constructed of materials and forms that both parallel and deviate from Amy Gutmann Hall’s proposed architecture — natural stones and metals in calming earth tones that play well in natural light, paired with LED lighting that lends itself to nighttime activation.
Cascode incorporates information from a range of sources including in-person design charettes with community stakeholders, historical research into West Philadelphia, and leveraging existing data sets that relate to West Philadelphia. Otitigbe has spent the last year living in West Philadelphia and working out of a studio in The Cedar Works, connecting with community members and local organizations.
The installation will be designed to animate the building illustrating the importance of information as an instrument to promote equitable health and compassionate empathy. In all stages of Cascode’s development and launch, Atlanta-based arts nonprofit Dashboard will manage and produce public programming and engagement activities.
“I am looking forward to the impact of this installation on the art landscape of our city,” said David Thomas, President and CEO of PHDC. “This project has one of the largest budgets for our Percent for Art program, and I believe that the talented and experienced artist we’ve selected will create a dynamic display of creativity and expression for the West Philadelphia community and all art lovers across Philadelphia to enjoy for decades to come.”
“I’m excited to apply the patterns found in nature and in numbers to artwork that will endure,” said Eto Otitgbe, Commissioned Artist. “Cascode speaks directly to the work being done that harnesses data science to build equity, ensure collective wellbeing and maintain environmental stewardship.”
Art x Data Science Panel Discussion on November 2, 2022 will feature Otitigbe and other artists discussing on the intersection of visual art, storytelling, and data science. To learn more information on the panel, panelists and the discussion, please visit: https://www.dashboard.us/cascode
About Eto Otitigbe & eo Studio: Eto Otitigbe is interested in recovering buried narratives and giving form to the unseen. He is a polymedia artist whose interdisciplinary practice includes sculpture, performance, installation, and public art. His public art intersects history, community, and biophilic design by using parametric modeling and generative design to transform historical and cultural references into biomorphic forms and patterns. To learn more about Otitgbe’s work and career, please visit: https://www.etootitigbe.com/
About Percent for Art: PHDC is proud to administer the oldest Percent for Art Program in the country, with over 350 artworks commissioned for locations throughout the city. The Program mandates that at least one percent of the construction costs for new buildings on land owned by the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority be used to commission an original work of site-specific public art. The Program also supports new artworks and programming through its Fund for Art and Civic Engagement. To learn more, please visit: https://phdcphila.org/community-investment/improving-communities/percent-for-art/
PHDC, City of Philadelphia & JEVS’ Orleans Technical College Host 2nd Building and Construction Hiring Fair
Contractors, Developers & Businesses meet jobseekers skilled in the trades
PHILADELPHIA – September 15, 2022-Today PHDC, The City of Philadelphia and JEVS’ Orleans Technical College hosted a Building Trades and Construction Hiring Fair.
Tradespeople who are new to the industry and seasoned professionals came to the Building Trades and Construction Hiring Fair on Orleans Tech’s campus to seek new employment opportunities. This is the second Hiring Fair hosted by PHDC & Orleans. The first was in 2019.
“Today’s event shows that Philadelphia is rich with opportunities for our trade professionals, as it has been for centuries,” said Mayor Jim Kenney. “From the stone masons that created our City’s landmarks to the men and women that keep our city running through their work with SEPTA and PhilaPort, those in the trades are defining Philadelphia’s future each and every day. Talented tradespeople remain a highly sought-after and well-compensated asset. As you drop off your resumes, speak with potential employers, and do on-the-spot interviews, you are making important headway in your careers, the future of your families, and the future of our city.”
The top 25% in most construction trades professions earn at least $60,000 annually. Persons do not need to follow the traditional college path to get there. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics outlines the average salaries of persons in the trades, and many fields are pathways to career longevity, entrepreneurship and building generational wealth.
Employment in the trades offer:
- Career stability
- On the job training
- Family-sustaining wages/Earn a good living
- No desk required
- Job satisfaction
- Great work-life balance and more
“PHDC is a full-service community development organization,” said David Thomas, Executive Director of PHDC. “For over 50 years we have helped Philadelphians preserve and maintain their homes, as well as help build affordable housing. We built relationships with small to mid-size contractors and developers across the city. The goal of this event is to match qualified and trained students and long-time trades professionals with PHDC affiliated contractors and developers and others in the industry looking to increase their capacity. By doing this we can help more Philadelphians in need, and help increase these businesses bottom line.”
“JEVS Human Services is honored to partner with PHDC and the City to host today’s hiring event on the campus of our Orleans Technical College,” said Cynthia F. Figueroa, President and CEO of JEVS Human Services. “We’re thrilled to host today’s hiring fair that is bringing employers into the same room as job seekers with opportunities that lead to their future success. We have been providing career and technical skills training since 1974, with an emphasis on delivering short-term, employer-responsive programs in the skilled and construction trades sector. We measure our success and impact by matching well-trained graduates with employers committed to offering sustainable employment and growth opportunities.”
For more information on PHDC’s programs, please visit: https://phdcphila.org/. For more information on Orleans Technical College, please visit: https://orleanstech.edu/ & here: https://www.jevshumanservices.org/ for information on their parent organization JEVS Human Services.
City Councilmembers, city officials and non-profit partners today announced a $7.6 Million investment to help Philadelphia residents clear issues with tangled titles
September 7, 2022
PHILADELPHIA — City Councilmembers, city officials and non-profit partners today announced a $7.6 million investment to help Philadelphia residents clear issues with tangled titles that impact more than 10,000 Philadelphia residential properties. Using funds from City Council’s Neighborhood Preservation Initiative, this investment will enable four Philadelphia legal assistance agencies —Community Legal Services (CLS), Philadelphia Legal Assistance (PLA), Philly VIP and the Senior Law Center — to greatly expand their service capacity, increasing the number of residents they are able to provide with legal assistance during the time-consuming, costly process of clearing a tangled title.
“There are currently thousands and thousands of homes and properties in Philadelphia where the titled are tangled, and property owners lack a clean title to the home,” said Council President Darrell L. Clarke (5th District). “This infusion of city money – through Council’s Neighborhood Preservation Initiative – can help thousands of property owners clean up their title and their claims to owning the home.”
Philly VIP estimates that without subsidized legal counsel, fee waivers, or other public assistance, the cost of remedying a tangled title can be significant: about $9,200 for a home valued at the median of $88,800.
As highlighted by the recent efforts of Philadelphia Register of Wills Tracey L. Gordon and Councilmember Katherine Gilmore Richardson (At Large), when a property’s title becomes “tangled,” residents living in their homes do not have clear legal title to their property, often resulting in major problems in upkeeping, improving, transferring or simply being able to afford the home. Homes with tangled titles can fall into disrepair and become abandoned, often contributing to neighborhood blight.
A 2021 report by the Pew Research Center estimated that Philadelphia has over 10,407 tangled titles, affecting 2% of the city’s 509,258 residential properties. Philadelphia’s tangled properties are collectively worth over $1.1 billion, representing a significant amount of familywealth.
“Philadelphians have called for equity and inclusion, and expanding generational wealth and property ownership are crucial to achieving this goal,” said Councilmember GilmoreRichardson. “This is why investments like City Council’s Neighborhood Preservation Initiative are essential to providing residents with the financial and legal support they desperately need to combat one of the biggest threats to generational wealth and home equity — a tangled title.”
At today’s press conference, officials also heard from Mr. Bobby Blanton, a Philadelphia homeowner, describing his own difficulties in securing a clean, untangled title to his property,and how clearing his title with legal assistance impacted his household.
Wednesday’s announcement is part of a larger collaboration across government agencies to streamline and simplify the process of clearing tangled titles in Philadelphia. By working closely with city offices such as the Register of Wills, courts, non-profit legal partners, and legislative partners in Harrisburg, City Council hopes to drastically reduce the number of tangled properties in the city and educate residents about estate planning so far fewer properties become tangled in the future.
Council President Clarke and Councilmember Gilmore Richardson were joined at today’spress conference by Council’s Whip Curtis Jones, Jr. (4th District), along with Councilmembers Cindy Bass (8th District) and Kendra Brooks (At Large). The Councilmembers were joined as well by Register of Wills Tracey L. Gordon, Melissa Long,the city’s deputy director of Housing and Community Development, and leaders from the four non-profit agencies who work on a daily basis to help residents clear tangled titles.
PHDC Announces First Round of Group 2 Awardees For ARTisPHL
Philly Artists Connecting Communities
Contact: Jamila Davis, PIO, Department of Planning and Development & PHDC, [email protected]
PHILADELPHIA, PA-July 12, 2022-Today PHDC, through PRA’s Fund for Art and Civic Engagement, with support from the Knight Foundation, announces the local artists selected to move forward with Group 2, Round 1 in the ARTisPHL program.
“We hoped that the second group of ARTisPHL would continue to use this opportunity to express themselves and represent their communities,” said David Thomas, CEO of PHDC. “These inspiring submissions allow us to rediscover the power of our communities and ourselves through art. Congratulations to all these artists, and we are excited to make some of these projects a reality!”
The first ARTisPHL round is entitled, Round 1: Ideas. Twenty-nine awards were given to thirty-seven artists for Round 1. Each award is for $1,000.
The Round 1: Ideas artists selected are:
- Alice Thompson
- Amelia Carter
- Anna Drozdowski
- Applied Mechanics
- Brian Bazemore
- Cassie Jones
- Christian Noguera
- Daniel Flinchbaugh
- Donna Oblongata and Maisie O’Brien
- Doriana Diaz
- Eugenio Salas
- Guava Rhee
- Kristal Sotomayor
- Linda Fernandez
- Line El Dirini
- Mama Carla Wiley
- Mat Tomezsko
- Melissa Beatriz
- Natasha Zeta
- Ninth Planet
- Nikki Brake-Sillá
- Nile Livingston
- Pat McLean-Smith
- RiaG
- Saantis fenmu davis
- Sarah Gordin
- SHE’s GG
- Sophiann Mahalia
- Tieshka Smith and Kathryn Pannepacker
To learn more about each of our awardees, please visit ArtIsPHL.com Awardees page.
About ARTisPHL
ARTisPHL is a first of its kind, multi-round program designed to create high-quality, artist-driven and community-informed public art. Artists from across Philadelphia will reimagine how we engage with each other and our communities. This program, made possible with $150,000 of public funds and $150,000 from John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, supports local artists who are interested in expanding public art in Philadelphia. Full program details can be found at ArtIsPHL.com.
About the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
Knight Foundation is a national foundation with strong local roots. We invest in journalism, in the arts, and in the success of cities where brothers John S. and James L. Knight once published newspapers. Our goal is to foster informed and engaged communities, which we believe are essential for a healthy democracy.
About PHDC
PHDC is Philadelphia’s full-service community development organization. From home repair to financing affordable housing, PHDC preserves and develops housing. PHDC also helps residents, community groups, businesses and developers repurpose vacant land. Each initiative supports amenities that make Philadelphia neighborhoods great places to live.
Providing Low Interest Home Repair Loans for Working Philadelphians
CONTACT: Jamila Davis 215-686-9727, [email protected]
WHAT: City officials announce the relaunch of the Restore Repair Renew (RRR) program. This program is a partnership between PHDC and nonprofit service providers to offer affordable home repair loans of up to $50,000 to eligible homeowners.
- Mayor Jim Kenney
- Councilmember Cherelle Parker, 9th District
- David Thomas, CEO PHDC
- Jon King, Homeowner/RRR Participant
- Jill Roberts, Director of Advocacy for Clarifi
- Dana Brown, President of Consumer Services for Univest Bank
- Steve McWilliams, Market President for Metro Philadelphia, Republic Bank
WHEN: Tuesday, July 12, 2022 at 2:00 pm
WHERE: 1600 Block of East Cliveden Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19150
Restore Repair Renew was proposed by City Council and created by PHDC. RRR first launched in March 2019. The program has helped over 200 individuals and families with their home improvement needs. Over $3 million dollars has been invested to help preserve homes. PHDC has one community partner (Program Navigator) and two lenders to support this program.
Significant Program Changes:
- Increased maximum loan amount of $50,000 from $24,999
- Construction period extended to 12 months from 3 months to allow homeowners more time to find quality contractors and have the work completed
- Removal of requirement for loan pre-approval; clients will apply directly for a loan after they are deemed eligible by the Program Navigator and have received a home assessment
- Removal of requirement for a comprehensive work scope prior to loan approval; replaced by 1) home assessment and 2) Program Navigator oversight of loan draws
- Ability to pay contractors up to 50% of estimated cost upfront instead of just 30%
For eligibility information and additional details, visit: https://phdcphila.org/residents/home-repair/restore-repair-renew/ .
This event is open to the press.
Council President Clarke, City Officials Unveil “Turn The Key” Program To Build 1,000 Affordable Homes Through Council’s Neighborhood Preservation Initiative
Thursday, April 28, 2022
CONTACT: Joe Grace [email protected]
PHILADELPHIA — City Council President Darrell L. Clarke (5th District) joined by Councilmembers, housing officials and advocates, today announced the single largest development of affordable housing in Philadelphia history – 1,000 affordable homes to be built across the city.
“Turn The Key”, the Philadelphia Affordable Homeownership Program, is being funded through the $400 million Neighborhood Preservation Initiative (NPI) program created by City Council in 2020.
“Turn The Key” and NPI will provide funding to build more than 1,000 new, energy-efficient, 3 bedroom, 1 ½ bath homes on publicly-owned city land. Several Requests For Proposals have already been issued to develop homes, and RFPs will continue to be issued on a rolling basis until 1,000 homes are built and sold to qualifying home-buyers.
Using publicly-owned land reduces development costs and increases the affordability of the new homes. The mortgage for these 3-bedroom homes will be about $1,200 per month — considerably less than the median monthly rent of about $1,700 for a 2-bedroom apartment in Philadelphia.
“Today is the beginning of a new era in affordable homeownership in Philadelphia,” said Council President Clarke, at a news conference announcing the Turn the Key program at 55th and Poplar Streets in West Philadelphia. “With funds from the Neighborhood Preservation Initiative and publicly-owned city land, we’re launching the largest development of affordable housing in city history. We’ve selected and will continue selecting developers to build at least 1,000 affordable new homes for ownership. Philadelphians who buy these 3-bedroom homes will have mortgage payments that are less than the current average rent for a 2-bedroom apartment.”
Clarke was joined at the news conference by an array of public officials and advocates, including multiple members of City Council, the city’s top housing official, a municipal employees’ union leader, and several longtime advocates for affordable housing.
“The City’s Department of Planning and Development and PHDC are proud to partner with Council President Clarke to build these homes,” said Anne Fadullon, the Kenney administration’s Director of Department of Planning and Development. “We are looking forward to working together to create these pathways for families to build generational wealth and receive other benefits that come from homeownership. This is an exciting project that will have a great impact on our city.”
Thursday’s press conference took place at two city-owned lots at 55th & Poplar Streets in West Philadelphia, in the Fourth Council District. Councilmember Curtis Jones, Jr., who represents the district, was on hand. “The biggest investment most people make in one’s lifetime, is in their home,” Jones said. “It’s an asset that should always appreciate but in its initial phases, be affordable as well.”
Clarke and Jones were joined by Councilmembers Cherelle Parker, Mark Squilla, Maria Quiñones Sánchez, Katherine Gilmore Richardson, Derek Green, Helen Gym and Jamie Gauthier.
The Mortgage Affordability Aspect of Turn The Key Program
To make these homes affordable to households that are at or below 80% of Area Median Income, NPI funds will be used to provide first-time homebuyers a soft loan. Under the NPI Mortgage Affordability Program, soft loans of up to $75,000 (subject to buyer’s household income) will be made available to buy down the cost of the new homes. These loans will be secured through a second mortgage placed on the property.
The term of the loan will be for up to 30 years, with a portion of the loan forgiven over time, such that by year 30, the loan will be completely forgiven.
To be eligible, first-time homebuyers must have not previously owned a home or owned a home in the last three years, be income-certified and complete a free, city-funded homeownership counseling program before signing an Agreement of Sale.
In addition to first-time homebuyer and income eligibility guidelines (see chart below), the Turn The Key program will include a preference given to income-qualified City of Philadelphia employees – legislation pending in Council and up for a hearing shortly.
“Public servants are our city’s greatest asset,” said Ernest Garrett, President, District Council 33 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. “With the creation of this program, many of those individuals will have the opportunity to own a home — for the first time in their lives — thanks to Council President Clarke, all of City Council and city housing officials.”
Longtime advocates for affordable housing were present at the news conference.
“At a time when rising housing costs are pricing low- and moderate-income Philadelphians out of the opportunity to buy their first home, this initiative will help ensure opportunities for Black and Brown families to build generational wealth,” said Rick Sauer, Executive Director, Phila. Assn. of Community Development Corporations.
HELP USA, Philadelphia Housing Authority, The City of Philadelphia, and The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency Open New Affordable Housing for Veterans and Seniors
– HELP USA transforms unused Reynolds School into 55 apartments and support space for seniors and homeless veterans
May 11, 2022, Philadelphia – National housing nonprofit HELP USA, in partnership with the Philadelphia Housing Authority, the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, PHDC, and the City of Philadelphia, celebrated the grand opening of The Brigadier General Hazel Johnson Brown Veterans Center at HELP Philadelphia VI. The renovation of the former school in the Sharswood neighborhood of North Philadelphia created 55 units of housing for seniors and homeless veterans.
“Opening our sixth project in Philadelphia is a significant milestone,” said David Cleghorn, Chief Housing Officer at HELP USA. “This building will provide housing and support services to people in need. Its transformation from an abandoned building into an asset for the neighborhood and the city exemplifies the best kind of public-private collaborations.”
The 51 one-bedroom and 4 two-bedroom apartments are designated for low-income seniors, veterans, and people with disabilities. Nine units have been set aside expressly for formerly homeless or special needs veterans. The building also houses a community room, health-service spaces, and office space for supportive services.
“We strongly support this development of Veterans housing for worthy veterans who need safe, affordable places to call home in Philadelphia,” said Philadelphia Council President Darrell Clarke. “These men and women served our Country admirably; now, it’s time we served them, and this development helps us all towards that worthy goal.”
The project serves as a partner to Philadelphia Housing Authority’s Sharswood Blumberg Neighborhood Choice Revitalization Plan. This ambitious plan is already working to radically transform the neighborhood from high-rise public housing to a more residential scale by renovating senior housing and
constructing single-family townhouses.
“It is an honor to again support our great community partner HELP USA in its mission to provide homes for the people most in need, particularly our formerly homeless veterans,” said PHA President and CEO Kelvin A. Jeremiah. “Our commitment includes funding of more than $1,000 a month for the next 20
years for 49 of the units in this building, and a long-term $1.5 million loan. The conversion of this formerly vacant school building represents the latest addition to the ongoing, incredible transformation of Sharswood that PHA is privileged to lead.”
The project has received widespread support, including endorsements from Governor Tom Wolf, Mayor Jim Kenney, Council President Darrell Clarke, State Senator Sharif Street, and former U.S. Representative Bob Brady.
“PHDC is proud to be a part of this development that helps house our seniors and homeless veterans,” said David Thomas, CEO of PHDC. “Our commitment to affordable housing and community development through financing, land, and other solutions are important to projects like this. The Reynolds School, once used to educate our children, has been repurposed to become the Brigadier General Hazel Johnson Brown Veterans Center, helping house some of our most vulnerable residents in Philadelphia.”
Construction funding was provided by local, state, and federal partners and through generous contributions from the philanthropic world including Home Depot, and lead funder the Jon Bon Jovi SOUL Foundation.
“The Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation is proud to once again partner with our friends at HELP USA”, said Leo Carlin, President of the Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation. “Joining forces on this project in Philadelphia was important to us as it addresses a huge need in this community by providing not only a safe place for people to call home, but also services that can help shape the rest of their lives. The JBJ Soul Foundation has always believed that projects like this one are made possible by organizations from all sectors coming together to make a difference and we are thrilled to be one of them.”
HELP USA is one of the nation’s largest homeless service providers and low-income housing developers serving at-risk populations, including families, veterans, and victims of domestic violence. HELP USA currently serves more than 8,000 people every day at over 50 programs and residences across five states. Since its founding in 1986, HELP USA has served more than 500,000 men, women, and children and developed more than 2,500 units of housing.
About Philadelphia Housing Authority
The Philadelphia Housing Authority is the nation’s 4th largest housing authority, serving nearly 80,000 residents. PHA is also a major real estate developer. Learn more about PHA at www.pha.phila.gov
About PHDC
PHDC is the City of Philadelphia’s full-service community development organization. For over 40 years, PHDC creates and provides services and programs that make Philadelphia a great place to live. PHDC helps residents, community groups, businesses and developers repurpose vacant land. PHDC also facilitates the repair of homes and finances affordable housing projects. Supported by dedicated staff, PHDC works in every neighborhood in Philadelphia. The Philadelphia Land Bank and the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority is staffed by PHDC, and PHDC works closely with the City’s Department of Planning and Development.
Hugely Successful Philly First Home Program Reopens; Provides Closing Cost and Down Payment Assistance
PHILADELPHIA-May 2, 2022-Today the City, Division of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), and PHDC announce the Philly First Home program, the City’s down payment assistance program, reopens today.
Philly First Home program provides up to $10,000 (or 6% of the purchase price, whichever is less) in assistance. The recipient must:
- Be a first-time homebuyer or a buyer who has not owned a home for at least three years
- Purchase a home in Philadelphia
- Have a household income at or below 100% Area Median Income (AMI)
- Complete housing counseling at a DHCD funded housing counseling agency
“We are proud to relaunch the hugely successful Philly First Home program, one more tool in the City’s toolbox to help make home ownership a reality for our residents,” said Mayor Jim Kenney. “As Philadelphia continues to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic impact, I look forward to seeing this vital program reopen and help even more Philadelphians own their own homes.”
This program was designed to help make homeownership more accessible. The Philly First Home program funds can be used towards a down payment and/or closing costs.
The first iteration of the program began in June of 2019. The program closed in September of 2020 after all the funds were spent. Over $24 million of assistance was provided to new homeowners through the program.
Some General Philly First Home Stats:
- Over 27,00 grants were committed
- 58% of participants were Black
- 26% were Hispanic
- 19% were White
- 3% were Asian
- 17% were of more than one race
- The median debt-to-income ratio was 32%
- 50% of homes were purchased for under $175,000
- Average grant amount: $8,983.33
- 60% of participating households moved into a house less than three miles from their previous address
“City Council is proud to continue supporting Philly First Home,” said Council President Darrell L. Clarke (5th District). “Buying a home is the most significant investment most people will ever make, and anything that city government can do to assist that big step for first-time homebuyers, and to help them build wealth and generational equity for themselves and their families, is very positive. Whether it’s assisting homebuyers to purchase their first home, or working together with city housing officials to build new affordable homes, City Council will do everything in its power to help Philadelphians who want to live here, work here and raise their families here.”
Financial assistance provided by the program will become a lien on the property subordinated to the first mortgage. During the first 15 years of ownership, the lien will become due and payable upon the sale or lease of the home or the refinancing of the first mortgage to take cash out of the property. Upon completion of the 15 years of ownership, the lien shall be fully forgiven.
“The most affordable home is the one you own,” said Councilmember Cherelle Parker (District 9). “That’s why I am unapologetic about my advocacy for homeownership because it puts people on a path to self-sufficiency. The Philly First Home program gives people the tools they need to start building generational wealth that they can pass on to their families and own their slice of the American dream.”
Interested future homeowners can contact DHCD funded Housing Counseling agencies starting May 2, 2022. To learn more about DHCD’s housing counseling agencies, please visit: https://www.phila.gov/departments/division-of-housing-and-community-development/neighborhood-resources/housing-counseling/
PHLRentAssist Helps Over 39,000 Households & Over 2500 Renters Saved From Eviction Through City’s Program
City of Philadelphia Welcomes US Deputy Secretary Adeyemo & Governor Wolfto Discuss Success of COVID-19 Related Rental Assistance Efforts
Contact: Jamila Davis, PIO, Department of Planning and Development & PHDC, [email protected]
March 9, 2022
WHAT: In May of 2020, the Division of Housing and Community Development (DHCD and PHDC launched the City of Philadelphia’s rental assistance program, PHLRentAssist. Over 39,000 households benefited from over $253 million in rental assistance and utility payments over four phases. Although applications closed in January of 2022 due to limited funding, as new funding is allocated to Philadelphia, qualified approved applications already received are still being processed. The PHLRentAssist Dashboard provides up to date spending information.
DHCD also launched an Eviction Diversion program in September 2020 to help landlords and tenants come to an agreement. Over 2000 renters have avoided eviction due to the program.
WHO: Federal, State and City Officials discuss Philadelphia’s successful launch and implementation of PHLRentAssist and the Eviction Diversion Program.
- Melissa Long, Director, Division of Housing and Community Development (DHCD)
- Mayor Jim Kenney, City of Philadelphia
- US Treasury Deputy Secretary, Wally Adeyemo
- Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf
- Eva Gladstein, Deputy Managing Director, Health and Human Services
- Dave Thomas, CEO, PHDC
- Ms. Diane Dantzler, PHLRentAssist Recipient
WHEN: Thursday, March 10, 2022, 2:00 p.m.
WHERE: OUTSIDE of City Hall, North Apron (near the Flag Poles)
DETAILS: This event is open to the public and the press.
Public live stream: This briefing will be streamed live on Philadelphia’s Department of Planning and Development Facebook page.
PHDC and The Knight Foundation Announce Applications for GROUP 2 of ART IS PHL
Public Art to Empower, Connect and Engage Communities
Contact: Jamila Davis, PIO, Department of Planning and Development & PHDC, [email protected]
PHILADELPHIA, PA-February 18, 2022-PHDC announced today that ARTISPHL is now accepting applications to participate in GROUP 2 of the program. There are three rounds, with awards at each round: Ideas, Impact, and Implementation.
ARTISPHL, first launched in July 2020, is a first of its kind, multi-phased program designed to create high-quality, artist-driven and community-informed public art. This program is made possible with $150,000 of public funds and $150,000 from John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.
In Group 1 local artists from across Philadelphia reimagined engagement within communities. Three finalists from Group 1 are currently working on their final products. Their journey is detailed on the website.
“We received a great response to the first iteration of ARTISPHL,” said David Thomas, CEO of PHDC. “Over 150 artists participated in Group 1, giving us really interesting concepts to review. We saw the artists progress, and the competition tightened from Round 1 to Round 2 and then Round 3. Right now there are three talented artists (Round 3 Finalists) working on something that will showcase the multifaceted dynamic of Philadelphia. I’m looking forward to seeing the results of these applications and how artists who apply for Group 2 will make a positive impact and progress through the rounds as well.”
Submissions are now being accepted to participate in the program. The program is open to any Philadelphia-based artist at any experience level, working in any medium. The requirement is that applicants address the central question of “What does engagement mean today?” A review committee of diverse arts professionals will select up to 50 exemplary proposals to receive awards of $1,000 each. Those selected can progress to apply for Round 2.
Full eligibility and proposal requirements can be found at ARTISPHLcom. The deadline for proposals is Friday, April 29, 2022 by 4:00 p.m.
Knight Foundation is a national foundation with strong local roots. We invest in journalism, in the arts, and in the success of cities where brothers John S. and James L. Knight once published newspapers. Our goal is to foster informed and engaged communities, which we believe are essential for a healthy democracy.
PHDC is Philadelphia’s full-service community development organization. Its work includes home repair programs, rental assistance, reactivating public land, and financing affordable housing with the goal of building equitable communities. Each PHDC initiative supports amenities that make Philadelphia neighborhoods great places to live.
City Launches Housing and Neighborhood Survey
Assessment of Fair Housing Survey Provides Framework for City Housing Plan
PHILADELPHIA, PA-February 1, 2022- Today the City of Philadelphia’s Division of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), partnering with the Urban Institute and Reinvestment Fund, released a housing and neighborhood survey-Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH).
The AFH survey will assess how Philadelphians feel about their current housing, community and housing options. The results of the survey will be used to help shape Philadelphia’s housing and neighborhood investment plans.
AFH Survey Goals include:
- Expand fair housing outreach, education and enforcement
- Ensure open access to all housing resources and programs
- Preserve existing affordable rental and homeownership housing
- Develop new affordable rental and homeownership opportunities
- Expand accessible and affordable housing for persons with disabilities
- Expand permanent housing opportunities for homeless and special needs populations
- Use a coordinated approach to invest in struggling communities
- Enhance and expand resident mobility
- Address the education, economic and income needs of people and neighborhoods
“The AFH survey is a vehicle for resident input and engagement. The results will be used to create meaningful actions to address housing challenges and improve communities,” said Mayor Jim Kenney. “The results will be examined by citizens and decision-makers, and will help inform policy and improvements for neighborhoods across the city in the future.”
DHCD conducted a similar survey in 2016. The results from that survey were used to inform housing programs and improvements to public spaces, and were a part of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) initiative.
This survey takes about 10-20 minutes to complete. Answers are confidential. At the end of the survey, zip codes are requested to be able to group answers together based on area of the city. Response deadline is February 28, 2022.
For all Philadelphia residents, the survey can be found: https://phdcphila.org/2022-philadelphia-housing-and-neighborhood-survey/ OR bit.ly/3rRDtZa. The survey can be found in eight (8) different languages – English, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, French, Portuguese, Russian, and Vietnamese.
City & PHDC Announce Closure of Phase 4 of the COVID-19 Emergency Rental and Utility Assistance Program
Contact: Jamila Davis, PIO, Department of Planning and Development & PHDC,[email protected]
PHILADELPHIA, PA – January 6, 2022 -Today the City of Philadelphia & PHDC announce the closure of Phase 4 of the PHLRentAssist Program-the City’s COVID-19 Emergency Rental and Utility Assistance Program.
The City & PHDC has administered four phases of the PHLRentAssistProgram. The program helped people pay their rent who have experienced financial hardship because of COVID-19. Phase 4 included utilities.
Since May of 2020, the City has helped more than 38,000 households, disbursing more than $248M to families and individuals affected by COVID-19. The program’s dashboard details spending and will continue to be updated on a regular basis.
The closure of the program is effective 5:00 p.m. on January 7, 2022. At that time new applications cannot be submitted. New applications will not be accepted due to limited remaining funds. PHDC will continue to review and process applications already in the system.
Applications currently in the pipeline are being reviewed and will be paid out of remaining funds until they are exhausted. Any additional funds received from the Federal or State Government will be used for applications already in the pipeline.
Landlords and tenants who have been contacted by PHDC requesting additional information to process their application should respond, log in and make those necessary changes. Landlords and tenants that have already applied prior to the deadline will continue to be able to visit https://rent-assist.phila.gov/#/ to add any necessary documentation that is requested and check the status of their application.
Starting January 10, 2022, the City’s Eviction Diversion program will continue under a new process. Landlords are required to apply directly to the Eviction Diversion portal and mediations will be set up for tenants who want to negotiate with their landlord. Landlords can visit Eviction-Diversion.Phila.gov to apply.
Tenants can learn about their rights and responsibilities at www.phillytenant.org.
City of Philadelphia and PHDC Announce the Developers Selected to participate in PHDC’s Minority Developer Program (MDP).
Contact: Jamila Davis, PIO, Department of Planning and Development & PHDC,[email protected]
December 13, 2021
PHILADELPHIA, PA – The City of Philadelphia and PHDC announce the developers selected to participate in PHDC’s Minority Developer Program (MDP).
In August 2021 PHDC launched a new pilot program to assist in addressing the lack of diversity in the Philadelphia real estate development and construction industry. MDP is a hands-on, business assistance program for small developers and contractors in Philadelphia. The program is designed to promote wealth creation and business growth among minority developers.
“Minority developers and contractors in Philadelphia have been underrepresented for far too long,” said Mayor Jim Kenney. “As we continue to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, create jobs, and work towards creating a more equitable city for all, we are excited the participants for the new Minority Developer Program (MDP) have been selected and look forward to the results.”
Almost 70 developers have been identified for participation in the program. The developers represent various levels of capacity from just starting out to established small to mid-size companies. PHDC has tailored a menu of services to assist developers in increasing their expertise in development. MDP will provide technical assistance, development opportunities and the mentor/mentee relationship with established large-scale developers to assist all participants to grow to the next phase of business development.
“We received several qualified applicants, as well as many who would benefit from the educational training portion of our program,” said David Thomas, CEO, PHDC. “I am excited to enter Phase 1 of the MDP Pilot and start putting these selected developers through our training. This pilot program creates a direct pipeline to business opportunities that are often harder to access for minority and small developers. The goal is to be an economic generator for communities for color.”
MDP will provide technical assistance, as well as leverage public land and funding to create opportunities for minority developers to obtain contracts for real estate development projects.
“MDP is one of the vehicles PHDC and the Land Bank will use to put vacant land into productive use,” said Angel Rodriquez, Senior Vice President of Land Services, PHDC/Executive Director, Philadelphia Land Bank. “Our goal is to utilize these developers to increase our affordable housing stock in our city, while simultaneously increasing minority developer’s bottom-line. This is a win-win program, and looking forward to the results.”
MDP’s goal is for developers to gain experience, improve balance sheets, and create mentorship opportunities with larger scale developers in the City. Marketing, budgeting, cost analysis and all aspects of development will be covered in the program.
“As one of the staunch supporters of the MDP from its inception, West Powelton Development (WPDC) believes in PHDC’s vision and commitment of assisting Black and Brown developers by helping them to level the playing field in the real estate industry,” said Anthony Fullard, President of West Powelton Development Corporation. “WPDC believes it is the right time for a program like this to flourish and be sustained for years to come. To ensure black and brown developers can acquire land from the city, learn how to obtain loans and funds for their development’s projects, receive proper training in how to do business with the City of Philadelphia, and help rebuild in their own communities to make them better for people who look like them are all reasons why MDP is so important.”
“Minority developers and minority contractors matter, as we all seek a Philadelphia economy where all have the opportunity to develop business and grow,” said Council President Darrell L. Clarke (5th District). “City Council supports the Minority Developer Program fully.”
In the first quarter of 2022, PHDC will add the mentor component to the MDP program.
“Land is an important resource that the city possess,” said Mo Rushdy, Managing Partner of The Riverwards Group, Vice President of Philadelphia Building Industry Association and Board Chair of The Philadelphia Accelerator Fund. “When land is used correctly we can work together to reach the City’s housing affordability and minority participation goals. MDP also will build necessary connections and business networks. MDP leverages partnerships between developers of various skill and experience levels to increase the knowledge and bottom line of minority developers. This is a great effort in merging the public sector with the private sector. Great effort by the City of Philadelphia, Mr. Thomas, Mr. Rodriguez and the entire team at PHDC. I look forward to supporting the program in the future.”
The pilot begins in January 2022.
Parkway Corporation Dedicates ContraFuerte Sculpture
Sculpture in Philadelphia’s Convention District Furthers the Area’s Renaissance
Contact: Jamila Davis, PIO, Department of Planning and Development & PHDC, [email protected]
September 23, 2021
PHILADELPHIA On Thursday, September 23, 2021, Parkway Corporation, Wurzak Hotel Group, Glenmont Capital, and the PHDC dedicated “ContraFuerte.” This uniquely designed sculpture is the third and final phase of a 40-year vision for development that includes a 900-space parking garage, 40,000 SF of retail and the 246-room Home2 Suites Hotel by Hilton.
The dramatic art piece is uniquely positioned on the sides of an automotive bridge connecting the parking garage and hotel and consists of large-scale human figures designed to look as though they are supporting each other.
“Since 1930, Parkway has been a major redeveloper of the City of Philadelphia,” Robert Zuritsky, CEO of Parkway said. “Parkway has been involved in significant and transformative developments throughout our history – from office developments like Liberty Place and current construction of the Morgan Lewis Tower to residential projects like 1706 Rittenhouse and Hanover North, to medical facilities such as the development of Walnut Towers and in the hospitality industry with the Home2 Suites and Motto Hotel. We are proud to unveil ContraFuerte by this renowned artist, Miguel Horn, and believe this is another transformative project.”
Parkway has sponsored over a dozen major public art projects in the city. It is expected that ContraFuerte, located on the doorstep of Reading Terminal Market, will become an important cultural landmark.
“We are proud to have worked with Miguel to commission this piece,” Zuritsky shared. “Its beauty provokes thought and consideration of how individuals support each other for a greater good.”
The aluminum sculpture was commissioned as part of the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority’s 1% for Art Program. This is the third project that Parkway Corporation has done with the PRA.
“We are thrilled to join Parkway Corporation to celebrate this exciting and significant new work by Miguel Horn, commissioned as part of PHDC’s Percent for Art program,” said Gregory Heller, Senior Vice President of Community Investment, PHDC. “Since its inception 62 years ago, Percent for Art has led to hundreds of original artworks across Philadelphia’s civic landscape. Today the program places a focus on diverse artists and meaningful community engagement—viewing public art as an inspiring force that can lift up unheard voices, tell a spectrum of stories, and engage all of our people.”
Miguel Horn, renowned artist and creator of ContraFuerte cited the significance behind the piece, “From a broad perspective, the message of ContraFuerte reinforces the notion of strength through unity and the capacity of individuals to serve as a force for good through collective action. This piece was inspired by the happenings of a contemporary world, from events that unfolded between 2016 through the time of its installation in 2021, while also reflecting the countless instances of people coming together to organize and take action throughout history.”
Horn, a Philadelphia-based artist, is known for creating works of art that reflect on the natural and built environment through the lens of the human experience. His installations are often integrated into public spaces interacting with viewers at different scales. His works address the societal challenges we face as communities and individuals.
“As we continue to see challenges and barriers across the world, ContraFuerte reflects how we all continue to form a greater strength within an unending pursuit to overcome obstacles that galvanize society, whether they are times of racial division, a pandemic, economic depression, or other societal disturbances that arise before us,” Horn continued.
To create the forms of the sculpture, Horn worked through a series of models. The models are small-scale versions of the bridge with wire and clay figures hand-sculpted on to them. There is a wonderful dynamism and beauty in the models which show progressive refinement. Starting with sketches and clay maquettes, he works out the details of his pieces before carving or casting. Digital tools have evolved his process, integrated into his work as an enhancement rather than a replacement. Uniquely, his sculpture maintains its soul while embracing cutting-edge technological tools.
Using CAD software to plan, layout, and develop compositions allowed him to work with greater precision and accuracy. However, in developing forms, his manual, analog methods won out. Detailed sketches and iterations of his clay maquette models carry the soul of his work, but the details are exacted digitally.
“This project was a thrilling experience,” Horn said. “It required the use of new technological platforms that we had to design to ensure the piece was created correctly. We integrated Lidar data (Spatial 3d Scanning) at an early stage to create an accurate digital environment to work from. I worked with Landau Design & Technology to automate the computer design process with custom digital tools. I sculpted the models in foam, clay and digitally throughout the process, refining the forms each time. I built a production facility around the project and trained a crew of art students to join me in the two-year process of assembly. The engineering and installation itself were a work of art that required millimetric precision to ensure its successful integration into the site. The course of its implementation reflected the message of the artworks content; it was the result of collective efforts from so many dedicated individuals without which it would have not been possible.”
About Parkway Corporation
Parkway Corporation is a real estate developer, investor and best-in-class parking operator with deep expertise in paid parking. Founded and headquartered in Philadelphia, Parkway Corporation has been an industry leader for over 90 years in combining operational excellence and innovative technology to deliver exceptional products and customer experiences. More information about the company is available at www.parkwaycorp.com.
City Council Announces Funding Plan For $400 Million Neighborhood Preservation Initiative – Investments In Affordable Housing, Small Businesses And Commercial Corridors
Contact: Jamila Davis, PIO, Department of Planning and Development & PHDC, [email protected]
September 16, 2021
PHILADELPHIA, PA – City Councilmembers and other city officials today joined residents outside a Northwest Philadelphia store to highlight next steps in the Neighborhood Preservation Initiative, a $400 Million plan for massive, citywide investments in affordable housing production, home repairs, small business revitalization and neighborhood preservation.
The Neighborhood Preservation Initiative (NPI) was approved in concept by City Council last year, along with financing to pay for it. Today, Council leaders announced next steps for NPI – legislation to be introduced Friday in Council outlining spending in an array of programs that will benefit Philadelphia residents and neighborhoods. Those programs to be supported by NPI include:
- Affordable Housing Production ($113 Million)
- Preservation of Affordable Housing ($64.6 Million)
- Support for First-time Home Buyers ($58 Million)
- Basic Systems Repairs to Existing Homes ($38 Million)
- Infrastructure Improvements in Neighborhoods ($26.6 Million)
- Permanent Housing for Homeless ($15.2 Million)
- Neighborhood Small Business Support & Revitalization ($15.2 Million)
- NPI’s four-year budget also includes funding for Shallow Rent Assistance ($15.2 Million), Eviction Prevention ($11.4 Million), and Tangled Title support ($7.6 Million.)
“This is going to be the largest, single investment in Philadelphia neighborhoods in city history,” said Council President Darrell L. Clarke (5th District), who conceived of NPI along with his leadership team on City Council. “For decades, neighborhoods like Juniata Park, West Oak Lane, Wynnefield and others didn’t need much support, as they were relatively stable. But a variety of economic factors have caused decline in our neighborhoods – and they need the city’s help and support. That’s what NPI is designed to do. This will be a much needed shot-in-the-arm for Philly neighborhoods.”
The Council leaders and city officials gathered today outside Gilben’s Bakery and Specialty Sandwich Shop on Stenton Avenue in West Oak Lane. Gilben’s, owned and operated by Crystal Bradley, has received commercial corridor revitalization and support from city commerce officials – exactly the kind of support planned for under NPI.
“Thanks to the city, our storefront and sidewalk are clean and orderly, and our signage is attractive to our customers,” Ms. Bradley said. “It makes them feel comfortable to come and shop here. I’m very glad to hear the city plans to invest in commercial corridor revitalization all across Philadelphia.”
Ms. Bradley was joined at the news conference by Councilmembers Cherelle L. Parker (9th District), Council’s majority leader, and Maria D. Quiñones Sánchez (7th District), Council’s Appropriations Committee chair – two champions on Council of neighborhood economic development.
“We can’t sit by idly and wait for someone to come to our rescue; we must be proactive,” said Majority Leader Parker, whose district includes the Gilben’s sandwich shop. “NPI will spend close to a half billion dollars that will impact the lives of our most vulnerable residents who have been hurt most directly by the coronavirus. It will help those in poverty, prevent those living on the margins from falling further behind, create sustainable jobs and assist small businesses – which need help the most right now.”
“City Council has developed a better New Normal and will aggressively invest in neighborhoods and our residents to ensure real inclusion and equity in our recovery and our growth,” said Quiñones Sánchez. “The Census data highlighted what Council has always understood — neighborhood development is key to ensuring diverse, mixed-income neighborhoods and a better, more equitable Philadelphia.”
Also at today’s news conference were Maria N. Gonzalez, President of HACE, a community economic development organization, David S. Thomas, CEO of Philadelphia Housing Development Corporation, and other community leaders and residents.
“Philadelphia has a large portion of homeowners, many of which live in older homes,” said David Thomas of PHDC. “PHDC’s Basic System Repair Program and Adaptive Modification Program (AMP) are vital in keeping persons in their homes. NPI funding will be instrumental in helping thousands of homeowners in Philadelphia make necessary improvements and modifications to their home, preventing homelessness and unwanted moving expenses.”
Other city programs to be funded by NPI include initiatives that help with eviction diversion, rental assistance, first-time home buyers, and affordable housing development and preservation, and the city’s top planning official spoke on how important NPI will be to these critical efforts to help Philadelphians.
“The City’s Eviction Diversion Program, Rental Assistance, Philly First Home and other affordable housing and community development programs are in great need of additional funding,” said Anne Fadullon, Director of the City’s Department of Planning and Development. “The NPI funding will help us save more persons from eviction, help people realize the dream of homeownership, and get funding to developers that want to build affordable housing. This is an important initiative, and I am looking forward to getting this funding out the door to improve the lives of Philadelphia residents.”
The funding mechanisms for NPI include several city bond issuances, which in turn will be paid back from a 1 percent Development Impact Tax on residential construction approved by Council and Mayor Kenney last year, and a reduction in the real estate tax abatement for commercial construction by 10 percent.
The NPI program is also expected to catalyze a larger burst of economic activity — $2.5 billion-worth – and produce $71 Million in new tax revenues over the first 4 years. It is estimated that it will support over 14,700 jobs with $765 Million in wages.
CITY & PHDC ANNOUNCE MINORITY DEVELOPER PROGRAM: Creating Opportunities for Minority Developers to Expand & Grow
Contact: Jamila Davis, PIO, Department of Planning and Development & PHDC, [email protected]
August 25,2021
PHILADELPHIA, PA – The City of Philadelphia and PHDC are announcing a new pilot program to assist in addressing the lack of diversity in the Philadelphia real estate development and construction industry, PHDC’s Minority Developer Program (MDP).
“Minority developers and contractors in Philadelphia have been underrepresented for far too long,” said Mayor Jim Kenney. “As we equitably recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and its human and economic toll, the Minority Developer Program (MDP) will allow us to expand more opportunities to small developers and create jobs while supporting an inclusive construction workforce.”
MDP is a hands-on, business assistance program for small developers and contractors in Philadelphia. The program is designed to promote wealth creation and business growth among minority developers.
MDP will provide technical assistance, as well as leverage public land and funding to create opportunities for minority developers to obtain contracts for real estate development projects.
MDP’s goal is for developers to gain experience, improve balance sheets, and create mentorship opportunities with larger scale developers in the City. Developers must apply for this program.
“If you are you a minority developer working in the City of Philadelphia who wants to take on larger projects, we are looking for you and want you to apply,” said David Thomas, CEO, PHDC. “The technical assistance, development opportunities and training on how to access publicly owned land is an immeasurable benefit. I also believe that the mentor relationships for participants with larger developers is another great asset to the program that we believe will be very helpful for participants.”
“One of the benefits of the MDP is the selected developers will be able to bid on projects that will put some of the long-term vacant city-owned parcels back into productive use,” said Angel Rodriquez, Senior Vice President of Land Services, PHDC/Executive Director, Philadelphia Land Bank. “This type of development helps expand the City’s priority of additional affordable housing and other projects that provide a community benefit, while providing a door to build capacity of smaller minority development firms.”
“City Council strongly supports more minority participation in real estate development in Philadelphia, including this city program to provide more technical assistance to minority developers,” said Philadelphia City Council President, Councilmember Darrell Clarke, 5th District. “Council’s Neighborhood Preservation Initiative, a $400 million citywide investment, will similarly strongly support and encourage jobs and economic opportunities for workers of color as NPI moves forward this year and beyond.”
The RFQ is available until September 30, 2021, and must be completed and submitted in its entirety by that date.
Department of Human Services, Philadelphia Local and Legislative Leaders Urge Pennsylvanians to Apply for Rental Assistance Ahead of Federal Eviction Moratorium Expiring
July 28, 2021
Philadelphia, PA – Department of Human Services (DHS) Acting Secretary Meg Snead today joined Mayor Jim Kenney, Senator Anthony H. Williams, Representative Jordan Harris, and Gregory Heller, senior vice president at Philadelphia Housing Development Corporation and executive director of the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority, to discuss the upcoming end of the federal eviction moratorium and urge Pennsylvanians at risk of eviction or utility shutoffs because of COVID-19 to apply for assistance available through the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s federal moratorium on evictions put in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic will end after July 31, 2021.
ERAP can help people who are facing eviction pay past due and upcoming rent or pay utility bills or other costs necessary to help them be safely housed. Pennsylvanians experiencing housing instability or at risk of eviction are strongly urged to begin their ERAP application as soon as possible and not wait until the eviction moratorium ends.
“For nearly 18 months, Pennsylvania and the nation have endured the instability, anxiety, and dangers of a global pandemic. The federal moratorium on evictions was a reprieve to keep people safe and housed through the worst of these public health and economic crises, but we must act now and use this historic investment available through ERAP to prevent avoidable evictions and housing insecurity,” said Acting Secretary Snead. “A safe, stable place to call home is foundational to good health and overall well-being, and it is essential as we continue to get our communities back on track and recover from this crisis. If you or your tenants are behind on rent or having trouble paying utility bills, start your ERAP application now and let this program help you stabilize and move forward.”
“The City is grateful to Governor Wolf, the PA General Assembly, and DHS for this funding that is helping thousands of Philadelphia families stay in their homes, avoid eviction, and prevent homelessness,” said Gregory Heller, “The availability of this funding allowed us to build a robust delivery system in Philadelphia and across the Commonwealth to distribute aid to tenants. We owe it to Pennsylvania’s families to distribute the ERAP funds as quickly as possible, while also building long-term solutions to combat housing instability and ensure that evictions become the route of last resort.”
The Wolf Administration established the ERAP in partnership with the General Assembly through Act 1 of 2021 to distribute $569 million to Pennsylvania households through partnerships with local leaders. An additional $278 million in rental assistance was directly allocated to Pennsylvania’s largest counties by the federal government, making a total of $847 million available to support renters and landlords feeling the strain of this economic insecurity across Pennsylvania. Counties are reporting data on the Act 1 distribution of funds monthly to DHS that are available online here. Counties and localities that received a direct allocation report on this funding to the United States Treasury, which is reporting data here. In total, $133 million has been distributed to more than 30,500 households in Pennsylvania as of June 30, 2021.
Funding for ERAP comes from the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, and further rental assistance funds included in the American Rescue Plan Act were appropriated in Act 24 of 2021 signed earlier this month by Governor Wolf. These resources will be available to support renters soon.
Households may be eligible for up to 18 months of assistance to cover past-due or future rental and/or utility payments. The amount of a household’s monthly rent or utility bills does not preclude eligibility, but the amount of ERAP assistance provided to a household is determined by program administrators at the county level. Assistance can be provided to a tenant for future rental payments, and for unpaid rental or utility arrears that were accrued on or after March 13, 2020 on a residential rental property. Counties may choose to provide additional assistance to eligible households if funds remain available.
Either tenants or landlords can apply for this assistance, but a tenant does not need a landlord’s permission to apply and use this assistance. This program is an opportunity to help ease circumstances for both parties, so landlords and tenants are strongly encouraged to work cooperatively to secure this stabilizing assistance. ERAP is overseen by DHS at the state level but administered locally by county and municipal partners. Pennsylvanians can learn how to apply in their county of residence online at www.dhs.pa.gov/ERAP.
To qualify for assistance, a household must be responsible to pay rent on a residential property and meet each of the following criteria:
- One or more people within the household has qualified for unemployment benefits, had a decrease in income, had increased household costs, or experienced other financial hardship during or due directly or indirectly to the COVID-19 pandemic; AND
- One or more individuals in the household can show a risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability; AND
- The household has an income at or below 80 percent of area median income, which varies by county. Income limits by county are available on the DHS website. Resources (like bank accounts and cars) are not relevant to ERAP eligibility.
Applicants will need to provide the following information: head of household’s personal information; income information for all household members 18 and older; rental lease and amount owed; landlord’s name and contact information. If applying for utility assistance, applicants must provide utility expenses and utility provider information.
For more information on ERAP, promotional materials, state allocation program data, and to learn how to apply, visit www.dhs.pa.gov/erap.
NOTE: Video bytes of Acting Secretary Snead are available for use in coverage of ERAP and are available to download here.
MEDIA CONTACT: Erin James, [email protected]
Neighborhoods in the Middle: ULI Philadelphia Report Addresses Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing
Small Landlords are a Necessary Piece of the Affordable Housing Puzzle in Philadelphia
May 20, 2021
Contact: Jamila Davis [email protected]
For more than a decade, the City of Philadelphia has enjoyed an increasing population and a strong housing market. While an asset to the city’s economic health, this uptick puts pressure on affordable housing stock, encouraging property owners to increase rents or convert affordable units to market-rate units.
Naturally occurring affordable housing, or NOAH, is unsubsidized privately owned rental housing. With approximately 76,000 of these properties in Philadelphia, NOAH is most common in middle-market neighborhoods. Approximately 50% of the City’s NOAH properties are vulnerable due to poor condition, displacement risk or strong market value, and in need of intervention.
Through a research and policy partnership between Philadelphia’s Division of Housing Development Corporation (DHCD), ULI Philadelphia, and the ULI Terwilliger Center for Housing, Preserving Philadelphia’s Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing, a new National Study Visit report, was released today to address at-risk rental units in the city’s middle neighborhoods.
To convene the panel, ULI turned to its members for local and national affordable housing experts. In place of traveling to Philadelphia during the pandemic, the City supplied the panel with a rich set of briefing materials, maps, and a virtual tour to provide a deeper dive into Kensington, Oxford Circle and Wynnefield, three Philadelphia neighborhoods that feature a significant portion of the City’s NOAH stock. The panel also conducted interviews with over 30 local stakeholders.
Highlights of the report:
- Quality naturally occurring affordable housing is at risk in Philadelphia.
- Much of the city’s NOAH inventory, e.g. small multi-family structures and singlefamily rowhouses, are owned by landlords with five properties or fewer.
- Classifying landlords as small business owners opens up new support and partnership opportunities.
- The City of Philadelphia is working to financially support landlords in their pursuit of repairs to affordable units.
- Partnerships with utilities and health care providers could potentially provide new avenues of outreach and funding.
“Philadelphia is on a strong path toward preserving its NOAH stock. The report is a blueprint not only for the city, but as a national model to improve and expand relationships with NOAH landlords. This report points to a sustainable path toward broader housing affordability throughout the City of Philadelphia,” said Laura Slutsky, Executive Director, ULI Philadelphia.
Building on findings of Philadelphia’s 2018 Housing Action Plan, Housing for Equity: An Action Plan for Philadelphia, the NOAH report leveraged data collection, capacity-building, and financing and subsidy mechanisms to identify action items that the City has initiated to help preserve NOAH.
“This report provides data to show just how critical small landlords are in providing affordable housing,” said Anne Fadullon, Director of the City’s Department of Planning and Development. “A key takeaway is that we need to provide the same level of support for small landlords that we provide for other types of businesses, while also aiding tenants and working to prevent evictions. We are investing in our programs for small landlords, while building new approaches and partnerships – internally and externally; public and private – based on the data provided in this report. We are grateful to ULI Philadelphia and Stepwise Analytics for their partnership in this project.”
The report recommends that the City increase and further target its focus, tools, and attention on neighborhoods on the cusp of, but not yet experiencing, markets where affordable housing options are nonexistent. By prioritizing these neighborhoods, the City will get ahead of upward market pressures and can work with landlords before those pressures become too great to maintain affordability.
The national report panel participants are:
- Mike Pitchford (Chair), Former President & CEO, Community Preservation and Development Corporation, Washington, DC
- Karen Blanchard, AIA, LEED AP BD+C, Principal, SITIO architecture + urbanism, Philadelphia, PA
- Rodger Brown, Managing Director, Real Estate Development, Preservation of Affordable Housing, Inc,. Boston, MA
- Jim Burnett, Executive Director, West Philadelphia Financial Skills Initiative, Philadelphia, PA
- Anne Segrest Mcculloch, President & CEO, Housing Partnership Equity Trust, Washington, DC
- Tracey Nguyen, Principal, Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, Philadelphia, PA
- Philip Payne, Chair, Lotus Campaign, Charlotte, NC
- Jonathan Weiss, President, Equinox Property Group, Philadelphia, PA
Stakeholder participants:
- AmeriHealth
- Cecil Baker & Partners
- Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
- City of Philadelphia Department of Planning & Development
- City of Philadelphia Department of Licenses & Inspection
- Community First Fund
- Community Legal Services
- Community Preservation Corporation
- Drexel Urban Health
- Econsult Solutions
- Esperanza
- Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
- Frankel Enterprises
- Frankford CDC
- Green Building United
- Impact Services
- Jumpstart
- LISC Philadelphia
- Mdesigns
- Philadelphia Energy Authority
- Philadelphia Housing Development Corporation
- Philadelphia Tenants Union
- PNC Bank
- PolicyMap
- Public Interest Law Center
- Reinvestment Fund
- Rigby Housing
- Shift Capital
- Tenant Union Representative Network
- The Pew Charitable Trusts
- University of Pennsylvania
About ULI Philadelphia
The Urban Land Institute is a nonprofit education and research institute whose mission is to shape the future of the built environment for transformative impact in communities worldwide. Established in 1936, ULI today has more than 45,000 members around the world representing the entire spectrum of land-use and development disciplines including developers, builders, property owners, investors, architects, public officials, planners, attorneys, engineers, academics and others engaged in the land-use field. The Philadelphia District Council encompasses about 900 members throughout Eastern and Central Pennsylvania, Delaware, and the southern half of New Jersey. For more information, visit philadelphia.uli.org.
PHDC and Civetta Property Group Virtual Ribbon-Cutting for 19 Units of Affordable Workforce Housing
[envira-gallery id=”7561″]Contact: Jamila Davis, PIO, Department of Planning and Development & PHDC, [email protected]
PHILADELPHIA, PA-April 30, 2021–
Today PHDC and Civetta Property Group hosted a virtual ribbon-cutting to celebrate 19 new units of workforce housing in the Grays Ferry section of Philadelphia.
The Workforce Housing (“WFH”) Program is a City initiative that promotes the development of housing for middle-income households (between 80% to 120% of Area Median Income). Costs for these units varied between $185,000-$250,000.
“The workforce housing programs give our working-class residents who want to live in neighborhoods that are increasing in cost the chance to buy a house in those communities,” said Mayor Jim Kenney. “From side yards, community garden, business expansion to affordable housing, PHDC, the City’s community development arm, is putting vacant lots like these back into productive use.”
PHDC provided the land for these units.
“I am very pleased to be part of this virtual ribbon-cutting with PHDC and Civetta Group,” said Philadelphia City Councilmember Kenyatta Johnson (Second District). “Even during a challenging pandemic, it is helpful to pause to celebrate the brand new 19 units of workforce housing that has been developed in my district. It is my pleasure to welcome these 19 new homeowners to the community. I will continue to work hard to provide workforce and affordable housing to current and future residents of South Philadelphia and make it a part of the city desirable by all Philadelphians-at any income level.”
These homes feature brick fronts, single hung windows, stainless steel appliances, granite countertops, luxury flooring, carpeted stairs, halls and bedrooms, and many more amenities for the homebuyers. These homes are also part of a 10-year tax abatement.
Civetta Property Group is proud to have completed another workforce housing project, in partnership with the City of Philadelphia,” said Brennan Tomasetti, Civetta Property Group. “As business owners who live and work in Philadelphia, we are committed to being a part of the affordable housing solution. An equitable housing environment results in better community living for all citizens.”
“I commend Civetta Group and PHDC for providing workforce housing in a growing neighborhood and for helping Philadelphia expand its efforts to create more affordable housing opportunities,” said Councilmember At-Large Allan Domb. “We need to utilize every resource available and work with our public-and-private partners to deliver housing that is beautiful and affordable in our appreciating neighborhoods. This kind of collaborative approach makes a significant investment in communities that are most in need, while providing families with a pathway to homeownership.”
Property Addresses:
- 2643 Reed St.
- 2641 Reed St.
- 2639 Reed St.
- 2614 Sears St.
- 2630 Sears St.
- 2616 Earp St.
- 2642 Sears St.
- 2714 Earp St.
- 2719 Earp St.
- 2701 Earp St.
- 1327 S 27th St.
- 2703 Earp St.
- 2724 Earp St.
- 2735 Earp St.
- 2613 Earp St.
- 2648 Sears St.
- 2727 Earp St.
- 2700 Sears St.
- 2626 Sears St.
For a virtual tour of one of the units, click here.
# # #
WinnCompanies Acquires Philadelphia’s Historic Carl Mackley Houses; Begins Work on a $23.7 Million Renovation of the 184-Unit Complex
Sponsored by Unions in 1935, It Was the Nation’s 1st Federally Funded Housing Community
Media Contacts:
Ed Cafasso, WINNCompanies, [email protected], (617) 455-9651
Jamila Davis, PIO, Department of Planning and Development & PHDC, [email protected]
BOSTON (April 26, 2021) – Multi-family industry leader WinnCompanies announced today it has acquired Carl Mackley Houses, built in the Great Depression as the nation’s first federally funded housing complex, and has started a $23.7 million project to completely renovate the historic 184-unit affordable housing community in northeast Philadelphia.
The rehabilitation effort will modernize apartment kitchens and bathrooms in four residential buildings; install central air conditioning in all units; replace all windows and roofs; upgrade common areas; and renovate 19 apartments to make them fully accessible for persons with mobility impairments, while adapting eight units for use by people with sensory impairments.
“Carl Mackley Houses was born from a collective effort by labor unions and government to create desperately needed housing for working people. Eighty-six years later, the need for quality affordable housing is just as great, if not greater,” said WinnDevelopment President and Managing Partner Larry Curtis. “We’re proud to have the opportunity to lead a modern public-private partnership that is restoring and improving this historic housing community and guaranteeing it remains affordable for the next 40 years.”
The housing complex first opened in 1935 as single-family apartments for union workers. Sponsored by the American Federation of Full-Fashioned Hosiery Workers, it was the first housing project financed by the Housing Division of the Public Works Administration, a federal agency that later became the Works Progress Administration (WPA), a centerpiece of President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal programs.
“The City of Philadelphia and the Philadelphia Housing Development Corporation (PHDC), in conjunction with the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority (PRA), are thrilled to provide gap financing for this important project, preserving 184 affordable housing units for the community,” said Gregory Heller, senior vice president of community investment for PHDC. “The Carl Mackley Apartments represented a groundbreaking new approach to worker housing when they were constructed in 1935. We appreciate WinnCompanies’ leadership and partnership to renovate these historic buildings and ensure that they can continue as affordable housing for a long time.”
After pursuing the complex purchase for two and a half years, WinnCompanies acquired the property on January 29 and secured the financing needed for rehabilitation on April 1 with the support of an array of public and private partners, including the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development, which partially subsidizes rents and insures the permanent mortgage for the complex, and U.S. National Park Service, which oversees the Federal Historic Tax Credit program.
The project is being financed by tax-exempt bond financing and an allocation of 4% Low Income Housing Tax Credits from the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA); a U.S. Federal Housing Administration permanent mortgage loan from Merchants Capital Corporation; an investment in the permanent mortgage by the AFL-CIO Housing Investment Trust (AFL-CIO HIT); subordinate acquisition and construction loan financing from the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority (PRA) and PHDC; equity investment in LIHTC and Federal and State Historic Tax Credits by the Richman Group; equity bridge loan financing from TD Bank; and, energy efficiency rebates from the Philadelphia Gas Work (PGW) EnergySense Program.
“The pandemic has underscored that demand remains high for affordable housing, like that provided by Carl Mackley Houses,” said PHFA Executive Director and CEO Robin Wiessmann. “We appreciate WinnCompanies stepping up to modernize these buildings that offer 184 units of much-needed housing in northeast Philadelphia. We’re glad that funding from the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency could help make it possible.”
The renovation work will be performed by union labor. The complex was named for Carl Mackley, a 22-year-old union worker who was shot and killed on March 6,1930 while supporting a strike at the H.C. Aberle Company. The complex earned a spot on the Philadelphia Register of Historic Places in 1982 and the National Register of Historic Places in 1998.
“The preservation of affordable housing is a fundamental priority as we build back our nation’s infrastructure. The Labor Movement supports housing affordable to low- and moderate-income households,” said AFL-CIO HIT CEO Chang Suh. “HIT’s financing for Carl Mackley reflects our continuing commitment to help provide housing for working families and good jobs for union members.”
Spanning an entire city block, Carl Mackley Houses is comprised of four three-story buildings with a range of one-, two-, three and four-bedroom apartments, along with a separate community building with space for resident programming and services. Three quarters of the units (139) offer two or more bedrooms – a critical housing resource as Philadelphia’s supply of affordable family‐sized apartments dwindles. Current residents comprise a diverse mix of household types, including families, disabled individuals and seniors.
“The Richman Group Affordable Housing Corporation is proud to partner with WinnCompanies on the redevelopment of Carl Mackley Houses. We have been involved in the preservation of Carl Mackley Houses for more than 20 years, and we are honored to support WinnCompanies as they modernize and preserve this important affordable housing community,” said Richman Group Assistant Vice President Aaron Wolfe. “Thanks to WinnCompanies and significant funding from a committed group of public and private partners, the 184 units at Carl Mackley Houses will continue to provide attractive, safe and affordable housing in the community for years to come.”
The top-to-bottom renovation will include the restoration and stabilization of the historic brick facades of the buildings and the installation of modern energy conservation systems to reduce utility consumption and promote resident comfort. Sidewalks and walking paths will be improved, and efforts will be made to address erosion and drainage issues.
“Closing a HUD 221d4 loan for Carl Mackley Houses, in addition to providing an interim bridge loan to help acquire the property, was a tremendous success for Merchants Capital,” said Marsha Goff, executive vice president of Merchants Capital’s St. Paul, Minnesota office. “It’s an honor to have provided the financing for the nation’s first federally funded housing development, as access to safe, affordable housing remains a necessity for many Americans to this day. We at Merchants are proud to have partnered on such a meaningful project for Philadelphia.”
In addition to expanding the on-site management offices to create a computer lab for residents, the construction will create an office for a full-time, bilingual community coordinator who will work to connect Carl Mackley residents to services and resources that promote sustainable, positive outcomes for the community.
Working with a network of more than 100 Philadelphia service providers and partners, residents will have direct access to a range of community-based programs and services as part of WinnCompanies’ Connected Communities program. Because of its commitment to impact, WinnCompanies’ was the first for-profit affordable housing development and management organization in the U.S. to earn the Certified Organization for Resident Engagement & Services (CORES) certification from Stewards of Affordable Housing for the Future and Fannie Mae for Connected Communities’ “robust commitment, capacity and competency in providing outcomes-focused resident services in affordable rental housing.”
Carl Mackley Houses will be the first multifamily community in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to launch the HUD Family Self-Sufficiency Program. On March 11, 2021, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development approved an innovative plan put forth by WinnCompanies, Compass Working Capital and the Carl Mackley community to support individuals and families in building assets and financial capability as a pathway to greater economic opportunity and out of poverty.
“The City of Philadelphia has been an instrumental partner in this effort, playing a key role in helping us navigate the approvals needed to get work underway,” said WinnDevelopment Vice President Aimee McHale. “We look forward to celebrating the ribbon-cutting at the refurbished community in the fall of 2022.”
WinnDevelopment, the development arm of WinnCompanies, will lead the 18-month renovation with Domus, Inc., serving as general contractor and Kramer + Marks Architects, PC, serving as architect.
“This project was an excellent opportunity for TD to work with a leader in the affordable housing space,” said Gregg Gerken, Head of Commercial Real Estate for TD Bank. “Through our financing work and community programs like Housing for Everyone, we strive to create sustainable affordable housing in the communities where we live and work from Maine to Florida. This is especially important in the face of the pandemic.”
More than 320 residents currently live at Carl Mackley Houses. All apartments are subsidized under the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program and half fall under the Section 8 program. During the phased renovation, residents will be temporarily relocated while work on their apartments is completed. WinnResidential, the property management arm of WinnCompanies, is now operating the community.
Carl Mackley Houses was partially rehabilitated in 1997 but had fallen into disrepair in recent years, raising concerns about its long-term viability due to a lack of capital investments, inadequate security systems and poor energy efficiency.
In addition to Carl Mackley Houses, WinnCompanies owns and operates three other apartment properties in Philadelphia: Venango House, a 106-unit elderly property; Cobbs Creek, an 85-unit affordable family property; and Breslyn House, a historic 60-unit affordable housing community.
About WinnCompanies
WinnCompanies is an award-winning national developer and manager of high-impact affordable, middle income, mixed-income and market rate housing communities. Founded in Boston in 1971 and supported by 3,670 team members in 23 states and the District of Columbia, WinnResidential, the company’s property management arm, is one of the nation’s leading multi-family housing managers with 105,000 units under management. It is the largest manager of affordable housing in the United States and a leading manager of privatized U.S. military housing. Through the efforts of WinnDevelopment, its development arm, WinnCompanies owns apartment communities in 10 states and the District of Columbia.
City Announces Phase 4 of COVID-19 Emergency Rental and Utility Assistance Program
Contact: Jamila Davis, PIO, Department of Planning and Development & PHDC, [email protected]
PHILADELPHIA, PA-April 5, 2021-Today the City of Philadelphia announces
PHLRentAssist Phase 4-the City’s COVID-19 Emergency Rental and Utility Assistance Program is now open to landlords and tenants.
Phase 4 of the program helps people pay their rent and utilities who have experienced financial hardship because of COVID-19. Previous phases did not include utilities, only rent. PHDC, the City’s housing and community development non-profit, will continue to administer this program. Landlords and tenants can apply until funds run out.
“We know that tens of thousands of our city’s tenants and landlords are suffering because of COVID-19, and we are doing everything we can to help,” said Mayor Jim Kenney. “Since May, the City of Philadelphia has put over $65 million into the hands of landlords and tenants to help more than 14,000 households. With this new funding we can help even more families stay in their homes, and even more landlords to afford to pay their bills. We are excited to be able to offer assistance with overdue utility bills in this round, and for our utility partners in getting the word out about this program. Help is on the way and we will get through this together!”
This new round of funding for Philadelphia includes about $97 million from the federal legislation that passed in December 2020, with more funding coming from the American Rescue Plan which was enacted in March, although the amount of those additional funds is not yet known. The City and PHDC estimate that this funding will be able to help between 15,000-20,000 tenants with their rent and utilities.
“We kept the water on for more than 70,000 customers who were unable to pay their bill during this crisis, and these grants are essential to getting those customers back on track before penalties resume on May 1,” says Philadelphia Water Department Commissioner Randy E. Hayman Esq. “Eligible customers who have had growing water bill debts should apply now so they can make a payment to pay off their debt. This revenue is needed for critical infrastructure maintenance and investment.”
Eligible tenants and landlords can apply for up to 18 months of rent and/or utility assistance, with a maximum of $2,000 per month in rent assistance, and up to $2,000 each for overdue water, gas, or electric bills. Rent assistance can pay for back rent owed after April 2020, and for up to three months of forward rent.
“Throughout this difficult period, all Philadelphians have pulled together to help our neighbors who’ve been most impacted by the pandemic,” said Craig White, President and CEO of Philadelphia Gas Works (PGW). “PGW understands that many of our customers and neighbors continue to experience economic difficulties and need additional assistance with paying their bills. We thank the City and PHDC for responding to that need by expanding the Rental Assistance Program to help Philadelphians maintain their natural gas service.”
“We understand the economic toll the pandemic has created and that financial hardships are a reality for many of our customers,” said Mike Innocenzo, PECO president and CEO. “We commend City officials for expanding the Emergency Rental Assistance Program and we believe this new resource, combined with PECO’s various payment options and assistance programs, will provide the support our customers need to maintain their energy services to transition through this difficult time.”
Tenants who received assistance in prior phases of Philadelphia’s rental assistance program can apply for Phase 4; however not for the months where they have received assistance from previous phases or from any other rent assistance program. If a landlord applies on behalf of a tenant, they need written consent from the tenant and the tenant must be eligible.
If an individual or company wish to help Philadelphians in need, there is a way to donate to help tenants stay in their homes. All donations are fully tax exempt. So far, the City has raised over $100,000 by generous Philadelphians and neighbors.
PHLRentAssist Tenant Information:
- Tenants must rent an apartment or house in the City of Philadelphia. For tenants outside of Philadelphia, please refer to the list of county contacts on the State’s website.
- Tenant must have a household income at or below 80 percent of the Area Median Income (AMI) (see Income Guidelines table below.). Tenants who have a household income under 50% of Area Median Income (AMI) or who were unemployed for more than 90 days receive preference.
- Tenant must qualify for unemployment benefits; or experienced a reduction in household income, incurred significant costs, or experienced some other financial hardship due to COVID-19.
- Tenant must demonstrate a risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability. Tenants can meet this criteria if they have any past-due rent, past due utilities, received an eviction notice, or paying over one third of their household income on rent.
- Tenants may need to submit supporting documents to demonstrate their income.
PHLRentAssist Landlord Information:
- Payment must be applied towards the approved tenant’s rent for months after April 2020.
- Landlord may not begin any eviction proceedings for 90 days from the last month in which the landlord received assistance from this program.
- Payments for rent will go to landlords, but if a landlord refuses the funds or does not respond, then payments can go directly to tenants. Payments for utilities will go directly to the utility companies.
- Landlords will need documents that show they own the property if their name is different from what is on the deed.
- Property managers will need a document showing that they have authority to make decisions and accept payment for the property owner.
Phase 4 General Information:
- Rent assistance can be provided for up to 18 months total, including back rent and forward rent. However, no more than 3 months of forward rent can be provided at one time. Tenants who receive 3 months of forward rent and have not exceeded the 18 months of total assistance, may reapply for another 3 months of forward rent.
- Applicants with rent arrears must satisfy at least one month of those arrears before applying for forward rent.
- Assistance may only be provided for months of rent after April 2020.
The total amount of rent assistance cannot exceed $2,000 per month, and that amount may include late fees or other charges passed on by the landlord. - Utility payments can be provided for up to 18 months total.
- Utility payments must have been accrued on or after March 13, 2020.
- Utility payments can only be for the current month and past due utility payments (assistance is not available for future months’ utility bills).
- Utility assistance can provide up to $2,000 for PGW (gas), $2,000 for Philadelphia Water Department, and $2,000 for PECO (electric).
- Utility payments will go directly to the utility providers. If landlords pass on utility costs to their tenants, assistance for those costs may be included in the rent section.
- All payments will be by electronic ACH payment. For persons with no bank account, payments can be made to some payment apps or to prepaid debit cards that support ACH.
For more information and for ways for tenants to apply, please visit the PHLRentAssist website. Tenants can call 311 for questions.
City Announces Additional $30M in Funding for Phase 3 of Rental Assistance & Small Business Relief
Brings the City’s direct support for small businesses to $38.7 million and for rental assistance to $39.4 million since start of the pandemic
CONTACT: Jamila Davis, [email protected]
November 20, 2020
PHILADELPHIA – The Kenney Administration and Philadelphia City Council today announced a new commitment of $30 million dollars in Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funding to aid renters and small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. The funding comes from the federal Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF) that the City received from the U.S. Treasury. The CARES Act authorized payment of these funds to states, local governments with populations of 500,000 or more, and tribal governments. Since May 2020, the City has utilized federal, state, and local funding to assist thousands of tenants and small businesses.
“While the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect everyday life, we recognize that some of our most vulnerable communities need more help to pay rent in order to stay in their homes and our small businesses need continued support to survive,” said Mayor Jim Kenney. “That’s why this additional relief will be deployed as quickly as possible to prevent evictions and business closures, and to protect jobs.”
“This additional $30 million is essential to help small businesses and renters struggling as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said City Council President Darrell Clarke. “We need to do everything in our collective power to help keep businesses open, employees working, and renters and residents safe in their apartments and homes. This added funding is welcome news.”
This latest allocation of funds brings the City’s direct support for small business assistance to $38.7 million and for rent relief to $39.4 million. When combined with other state and philanthropic funding sources, small businesses and nonprofits in Philadelphia will have received over $100 million in support and nearly $68 million has been spent or committed for helping Philadelphia renters.
Rental Assistance
Federal CARES Act funding allowed the City to provide two phases of rental assistance to help tenants and landlords impacted by the pandemic-creating PHLRentAssist. Nearly 13,000 Philadelphians applied for Phase 1 rental assistance, which is serving 4,000 households with up to $2,500 in aid. Phase 2 rental assistance was made possible by Pennsylvania’s PA-CARES Rent Relief Program, which allows the City to serve over 10,000 additional households.
Of the additional $30 million announced today, $20 million is committed to providing rental assistance for tenants who were eligible and applied for PHLRentAssist Phase 2, but their landlord did not respond. These tenants will now be able to receive a one-time payment. This payment is the tenant’s rent amount (not to exceed $1,500 per month) for up to six months of assistance; maximum total assistance is $9,000. This new funding will help the City serve an estimated additional 4,000 households that are in need and facing housing insecurity.
“Direct rental assistance is critical to ensuring public health and housing security for thousands of Philadelphians,” said City Councilmember Maria Quinones Sanchez. “I am particularly encouraged that City Council, the Administration, and the Courts collaborated with renters and property owners to simplify this program. I look forward to continued public-private partnership as we chart a New Normal.”
“We’re proud that we’ve been able to serve thousands of tenants and landlords through our rent assistance programs. But thousands of other tenants could not get help because of the requirement that their landlord also apply,” said Greg Heller, Senior Vice President of Community Investment at PHDC. “We do not want landlords’ lack of response or participation to prevent these families from getting the help they need to keep a roof over their heads.”
Small Business Relief
Of the $30 million, $10 million is committed to providing small business relief through the Commonwealth’s COVID-19 Relief Pennsylvania Statewide Small Business Assistance program. This new funding will be used to provide grants for some of the Philadelphia-based applicants who remained unfunded after the second round of grants announced by the Commonwealth. This $10 million is in addition to the $20 million that was committed to the Commonwealth’s business relief program in September, which will also fund some Philadelphia businesses who were unfunded after the second round of grants from the program. This funding—$30 million dollars in total including the commitment the City made in September—is expected to provide relief to an additional 1,500 businesses in the city.
“Philadelphia’s small businesses are crucial to the health and well-being of our communities, providing tens of thousands of jobs for residents, along with countless goods and services,” said Sylvie Gallier Howard, Acting Commerce Director for the City of Philadelphia. “We’re proud to commit more funding to provide much needed relief to small businesses that have been struggling during the pandemic.”
Instead of launching a new program and application process, the Department of Commerce opted to provide additional resources to the existing statewide program coordinated by the PA Community Development Finance Institution Network because there was significant unmet need from the applications to the state program and this approach distributed the money more quickly. The CRF money will be used to make additional grants specifically to the most-impacted Philadelphia-based businesses—with a focus on those in low- to moderate-income neighborhoods.
This funding for business relief is in addition to the more than $13.3 million the City already distributed to more than 2,000 small businesses earlier this year through the Philadelphia COVID-19 Small Business Relief Fund, administered by the Department of Commerce and PIDC. Even with these various rounds of financial assistance, local small businesses are still in overwhelming need of more support—estimated at more than $300 million. The City will continue to advocate for the state and federal governments to match the level of local investment being made and to provide more flexible funding to help meet the needs of small businesses impacted by COVID-19.
PHDC needs more licensed and insured contractors that want to make a difference .
Contact: Jamila Davis, PIO, Department of Planning and Development & PHDC, [email protected]
October 6, 2020
PHILADELPHIA, PA-Today PHDC announced the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for additional contractors for the home improvement programs-Basic System Repair Program (BSRP) and Adaptive Modification Program (AMP).
PHDC’s home improvement programs use small contractors to make much-needed emergency home repairs for income-qualified Philadelphians. The Request for Qualifications (RFQ) provides interested contractors with the information required to prepare and submit qualifications in order to participate.
“PHDC has been helping the most vulnerable residents in Philadelphia retain their homes by providing emergency home repairs for the last 40 years,” said David Thomas, President & CEO, PHDC. “We currently have a great base of contractors, but we need more. Right now, we have people waiting, especially for plumbing and carpentry services. This means jobs can be assigned instantly but our current contractors are at their max of the amount of jobs they can take. To serve more residents, we need more contractors, and we need them today!”
Benefits of working with PHDC:
- Steady stream of work
- Opportunity to grow business
- Quick and guaranteed payment (average < 30 days)
- Provide assistance in resolving issues with homeowners
- Help maintain availability of affordable housing in Philadelphia
- Help vulnerable homeowners in Philadelphia keep their homes
Annually, 38-45% of PHDC home improvement contracts are assigned to MBE/WBE (Minority Business Enterprise/Women’s Business Enterprise) contractors, and 100% of contracts are given to small and mid-size businesses.“We give small businesses and minority businesses a steady stream of income and a chance to grow and expand their business. This relationship strengthens our economy, our neighborhoods, our contractors, and our homeowners. It is a win-win,” said Thomas.
Contractor Qualifications:
- Minimum of three (3) years of experience with the trade for which qualifications are being submitted
- Been in business as the same legal entity for a minimum of three (3) years
- Must have the appropriate trade license(s). Plumbers and electricians must be licensed in their trade by the City of Philadelphia. All other contractors must have a City of Philadelphia Contractor License
- Must be registered with the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office as a Home Improvement Contractor
- Must have no City tax, water or other delinquencies. The contractor may be in a current payment agreement to resolve such delinquencies
- No conflict of interest as disclosed on any forms or other documentation provided.
- Must not own any property that is subject to any significant unresolved violation of City codes and ordinances
- Must not own a property in Philadelphia subject to tax foreclosure proceeding in the last five years
- Not have any owners/partners/officers of company been convicted of any felony within the past five years
Contact: Jamila Davis, Public Information Officer, DPD/PHDC, [email protected]
September 16, 2020
PHILADELPHIA-Today the City of Philadelphia and PHDC announced an increase in rental assistance from up to$750 per month to up to $1,500 per month for Phase 2 of rental assistance for tenants affected by COVID-19.This increase will automatically apply to tenants that have already applied for Phase 2 funding, as well as all new applicants. PHDC is taking applications until September 30, 2020.
“Our goal throughout the pandemic has been – and continues to be – to keep people in their homes.” said Mayor Jim Kenney. “Whether it’s through our rental assistance program, COVID emergency housing sites, or our eviction diversion program, maintaining housing for our most vulnerable residents is critical. This additional CARES Act funding for rental assistance allows us to serve landlords and families struggling to make ends meet. We encourage all eligible Philadelphians facing economic hardship during these challenging times to apply for rental assistance before the end of the month.”
Funding comes to Pennsylvania from the federal CARES Act. The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency is distributing funds to each county in the Commonwealth. The $750 per applicant cap is a requirement of the State program, but cities are allowed to increase that amount with local funding. Philadelphia is supplementing this funding with federal CARES Act dollars that went directly to the City.
“With many tenants unable to pay rent, and a federal eviction moratorium in place, it is essential that we help our renters and their landlords to weather the storm,” said Greg Heller, PHDC Senior Vice President of Community Investment. “We hope that this change allows many more landlords and tenants to participate and receive the assistance they need.”
“This increased rental assistance has numerous social, health and economic benefits for tenants, landlords and our City – including reducing evictions and stabilizing landlords, many of whom are small businesses,” said Council President Darrell L. Clarke, a longtime advocate on Council for affordable housing for Philadelphians. “In addition, in many cases evictions lead to homelessness, which further burdens our City’s budget as the cost of providing services to the homeless will far exceed any allocation of CARES funds that we put into a program that will help keep tenants in their homes.”
PHASE 2 Program criteria include:
- Applicants must be Philadelphia residents (renters in other counties must apply to their county’s designated organization)
- Landlords and renters must each provide information
- Renters must have lost more than 30% of their income due to reduced work hours/wages because of COVID-19, or have become unemployed after March 1 due to COVID-19
- Renters who applied for PA unemployment assistance must have done so after March 1
- Renters’ income before March 1 must be no more than 100% of the area median income, or $87,000 for a family of three (the income limit for Phase 1 was 50% of AMI)
- Assistance is limited up to $1500 per tenant per month
- Payments will be made to landlords
- Landlords must agree to the terms of the program and may not displace the household or begin eviction proceedings for at least 60 days from the final month of rental assistance
Funding will be awarded for qualified applicants on a first-come, first-served basis.
PHDC announces Phase 2 of rental assistance for tenants affected by COVID-19. Applications to begin on July 6, 2020
June 29, 2020
Contact: Paul Chrystie, Deputy Director for Communications: [email protected]
Today the City of Philadelphia and PHDC announced a second phase of rental assistance for tenants affected by COVID-19. PHDC will begin accepting applications on July 6 at PHLRentAssist.org.
The first phase of rental assistance was able to assist more than 4,000 tenants. However, nearly 13,000 tenants applied to the program. Phase 2 will allow about 6,300 more renters to get help.
Funding comes to Pennsylvania from the federal CARES Act. The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency is distributing funds to each county in the state. Philadelphia’s share is $28.45 million.
“We are grateful to Governor Wolf and PHFA for providing funding so we can offer another round of rental assistance to Philadelphians impacted by COVID-19,” said Greg Heller, PHDC Senior Vice President of Community Investment. “Phase 1 demonstrated how much need there is. Phase 2 will help meet more of that need.”
Phase 2 will have different program criteria than Phase 1. Most notably, Phase 2 will serve tenants with a higher pre-COVID income. Any tenant in need, including applicants in Phase 1 who did not receive help, must apply in Phase 2.
Program criteria include:
- Applicants must be Philadelphia residents (renters in other counties must apply to their county’s designated organization)
- Landlords and renters must each provide information
- Renters must have lost more than 30% of their income due to reduced work hours/wages because of COVID-19, or have become unemployed after March 1 due to COVID-19
- Renters who applied for PA unemployment assistance must have done so after March 1
- Renters’ income before March 1 must be no more than 100% of the area median income, or $87,000 for a family of three (the income limit for Phase 1 was 50% of AMI)
- Assistance is limited to $750 per tenant per month and $4,500 over 6 months
- Payments will be made to landlords
- Landlords must agree to the terms of the program and may not displace the household or begin eviction proceedings for at least 60 days from the final month of rental assistance
Funding will be awarded for qualified applicants on a first-come, first-served basis. PHDC will begin accepting applications on July 6. Applications may be submitted until September 30 or when funding runs out.
“Most of the COVID federal funding we have received has been used to keep people in their homes,” said Anne Fadullon, Director of Planning and Development. “Rental assistance, foreclosure prevention, utility assistance and emergency home repair all help prevent homelessness and stabilize neighborhoods. But Phase 1 didn’t reach everyone, and Phase 2 won’t either. The federal government needs to recognize that more can and must be done.”
PHDC Announces Landlord Working Capital Loan: Helping Small Landlords Remain Operational During COVID-19
PHILADELPHIA, PA-June 26, 2020
Today, PHDC announced another program focused on helping to lessen the economic impact of COVID-19.
The Landlord Working Capital Loan, to be administered by the Impact Loan Fund, provides short-term loans to landlords located in Philadelphia that own 15 or fewer units and need assistance to keep their housing units operational.
“Small business owners provide much of our city’s affordable housing,” said Greg Heller, Senior Vice President of Community Investment for PHDC. “But when tenants lose their jobs and cannot afford rent, that in turn impacts these small business owners who have trouble paying their bills and keeping the lights on. We need to make sure that these landlords stay in business, allowing their tenants to remain in their homes, and our city to maintain its affordable housing.”
Landlords frequently are not eligible for other types of small business loans.
The program’s rent guidelines stipulate that rents must remain affordable to tenants at or below 60% of Area Median Income (“AMI”) for Philadelphia County as set by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and that rent increases for lease renewals cannot exceed 3% per year for the term of the loan.
Working Capital Loan terms:
- Loans may not exceed $10,000 per Landlord.
- Loans do not require repayment for the first six months of their term.
- The term of each Loan may not exceed 36 months.
- Interest rates will be fixed at 4%.
- Closing fees are $150.
- No early prepayment penalty.
“We are excited to expand our work with the City to support neighborhood-based landlords,” said Paul Marcus, Director of Impact Loan Fund. “This program will help landlords stay afloat and keep paying their bills while some of their tenants may not be able to pay rent due to COVID-19.”
To apply, landlords can visit: http://www.impactservices.org/loan-fund/landlord-working-capital/. Applications must be received by 11:59 pm on July 2nd. Loans will not be made on a first-come-first-served basis, rather they will be prioritized based on need.
PHDC also has other programs available to assist homeowners, tenants, and landlords during this time of crisis. These programs including CERA-19 Emergency Rental Assistance (short-term rent support), Rental Improvement Fund (property repairs to rental units), Restore Repair Renew (home repair loans), and Basic Systems Repair Program (emergency home repair grants). More information on these programs can be found on this website.
PHDC Announces New Land Sales Process: Reactivating Vacant Land to Become More Efficient and Effective
PHILADELPHIA, PA-June 25, 2020
Today PHDC launched a new process for buying vacant publicly owned land. The new system will more effectively and efficiently reactivate vacant property.
Potential buyers must now complete an application for each property to be acquired. Applications for side yards, community gardens, business expansion, and affordable and market-rate development are available on this website.
“It is critical that the process of reactivating vacant publicly owned land is fair, predictable and transparent,” said Angel Rodriguez, Senior Vice President of Land Management for PHDC. “With this new process we can provide better customer service to buyers and return properties to productive use sooner.”
Previously applicants submitted a short Expression of Interest (EOI) for a property. That simple form encouraged people who wanted one property to submit multiple EOIs. Despite its simplicity, many EOIs were incomplete. As a result, staff spent significant time reviewing EOIs that were unlikely to result in a sale.
The application will require more detail than the EOI. It will request information about the buyer’s plans for the property and will ask tax and code compliance questions. For projects that will require financing the application requires financial information to ensure the applicant has the ability to complete the project.
This new process will help PHDC better implement the land sales goals that the Kenney administration, City Council, and PHDC identified last fall. It will also help PHDC consider applications based on criteria identified at the same time.
PHDC will continue to use competitive sales and Request for Proposals to advance the City’s housing and redevelopment goals. Requests to buy land via these competitive processes and the new application will be reviewed using the criteria Council outlined last year.
“We have specific goals for reactivating vacant land and criteria for reviewing applications and proposals,” said Rodriguez. “These processes will give us the information we need to select buyers who will help us meet those goals.”
As part of the transition to the new system PHDC will no longer process the more than 20,000 outstanding EOIs. Everyone with an open EOI will be notified by email and US mail. Those who are still interested in acquiring a property will need to apply to buy it.
PHDC will continue to process sales agreements for those applicants whose EOIs had been reviewed and were actively acquiring a property.
PHDC Announces COVID-19 Rental Assistance Program for Tenants Affected by COVID-19. Applications to Begin on May 12, 2020
May 8, 2020
PHILADELPHIA – The City of Philadelphia launched an emergency rental assistance program today that is expected to keep at least 3,000 families in their homes. The COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program will make rent payments for people who have lost income because of COVID-19.
“Unprecedented job losses have placed financial pressure on both renters and landlords,” said Mayor Jim Kenney. “The COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program will help thousands of Philadelphia renters and, in turn, help landlords. Keeping people in their homes is critical during this crisis.”
Program information is available at PHLRentAssist.org. Renters may begin submitting applications on Tuesday, May 12 at 10 a.m. Applications must be submitted by Saturday, May 16, at 5 p.m. Renters who do not have access to the internet or a smart phone will be able to get program and application information by calling 3-1-1.
To be eligible, renters must:
- Rent an apartment or house in Philadelphia
- Have a valid and current written lease signed by landlord
- Have lost income because of COVID-19
Renters do not have to have been diagnosed with COVID-19 to be eligible.
Assistance is limited to renters whose households earn 50% or less of the area median income. By household size, that limit is:
- 1 person: $33,850 per year
- 2 people: $38,650 per year
- 3 people: $43,500 per year
- 4 people: $48,300 per year
- 5 people: $52,200 per year
- 6 people: $56,050 per year
- 7 people: $59,900 per year
- 8 people: $63,800 per year
Income guidelines apply to household income before the COVID-19 related income loss.
When they apply, renters must provide:
- A valid and current written lease signed by landlord
- Proof of income from before the COVID-19-related income loss for all adult members of household
- Valid ID that matches name on lease
To apply renters will have to submit:
- Online application
- Housing Condition Survey
- Affidavit confirming loss of income due to COVID-19
Applicants will be able to fill out these documents through the PHLRentAssist.org website when the application period opens on Tuesday, May 12. Renters who do not have access to the internet or a smart phone will be able to get program and application information by calling 3-1-1.
For the renter to participate the renter’s landlord must:
- Accept the rental payment (the first three months of assistance will be May, June and July 2020)
- Have a rental license and be current on City taxes. If necessary, landlords will be given one week to resolve these issues with the City.
- Not pursue eviction for non-payment while receiving rental assistance from the City or for six months after the final City payment
- Waive any late fees or penalties for rent not paid in April and May
- Provide six months after the final payment from the City to repay any missed rent from April and any unpaid rent from the period while the tenant is receiving assistance from the City
Renters are NOT eligible if:
- They live in public housing
- Receive other government rental assistance (Section 8/Housing Choice Vouchers, etc.)
- They have unpaid rent from before April
- They are in the process of being evicted
Applicants selected will receive emergency rental assistance for three months. A re-evaluation will take place every three months. It is possible that assistance may be extended for additional months if funding permits and the renter still qualifies.
The program is funded with Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds provided under the federal CARES Act. Enough funding is available to serve at least 3,000 households for three consecutive months. Income guidelines are based on federal CDBG low-income guidelines.
Individuals and corporations are able to make tax-deductible donations to the COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program through the website. “We have seen deep and heartfelt generosity during this time from people across our City. This is a great way that Philadelphians can help their neighbors in their time of need,” said Mayor Kenney.
PHDC and IMPACT Loan Fund Announce Pilot to Help Small Landlords
Today PHDC announces its Small Landlord Rental Improvement Fund (RIF) pilot program in partnership with Impact Loan Fund. RIF assists landlords with fewer than 10 rental apartments. The purpose of RIF is to improve and repair units and stabilize the supply of affordable rental housing in the City.
RIF can make loans from $10,000 to under $25,000 for landlords to improve their rental units to address health and safety-related repairs. Participating landlords must maintain affordable rents for the term of the loan, meet fair housing guidelines, and have a rental license.
The first phase of this program will take place in the following zip codes: 19120, 19122, 19124, 19125, 19133, 19134, 19137, and 19140.
Pilot Area Map with Zip Codes
“The Small Landlord Rental Improvement Fund is a staple of City Council’s Poverty Action Plan,” said Councilwoman Maria Quiñones Sánchez, District 7. “I am proud to partner with PHDC, who designed this program, and Impact Services, who will manage the fund, to direct financial support to landlords who keep our city affordable and accessible while spending about a quarter of every rent payment on maintenance, insurance, payroll, and utilities alone. I look forward to our city’s continued public-private partnership to reduce small landlord costs so that we can keep families safe, warm, and healthy in their homes at a time of crisis.”
“Philadelphia’s “mom and pop” landlords provide much of our city’s affordable housing,” said Gregory Heller, Sr. Vice President of Community Investment, PHDC.” These small businesses often have challenges getting bank loans to maintain and invest in their properties. We are grateful to Impact Loan Fund for partnering with PHDC to ensure that these landlords have access to the resources they need to maintain quality affordable housing for our citizens.”
“We are excited to work with the City to help landlords without access to resources be able to make improvements to their properties,” said Paul Marcus, Director, Impact Loan Fund. “This will help make more available affordable units to renters in our target area.”
For more information and to apply, please visit: impactservices.org/rental-improvement-fund/, or contact: [email protected], or call: 215-974-0900.
Contact: Jamila Davis, PIO, Department of Planning and Development & PHDC, [email protected]
Paul Marcus, Director, Impact Loan Fund, [email protected]
Physical Conditions and Needs Assessment RFP Released
For Immediate Release: February 21, 2020
Contact: Jamila Davis, 215-686-9727, [email protected]
PHDC Seeks Consultant to Begin the Process of Placing Germantown Properties Back into Productive Use
PHILADELPHIA- Today PHDC issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) to a qualified consultant (i.e. an Engineering, Construction Management, or Architectural Firm) to complete a Physical Conditions and Needs Assessment (“PCNA”) for a portfolio of residential properties in the Germantown section of Philadelphia. These properties are owned by the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority.
Greg Heller, Senior Vice President of Community Investment, PHDC and Executive Director, Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority, released an open letter to the community detailing the events that led to the acquisition of these properties, and the plans moving forward. The RFP and the letter can be found on the PHDC website.
RFP responses are due on Monday, March 30, 2020.
PHA and Jonathan Rose Companies Start Construction for Norris Apartments Phase V
133 New Mixed-Income Rental Apartments Coming to North Philadelphia
January 15, 2020
The Philadelphia Housing Authority (PHA) and its private partner, the Jonathan Rose Companies, broke ground today for the Norris Apartments Phase V in the city’s North Central neighborhood.
Norris Phase V complements ongoing private housing and commercial development in the neighborhood. It consists of 133 newly constructed mixed-income rental units and one commercial space. It is the final phase of development that replaces the 147-unit low-rise development that dated back to late 1959 and early 1960 which had become obsolete. The $120 million development area is located at the intersection of North 10th and West Berks streets next to the Temple University SEPTA regional rail station.
The City of Philadelphia and PHA were awarded a $30 million Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant by HUD in June 2014 to revitalize the North Central neighborhood. A series of community meetings identified a number of resident priorities: more job training and opportunities; reduced crime and increased neighborhood safety; elimination of trash-strewn vacant land; and high-quality educational resources. The North Central Philadelphia transformation plan continues to address these concerns.
“This is a memorable, red-letter day in the redevelopment of the North Central neighborhood,” said PHA President and CEO Kelvin A. Jeremiah. “When PHA first began the renewal of this community with the City, we promised to replace all existing rental units with residents having the right to return. Norris Phase V is the final piece of the pie in the replacement of the old rental units. We have kept our promise.”
To obtain the grant, the City worked with more than 40 partners, including the School District of Philadelphia, Temple University, the Philadelphia Housing Authority (PHA), the Philadelphia Police Department, local leaders and community stakeholders through the Division of Housing and Community Development to create the resident-driven North Central Philadelphia transformation plan.
“In 2013 the City accepted the $30 million HUD Choice Neighborhoods Grant as part of a comprehensive revitalization strategy for North Central Philadelphia. These funds allowed us to directly address the neighborhood’s housing stock, access to employment, education, social service programs, and greatly impact Philadelphia’s overall economy,” said Mayor Jim Kenney. “Because of this grant, we have been able to leverage $125 million in additional funding to have a transformative effect on this community.”
“We’re proud to be here today breaking ground for the Norris Homes Phase V,” said City Council President Darrell L. Clarke (5th District), whose district includes this affordable housing development. “We want all our neighborhoods to be communities of choice, and the creation of 133 apartments and low and moderate income families in the heart of North Philadelphia is a very positive development in our ongoing efforts to achieve that goal. We will not rest until every family and individual has a safe and affordable place to call home.”
The transit-oriented development adjacent to the SEPTA Regional Rail is designed to meet Enterprise Green Communities certification and is complemented by 2,200 square feet of retail and Jonathan Rose Companies’ Communities of Opportunity amenities that include a social service office, community room, fitness center, bike, storage and package rooms, computer center, community garden, public green space and outdoor terrace with activity areas.
“We are extremely vested in improving the lives of our residents and we implement that vision through our Communities of Opportunity initiatives,” said Jonathan F.P. Rose, president and CEO of Jonathan Rose Companies, whose previous North Philadelphia project, Paseo Verde, located just a block east of the Norris site, provided an economic catalyst for neighborhood investment. “Our vision is to empower residents through the co-creation of programs to improve their health and well-being, resulting in better life outcomes using great housing as the platform.”
The Housing Authority guaranteed the right to return to all those displaced by the demolition of the original Norris Homes, and tenant leaders say that almost all the families are moving back to the community, with some already occupying apartments in previous phases.
Construction financing includes $26 million in bonds from the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, which are cash collateralized during construction with $9.6 million from the Philadelphia Housing Authority and a $22.1 million construction loan from Bank of America. The permanent financing will include a $12.6 million Freddie Tel Forward from Capital One, $9.6 million from the Philadelphia Housing Authority, $14.2 million from the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority, of which $8 million is part of the Choice Neighborhood funding, and $13.4 million of Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTCs) from Bank of America.
Village Square on Haverford
Project Team:
• Developer: Lomax Real Estate Partners, Mt. Vernon Manor CDC
• Architect: WRT
• Supermarket operator: Fresh Market
• Other anchor tenant: WURD Radio
• Financing Partner: Real Property Capital
• Commercial Real Estate Development and Capital Advisors: RPC United Advisors
• Leasing Agents: Goldoller Management Services/CVA Commercial Group
3601-15 Haverford Ave., 3623-3637 Haverford Ave., 3603-3627 Mount Vernon St., 622-624 N. 36th Street and 628-634 N. 36th St.
Project description:
Redevelopment of a long-vacant site, owned by the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority and comprising nearly two full city blocks, to include a 21,000 square foot full-service supermarket, a new studio for WURD radio, a locally-owned coffee shop, 32 affordable rental housing units, 18 for-sale workforce housing units, and 116 market-rate rental housing units. The developer was awarded this project through a competitive Request for Proposals in 2017.
Key features:
• Lead developer is a minority-owned development company, partnering with the local community development corporation.
• The project will bring a high-quality supermarket to a community that currently lacks access to fresh food.
• WURD, Pennsylvania’s only African-American-owned radio station will relocate to the project site and have a visible presence in a historically black community.
• 30% of the total residential units in the project will be rented or sold as affordable or workforce housing.
• The project has written support from the Mantua Civic Association, who worked closely with the developer to ensure alignment with community goals.
• This project is financed in-part with equity from a Qualified Opportunity Fund, taking advantage of its location in a federally designated Opportunity Zone.
• This project is subject to the Redevelopment Authority’s Percent for Art policy and the developer will commit at least 1% of the total construction cost to original works of public art on-site.
Susquehanna Square: Groundbreaking for 37 New Affordable Housing Units
Susquehanna Square gives Philadelphians more affordable housing options
PHILADELPHIA– Community Ventures, Grands As Parents, and the City of Philadelphia announce Susquehanna Square. This project provides 37 units of much-needed affordable housing including 14 units targeted for grandparents who are raising their grandchildren or other kinship caregivers.
“We are excited to announce the Susquehanna Square project. This project will be a step to address the great need for affordable housing in this area,” said Anne Fadullon, Director, Department of Planning & Development. “I am proud of this development and the opportunity to provide affordable, safe and quality homes for the people of this community.”
“We hope that Susquehanna Square will be a pilot project for a long-term partnership with Grands As Parents to provide grandparent-headed households affordable housing opportunities and create a stable home environment for these families.,” said David La Fontaine, Executive Director of Community Ventures. “We want our residents and community members to focus on more important things than to worry about how they will afford their rent or where they will live. This project gives opportunities to Philadelphians with multi-generational housing needs and affordable options in a thriving and changing part of North Philadelphia.”
“Susquehanna Square is one of the first intergenerational housing developments built in Philadelphia, and we’re proud to support it,” said City Council President Darrell L. Clarke. “This will enable grandparents caring for grandchildren to live in affordable housing in North Philadelphia. We thank our partners at Community Ventures, Grands as Parents and Philadelphia housing officials for all their work on this very important project.”
Susquehanna Square will be composed of three buildings with 37 units in total. Units sizes will vary, with one, two, three and four bedrooms. 14 of the units that are two, three or four bedrooms will be targeted to grandparents raising their grandchildren or other kinship caregivers.
“We are so pleased after 20 years to see this project break ground,” Jean Hackney, Vice President and Executive Director. “This is a great step in providing caregivers housing they need.”
The project has been funded by the Division of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority, Philadelphia Housing Authority (PHA), the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, the Federal Home Loan Banks of Pittsburgh and New York, TD Bank, TD Charitable Foundation, the National Equity Fund, and Community Lenders.
Onion Flats Architecture and Domus Construction are leading the project development team.
Construction began in September 2019 and is scheduled to be completed in October 2020.
WCRP Breaks Ground on Five Permanently Affordable Townhomes in Point Breeze
Mamie Nichols Development will be part of community-ownership, allowing housing prices to remain affordable
October 30, 2019
Women’s Community Revitalization Project (WCRP) and the Community Justice Land Trust today broke ground on 5 new permanently affordable townhomes in the Point Breeze section of Philadelphia. The townhomes will be located in the Mamie Nichols Homeownership Development, which is named after the founder and executive director of the Point Breeze Federation.
WCRP, a development organization that has a 30 year history of serving women and their families, is continuing Mamie Nichols’ legacy. “Mamie Nichols was a powerful leader who worked tirelessly to strengthen her community,” said Nora Lichtash, executive director of WCRP. “These townhomes will not only provide affordable homeownership opportunities, but it will hopefully inspire the next generation of affordable housing advocates.”
The townhomes are part of the Community Justice Land Trust (CJLT), a project led by WCRP that ensures permanent affordability and community control by retaining ownership of the land and using a community-driven decision making model. This model allows housing prices to remain affordable by responding to community demands rather than market demands.
“The Community Justice Land Trust allows us to provide affordable housing at a time when we are seeing neighborhoods gentrifying and displacing residents at a rapid rate,” said Lichtash. “More importantly, it guarantees that it will remain affordable for future buyers.”
Since it’s zoning approval process, the Mamie Nichols Homeownership Development project was met with overwhelming support from the neighborhood. Second District Councilman Kenyatta Johnson was also an early supporter of the project.
“Mamie Nichols Homeownership Development has been a laudable vision that I’m proud to stand with WCRP to see become a reality,” said Councilman Johnson. “Too often, in my district, I have seen development push long-term residents out of their neighborhoods. This development will guarantee that families aren’t priced out of their homes as the neighborhood changes.”
The Mamie Nichols Housing Development is the third development project within the Community Justice Land Trust, continuing the goal of expanding housing affordability throughout Philadelphia. WCRP also developed 36 lease-to-purchase homes in Port Richmond (Grace Townhomes) and 35 homes are under construction in Germantown (Nicole Hines Townhomes). Unlike the prior to two developments that are lease with a plan to own, the Mamie Nichols Homeownership Development is the Community Justice Land Trust’s first homeownership development, which allows residents to be homeowners from day one.
About WCRP
WCRP is committed to social and economic equity for low-income women and their families, developing housing, providing supportive services, advocating for policy change and honoring leadership, dignity, and justice in our communities. Learn more at www.wcrpphila.org.
Community Justice Land Trust
The Community Justice Land Trust (CJLT) was established in 2009 to create permanently affordable housing in rapidly changing neighborhoods and to meet other community needs like supporting or establishing long-term community gardens and locally-owned businesses. The CJLT has developed 36 rental homes in Port Richmond with an additional 35 under construction in Germantown.
City Officials Celebrate 500th Home Purchased Through The “Philly First Home” First-Time Home Buyers Program
October 21, 2019
Less than five months since its unveiling, over 500 Philadelphia families have purchased their first home under the city’s Philly First Home program.
Through Philly First Home, qualifying residents receive home buyer counseling and a grant of up to $10,000 towards the down payment and closing costs on their purchase of a home. In return, the program has already generated $2.8 million for the city through realty transfer taxes, with additional revenues in property taxes expected.
Council President Darrell L. Clarke (5th District) joined Councilmember Cherelle Parker (9th District) and new homeowner April Broaddus outside her home in Olney today to talk about Philly First Home and what it means for Philadelphians. “Homeownership is the most significant investment an individual or family will ever make, and we need to make sure everyone has equal access to the long-term financial stability that homeownership can provide,” Clarke said. “Unfortunately, the rising cost of living, credit card and student loan debt, and stagnant wages force too many Philadelphians to stay renters. This inhibits their ability to save for the down payment they need to buy their own home. That’s the impetus behind Philly First Home.”
Councilmember Parker, whose 9th District covers Olney, Oak Lane and other “middle neighborhoods” in the Northwest section of Philadelphia, praised what the Philly First Home program means to home buyers like April Broaddus. “The Philly First Home program is evidence that, with just a little push, we can help many Philadelphians overcome barriers such as student loan and credit card debt to achieve their goal of becoming a homeowner,” Parker said. “By incentivizing homeownership, we are stabilizing and preserving our neighborhoods for decades to come and enabling families to begin building wealth.”
April Broaddus’s grant through the program was for $6,900 and the final purchase price of her home was $115,000. She is grateful to City Council and city housing officials for conceiving and supporting an innovative program allowing her to buy her own home for her family. “With the right mindset and knowledge of the market and how it all works, homeownership is an achievable goal,” Broaddus said. “It is important for our generation to be well versed in the business of real estate, as this knowledge can break the cycle of poverty for generations to come.”
Philly First Home provides qualified home buyers with a one-time forgivable grant of up to $10,000 or 6 percent of the purchase price, whichever is less. Home buyers are required to receive counseling before receiving the grant, must not have owned a home for three years, and have household incomes no higher than 120 percent of area median income.
Councilmember Mark F. Squilla (1st District) was champion of the program since it’s onset, citing the ability to lower barriers to homeownership for city residents. “Our residents deserve to achieve the American Dream of owning their first home and this fund [affords] them the ability to buy homes with access to money for a down payment,” he said in May.
Councilmember María Quiñones Sánchez (7th District) added, “Providing the small boost enabling more of our neighbors to become homeowners, this is another great tool in our toolbox to expand affordable housing options in our city.”
If the home buyer owns their home for 15 years, the grant is forgiven. If they sell their home before 15 years is up, they must pay the grant back to the city to help other families.
In less than five months since its inception, the progress of Philly First Home is startling:
- 545 grants awarded to home buyers and purchases completed
- $4.7 Million in total grants awarded to home buyers
- $8,654.00 — average grant
- $160,492 — average purchase price of the homes
- $2,867,200 in real estate transfer taxes collected by city on these sales.
Council President Clarke, Councilmember Parker and Ms. Broaddus were joined at the press conference by housing counselors assisting first-time home buyers and city housing officials.
“The financial assistance along with the housing counseling not only helps families buy the home but also helps them stay in it,” said Anne Fadullon, the City’s Director of Planning and Development. “Moreover, our $4.7 million in grants has supported $87 million in sales and $2.7 million in Transfer Tax revenue to the City.”

The Plaza @31Brewerytown Officially Opens to the Public
October 21st
Westrum Development Company (Westrum), along with Mural Arts Philadelphia (MAP) and the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority (PRA) celebrate the official opening of the Plaza@31Brewerytown featuring FUTURE VALLEY
The evening will start off with some celebratory comments from John Westrum, Founder, and CEO of Westrum Development Company, Greg Heller of the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority and Jane Golden of the Mural Arts Philadelphia, followed by a ribbon-cutting in front of the Plaza which is located at 1410-1430 N. 31st between Master and Jefferson Streets in Philadelphia. Guests can enjoy drinks provided by Philly Yard Bar, catered food, live entertainment, a tour of the new site and a chance to meet David Guinn and Robert Goodman, the two visionaries behind the design of Future Valley.
Owned and maintained by Westrum, the 4000-sq ft space is an artfully designed public space integrated into the campus of the HUB@31Brewerytown rental community. It’s official opening to the residents of Brewerytown represents the culmination of Westrum’s 15-year master plan and commitment to the revitalization of that neighborhood. Working with MAP and through the PRA’s Percent for Art Program, local artists were chosen to design the space in a way that gives tribute to Brewerytown’s heritage while celebrating 21st Century ingenuity.
FUTURE VALLEY, the murals, and sculptures designed by artists David Guinn and Robert Goodman explore the relationship between the natural world and the built environment, one of tension and collaboration. Vegetation and the structural elements of the nineteenth-century breweries combine in ways that illuminate the complex entanglement of nature, time and humanity. References to local historical architecture borrow from the past but gesture to future possibilities.
Mural Arts Philadelphia is the nation’s largest public art program, dedicated to the belief that art ignites change. For over 30 years, Mural Arts have united artists and communities through a collaborative and equitable process, creating nearly 4,000 artworks that have transformed public spaces and individual lives. Mural Arts aims to empower people, stimulate dialogue, and build bridges to understanding with projects that attract artists from Philadelphia and around the world, and programs that focus on youth education, restorative justice, mental health and wellness, and public art and its preservation. Popular mural tours offer a firsthand glimpse into the inspiring stories behind Mural Arts’ iconic and unparalleled collection, which has earned Philadelphia worldwide recognition as the “City of Murals.” For more information, call 215-685-0750 or visit muralarts.org. Follow us on social media: @muralarts on Twitter and Instagram, MuralArtsPhiladelphia on Facebook, and phillymuralarts on YouTube.
Westrum Development Company is an award-winning residential real estate company in the mid-Atlantic region. Over the course of its 30+ plus year history, Westrum has successfully designed and developed more than 100 communities and constructed and occupied over 4,400 homes and apartments throughout the region.
Westrum continues to build on a strong and established past, with innovative new methods to meet the ever-changing needs of the industry. Whether the project is revitalization in cities and boroughs or land development in the suburbs, Westrum promotes the responsible management of our company, our properties, the environment, and the community.
* The Plaza was envisioned and made possible by Westrum Development Company in cooperation with the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority and the Philadelphia Mural Arts Program
Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority Selected Winner of 2019 Robert C Larson Housing Policy Leadership Award
September 23, 2019
The Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority has been selected by the Urban Land Institute (ULI) Terwilliger Center for Housing as a winner of the 2019 Robert C. Larson Housing Policy Leadership Award, which is an annual recognition of the innovative ways the public sector is addressing the country’s affordable housing crisis.
The winners, selected by a jury of nationally renowned housing industry leaders, were announced during ULI’s 2019 Fall Meeting in Washington, D.C. Terwilliger Center Founder and former ULI Chairman J. Ronald Terwilliger served as the jury chairman. “These policies demonstrate the hard work, creative thinking, and leadership that is necessary to provide affordable housing for those who so desperately need it,” Terwilliger said. “They are fine examples of what is achievable, and it is my hope that they inspire more creativity and more solutions in more of our communities.”
The Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority was recognized for its proactive actions in creating affordable housing before it becomes a problem in the city. The goal of the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority’s Workforce Housing program is to identify clusters of publicly owned land, bundle them, sell them to a developer at the highest possible sale price to the public sector. The program requires developers to ensure the properties are owner-occupied, homeowners are income certified, and that resales are made at an affordable price-point for up to 30 years, and create a credit enhancement program that matches a land and credit subsidy. The first workforce housing project went to settlement in 2015 and has led to 13 projects with 148 units of workforce housing, along with an additional 62 market rate units in mixed-income projects.
The award recognizes exemplary state and local programs, policies, and practices that support the production, rehabilitation, or preservation of workforce and affordable housing. It was created in 2011 to honor the legacy of the late Robert C. Larson, a former Terwilliger Center advisory board member, former ULI Foundation chairman, and a longtime ULI trustee.
The Larson Award is part of the ULI Terwilliger Center’s housing awards program, which honors developments and programs that provide affordable, well-designed, and accessible housing choices for people with a mix of incomes, including families earning up to 120 percent of the area median income.
The program recognizes states and localities that undertake a broad range of policy and administrative initiatives to support housing affordability. This can take the form of regulatory or administrative changes such as allowing higher densities and waiving fees, or programs that provide grants or financing assistance. Policy programs are judged on several factors, including impact on the supply of workforce housing, comprehensiveness of the tools and programs employed, involvement of public/private partnerships, and the ability to leverage private and nonprofit funds, among other criteria.
To read the full announcement, click here.
Welcoming Philadelphia’s First Public Sculpture Depicting an Individual African American Girl
New statue unveiled at Smith Playground as part of the 60thAnniversary of Philadelphia’s Percent for Art Programs
July 31, 2019
The City of Philadelphia celebrated the unveiling of MVP, Philadelphia’s first freestanding statue depicting an individual African American girl, as the official kickoff of the City of Philadelphia’s 60th Anniversary of the Percent for Art Programs.
Speakers included Brian Abernathy, Managing Director; Kathryn Ott Lovell, Philadelphia Parks & Recreation Commissioner; Kelly Lee, Chief Cultural Officer; and Brian McCutcheon, Artist. Also in attendance were Connor Barwin, Founder and Board President of Make The World Better Foundation; Mr. Ron, “The Mayor of Smith Playground”; Michael Mychak, Smith Playground Recreation Leader; Smith Playground summer campers, project partner organizations, artists, and many more.
“Philadelphia’s youth are the MVPs of our city,” said Mayor Jim Kenney. “The installation of MVP is an overdue public celebration of the incredible determination and achievement of every young Philadelphian.”
MVP by Brian McCutcheon is located at Smith Playground in South Philadelphia at 2100 South 24th Street. The original artwork was commissioned through the Office of Arts, Culture and the Creative Economy’s Percent for Art Program in partnership with Philadelphia Parks & Recreation, Councilmember Kenyatta Johnson, and the Make the World Better Foundation.
“MVP celebrates those who have historically been underrepresented in Philadelphia’s public art collection – people of color, women, and our youth,” said Margot Berg, Public Art Director. “As Philadelphia’s collection of public art continues to grow through the Percent for Art Program and other initiatives, the City remains committed to commissioning artworks that reflect our city’s diverse communities and histories.”
The figurative bronze statue depicts a young, African American female basketball player. She has just taken possession of the ball and is poised in a decisive moment which will dictate what happens next. MVP represents the power and potential of young girls, exemplifying the pursuit of success through dedication and hard work.
MVP is inspired by the trailblazing Philadelphia athlete Ora Washington (1898-1971). Ms. Washington was a legendary Philadelphian who excelled in basketball and tennis. She played for the Philadelphia Tribunes basketball team from 1931 to 1943 and was inducted into The Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in 2018. A multitalented athlete, she was also the American Tennis Association’s National Women’s Tennis Champion every year from 1925 to 1937. Ms. Washington’s achievements in the face of racial oppression and its systemic obstacles to equal opportunity embody the narrative of determination triumphing over injustice.
“Philadelphia inspired the development of my professional practice as an artist,” said Brian McCutcheon. “Drawing from my experiences living in South Philadelphia, it’s been an honor create this monument to the youth of the Smith Playground community. The figurative statue and dedication to Ora Washington represent the resilience of Philadelphian youth throughout the city.”
This Percent for Art opportunity was announced nationally to artists and artist teams as an open Call to Artists in December 2017. Of 52 applicants, four finalists were selected to present proposals. The selection panel included: Cavin Jones, Artist; Ife Nii Owoo, Artist; Jennie Shanker, Artist and Professor, Tyler University. The Advisory Panel included representatives from: The Office of Arts, Culture and the Creative Economy, Philadelphia Parks & Recreation, Make the World Better, and a conservator from the Philadelphia Museum of Art. The selection panel unanimously voted in favor of McCutcheon’s proposal.
“The children and teens that come to Smith Playground everyday can see and be inspired by this powerful sculpture that looks like someone in their community,” said Kelly Lee, Chief Cultural Officer. “My hope is, like the Rocky statue, MVP will become a local destination where people will come, replicate the pose, take photos, or selfies and if only for a moment feel like a MVP – a most valuable player.”
The unveiling of MVP kicked off a series of programs presented by the Office of Arts, Culture and the Creative Economy and the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority as part of the 60th Anniversary of Philadelphia’s Percent for Art Programs, the first in the nation. MVP is the newest of the “Percent for Art 60″, a selection of 60 public artworks commissioned through the Percent for Art Programs. The “Percent for Art 60″ are in neighborhoods throughout Philadelphia and represents 60 years of public art created in a diversity of mediums, subject matter, scale and intent. In addition to the unveiling of MVP, the “Percent for Art 60” celebratory programs include:
- Public Art Trivia on the jumbo digital screen at Commerce Square made possible with the support of Brandywine Realty Trust.
- An Interactive Map to take self-guided tours of Philadelphia’s public art throughout Philadelphia’s neighborhoods.
- A social media Scavenger Hunt with cool prizes for the winner.
- An exhibition opening on September 19 at the Center for Architecture + Design.
- And a Panel Discussion with public artists on November 7.
To learn more about how to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Philadelphia’s Percent for Art Programs, visit creativephl.org
About the Artist
Brian McCutcheon is an Indianapolis-based artist and founder of Ignition Arts, LLC, which specializes in large-scale public art commissions. Living for a decade in South Philadelphia, McCutcheon considers Philadelphia a fundamental influence on his work. He has been the recipient of a number of grants, awards, and artist residencies, including a 2010-11 Pollock-Krasner Foundation grant and a summer 2009 residency at Sculpture Space in Utica, New York. Over the past decade, his work has been featured in a wide range of exhibitions on a national and international scale.
About the Percent for Art Program
Enacted in 1959, the City’s Percent for Art ordinance requires that one percent of the total dollar amount of any construction project that includes City funds be devoted to the commissioning of site-specific public art. The intent of the Percent for Art Ordinance is to enhance the City’s public environment by incorporating exceptional site-specific works of art.
The Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority’s Percent for Art Program works with developers building on land purchased from or acquired by the PRA to commission original works of public art across the city. The PRA’s Public art can be found in such diverse developments as high-rise commercial and residential towers, universities, parks and hotels.
The City of Philadelphia Celebrates 60 Years of Percent for Art
Spring 2019
The City of Philadelphia’s Office of Arts, Culture and the Creative Economy (OACCE) and the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority (PRA) are celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the nation’s first Percent for Art Programs.
In 1959, Philadelphia pioneered the Percent for Art model requiring the inclusion of site-specific public art in new construction or major renovation projects in the amount of one percent of the total budget. The charge of the Percent for Art Program is to commission outstanding and enduring artworks, which respond specifically to public spaces and communities. This groundbreaking model has been replicated in cities across the country, reflecting our collective desire to experience visual art as a component of the built environment.
“As the first city in the nation to establish the Percent for Art model, Philadelphia is proud to recognize this important milestone,” said Mayor Jim Kenney. “The public art commissioned through the Percent for Art Programs connect our citizens to these public spaces.”
Both the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority’s and the City’s Percent for Art Programs were established in 1959 – the PRA’s began in March and the City’s in December. The PRA’s Percent for Art requirement mandated that at least one percent of the building construction costs be allocated to the commissioning of original site-specific public art. Similarly, the City’s Percent for Art ordinance required that “an amount not to exceed” one percent of the total dollar amount of any City-funded construction project be devoted to original site-specific public art.
Philadelphia is home to an unparalleled collection of public art in every medium including sculptures, memorials, art glass, kinetic works and murals throughout all areas of the city. Over 650 of these artworks were commissioned through the City’s Percent for Art Programs. Committed to the principle that art should be available to all of Philadelphia’s communities, the Percent for Art Programs have brought professional visual artists’ work to residential buildings, educational campuses, libraries, recreation centers and other civic spaces in every neighborhood. Believed to be the oldest and largest collection of public art in the United States, our extraordinary collection tells the story of Philadelphia’s rich history and diversity and reflects Philadelphia’s long-standing commitment to arts and culture.
“Philadelphia’s unrivaled public art collection is the result of the collective efforts of local arts organizations, civic groups, and visionary individuals and illustrates our enduring belief in the value of art in everyday life,” said Margot Berg, Public Art Director. “Marking the 60th Anniversary of the Percent for Art Programs is an opportunity to recognize our city’s remarkable collection and to celebrate our reputation as the greatest public art city in the nation.”
The activities celebrating the 60th Anniversary begin with the Percent for Art 60, a selection of 60 public artworks commissioned through OACCE and PRA’s Percent for Art Programs. “The Percent for Art 60 represent the diversity in the types of public art in neighborhoods throughout the city and showcases a progression of public art since 1959,” said Julia Guerrero, Director of the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority’s Percent for Art Program. The Percent for Art 60 will be highlighted through anniversary activities happening this year.
60th Anniversary activities include:
- Percent for Art 60 Interactive Map – The Percent for Art 60 will be highlighted in a new online map. Visit the interactive map to learn more about the artist, location, and details about each artwork. The map can be used for self-guided tours and to find the Percent for Art 60 in your neighborhood. Map launch-date to be announced.
- #PercentForArt60 Photo Contest – Philadelphians and visitors alike are invited to snap and share their images of the #PercentForArt60 to join in the 60th Anniversary celebration. Participants can use the online map to find the #PercentForArt60 throughout the city. Share your images on social media using #PercentForArt60 to be part of the fun!
- New Percent for Art Dedications – The public artworks commissioned through OACCE’s and PRA’s Percent for Art Programs that are unveiled and dedicated this year will be highlighted as part of the 60th Anniversary.
- 60th Anniversary Exhibition – Planned for this fall, an exhibition will feature a visual timeline of Philadelphia’s Percent for Art program over the past 60 years. The multi-media exhibit will include video, past proposal documents and models for visitors to learn more about the history of this groundbreaking program.
- 60th Anniversary Reception & Panel Discussion – The closing reception of the 60th Anniversary exhibition will feature a panel discussion and serve as the key event of the Percent for Art 60th Anniversary. The panel discussion will celebrate the role of public art, discuss how it has changed in the past 60 years and imagine how it can continue to evolve in the future.
To stay up-to-date about Percent for Art 60th Anniversary announcements or additional events, visit creativephl.org/percentforart60.
About the Percent for Art Programs
The City’s Percent for Art ordinance requires that one percent of the total dollar amount of any construction project that includes City funds be devoted to the commissioning of site-specific public art. The intent of the Percent for Art Ordinance is to enhance the City’s public environment by incorporating exceptional site-specific works of art.
The Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority’s Percent for Art Program works with developers building on land purchased from or acquired by the PRA to commission original works of public art across the city. The PRA’s Public art can be found in such diverse developments as high-rise commercial and residential towers, universities, parks and hotels.
About City of Philadelphia’s Office of Arts, Culture and the Creative Economy
The Office of Arts, Culture and the Creative Economy (OACCE) supports and promotes arts, culture and the creative industries; develops partnerships that ensure culture and creativity are essential components of Philadelphia’s community revitalization, education, and economic development strategies; and links Philadelphians to cultural resources and opportunities. For more information about the Office of Arts, Culture and the Creative Economy, visit CreativePHL.org and follow @CreativePHL on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Philadelphia Land Bank And Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority Partner In Garden Preservation Across The City
The City of Philadelphia, PLB and PRA efforts keeps gardens in the hands of residents.
May 17, 2019
[envira-gallery id=”1134″]PHILADELPHIA-Today City Officials, Philadelphia Land Bank (PLB), Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority (PRA), Neighborhood Garden Trust (NGT), community partners, and gardeners announced their efforts around preserving and protecting community gardening and urban agriculture.
The City has been working with NGT to preserve gardens across the city where and when possible.
“Neighborhood gardens are critically important to the vibrancy of a neighborhood,” said City of Philadelphia Councilman Curtis Jones, 4th District. “The reuse of a vacant lots into a neighborhood gardens like Five Loaves Two Fish in Hestonville eliminates blight and at the same time teaches our young people the importance of urban agriculture. I enthusiastically pledge my support for more urban gardens in our great city.”
“Community gardening is an important part of Philadelphia neighborhoods and communities,” said Angel Rodriguez, Executive Director, Philadelphia Land Bank. “The Land Bank is committed to working with NGT and residents across the City to be a partner in the preservation of community gardens.”
“Philadelphia has a wonderful and thriving urban agriculture scene,” said Greg Heller, Executive Director, Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority. “Our public landholding agencies have been, and will continue to work with our nonprofit and community partners to build and preserve gardens and urban farms – assets so vital to the health and prosperity of our neighborhoods.”
“NGT’s work to secure and protect community gardens with insecure land tenure would not be possible without the partnership of the Philadelphia Land Bank and Redevelopment Authority,” said Jenny Greenberg, Executive Director, Neighborhood Gardens Trust. “It’s a critical time to work together to preserve these community-managed open spaces that provide so many benefits to our city before it is too late.”
“Most people looked at these lots as blighted, diseased, and filthy,” said Victor Young, Gardener, Five Loaves Two Fish Community Garden. “But when we surveyed this land, we saw beauty, healing, stability, and possibilities for our community. This garden is a true asset to our neighborhood, and brings the gardeners so much joy.”
If residents are interested in learning more about how to obtain a community garden, this brochure outlines the process.
HACE Breaks Ground on Casa Indiana, $16 Million Affordable Senior Housing For Independent Living
May 6, 2019
HACE CDC was joined by Mayor James Kenney, elected officials and state agency representatives, to celebrate the ground-breaking of its newest affordable housing development, Casa Indiana. This $16 million project adds 50 new affordable units to HACE’s current portfolio of over 450 existing units in North Philadelphia’s Fairhill and St. Hugh neighborhoods, serving seniors, families, artists and small businesses. Casa Indiana’s units are specifically targeted to aging residents (62 years and over), who will be able to take advantage of community social activities and supportive services, like shuttles to medical appointments and on-site benefits enrollment services, to remain self-sufficient for as long as possible.
“In many cases, these men and women have spent their whole lives in the neighborhood. Their families and friends are here. We know that seniors have much higher quality of life – and better health outcomes – when they are able to remain close to loved ones, and in familiar settings,” said Maria Gonzalez, HACE’s President and CEO. “We want to make sure no one has to move out of the neighborhood just to get the support they need to live a healthy and fulfilling life as an older resident.”
Casa Indiana is a catalytic project within a larger resident-driven strategy to address the impacts of decades of deep poverty and high crime in Fairhill and St. Hugh. Incorporating a number of innovative interventions on the blocks surrounding the future site of Casa Indiana and the Richmond Industrial Track, HACE has crafted a creative, partnership-rich revitalization strategy that ensures equitable livability and affordability. By targeting its efforts to key sites at a critical time, HACE builds from ongoing and recent efforts to address areas that have been identified by residents and stakeholders as the most challenging and repeat problem areas in the neighborhood, and transforms them into long-term assets for inclusive neighborhood growth.
Casa Indiana is made possible through funding from the Philadelphia Division of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA), the National Equity Fund, Philadelphia Housing Authority (PHA), PA Department of Community and Economic Development (PA DCED), and Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC).
Presby’s Inspired Life Revitalizes City Block With Low-Income Senior Housing In South Philadelphia
New Community Built on Mayor Kenney’s Childhood Street
April 23, 2019
Today, Presby’s Inspired Life, along with Councilman Mark Squilla and residents, celebrated the grand opening of Cantrell Place in South Philadelphia. The site of the new buildings, located on the same street where Mayor Kenney grew up, has revitalized a city block by transforming 33 vacant lots into 61 units of Affordable Housing for Philadelphia seniors.
The grand opening celebration included remarks from Councilman Squilla who was instrumental in securing city funding to bring this project to fruition. In addition, remarks were given by City Representative Sheila Hess, Office of the City Representative; Executive Director Greg Heller, Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority; Regional Administrator Joe DeFelice, U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development; Director of Eastern Region Nancy Twyman, Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency; Senior Executive VP & Chief Development and Operating Officer Lopa Kolluri, Philadelphia Housing Authority.
In development since 2011, Cantrell Place meets a critical need for quality, affordable housing for seniors in South Philadelphia. A majority of the new Cantrell Place residents waited in line overnight to receive an application. A portion of the apartments were set aside for homeless and mobility- and sensory-impaired seniors.
“There is a housing crisis in the city of Philadelphia, and no group is more impacted by this crisis than seniors,” said Judee M. Bavaria, President & CEO of Presby’s Inspired Life. “It is estimated that the older adult population is set to outpace Millennials over the next decade, and we know that affordable, quality housing is at a premium. Not many developers are responding to this need with more urgency than Presby’s Inspired Life.”
“I’m very pleased that there will be affordable housing options for seniors in the neighborhood where I spent my childhood,” said Mayor Kenney. “The grand opening of Cantrell Place will make it that much easier for longtime residents to remain in their neighborhoods, which is a priority of our Housing Action Plan. I’m thankful for the work of Presby’s Inspired Life in providing access to housing for those who need it most.”
Presby’s portfolio includes 36 Affordable Housing communities in the greater Philadelphia region — most of which boast wait lists twice, sometimes triple, the number of units available. Presby was awarded tax-credit funding from the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency in July 2016 to develop Cantrell Place. The developer is Domus.
Bavaria added, “Cantrell Place is one example of how we are fulfilling a critical need for quality Affordable Housing for older adults in Philadelphia, and we are able to do this with help from local officials and organizations, like Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, Philadelphia Housing Authority, Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.”
ABOUT PRESBY’S INSPIRED LIFE — Presby’s Inspired Life, a not-for-profit, faith-based organization, currently provides continuing care and Affordable Housing for more than 3,000 people 62 and better, across more than 30 communities throughout greater Philadelphia. The organization has been serving the Philadelphia community for more than 60 years. PresbysInspiredLife.org
CANTRELL PLACE – Is a 61-unit affordable housing community for those 62 and better, sponsored by Presby’s Inspired Life. Cantrell Place received the 2018 “Best Affordable Housing Deal” from the Philadelphia Business Journal.
City Launches Pilot Program to Connect Trade Students with Local Contractors
PHDC, JEVS Human Services, Orleans Technical College, and other partners hosted a building trades career fair for high school students.
April 5, 2019
Contact: Jamila Davis, PHDC, 215-686-9727, [email protected]
More than 100 students interested in careers in the building trades attended a Hiring Expo hosted today by the Philadelphia Housing Development Corporation (PHDC), JEVS Human Services, and Orleans Technical College.
The Hiring Expo matched selected students from several career education programs with PHDC contractors (full list below) in need of new employees. Today’s event is part of an ongoing effort between the City of Philadelphia, PHDC, and the Mayor’s Office of Education to attract young adults into the building trades and create more employment opportunities for Philadelphians.
“This pilot program is an excellent example of the power of partnership,” said Mayor Jim Kenney. “The collaboration between PHDC, the School District, YouthBuild Philly and JEVS Human Services will not only give young people much-need work experience, it will also help develop a stronger pipeline between our schools and reputable contractors across the city. I am proud to see such teamwork in support of the goals and objectives outlined in Fueling Philadelphia’s Talent Engine, the city’s comprehensive workforce development strategy which was released last year.”
“For over 50 years PHDC has helped Philadelphians preserve and maintain their homes,” said David Thomas, Executive Director of PHDC. “We built relationships with small and mid-size contractors across the City. The goal of this event is to match qualified and trained students with PHDC affiliated contractors looking to increase their capacity. This means helping more Philadelphians in need, and also increasing their business-which helps small businesses in Philadelphia.”
“JEVS Human Services is honored to host this expo on the campus of our Orleans Technical College (OTC),” said Bill Lynch, campus president. “We have been providing career and technical skills training since 1974, with an emphasis on delivering short-term, employer-responsive programs in the skilled and construction trades sector. We measure our success and impact by matching well-trained graduates with employers committed to offering sustainable employment and growth opportunities. We are equally excited to include ready-to-work graduates from JEVS Project WOW program in this first-of-its kind hiring fair because it allows us to see the real-time fulfillment of our mission, taking place under one roof.”
Participating Contractors:
Adkins Management, Inc.
Best Choice Plumbing, Inc.
Burke Plumbing & Heating
CGW Electric, Inc.
Clark Roofing Co.
Clements Brothers, Inc.
CPR Plumbing, Inc.
D.A. Virelli Roofing
DMC Environmental Group, Inc.
Dunrite Contractors, LLC

G&H General Contractors, LLC
Giampietro & Son Construction
GMW Construction
Guaranteed Plumbing, Inc.
Hamp Young General Contractor
I.B.N. Master Plumbing, LLC
IVN Sound & Communications LLC
Cruz Development
MD Roofing & Siding, LLC
Morris Roofing Co., Inc.

Mr. D’s Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
North American Roofers, Inc.
Pendino Construction, LLC
Quality Air HVAC Trust
Reid’s Electrical Contracting, Inc.
Richard’s Roofing
Tangent Construction Management Corporation
W&W Contractors, Inc.
Whiting Services, LLC
For more information on JEVS, please visit: https://www.jevshumanservices.org/
PRA and City Officials Announce the Release of the Lower Eastwick Public Land Strategy
Strategy concludes two-year study, combining extensive research and community input
March 25, 2019
Today, the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority and the City of Philadelphia release the Lower Eastwick Public Land Strategy. This report marks the conclusion of a two-year endeavor. The report had two two goals: 1) empower Eastwick residents through an inclusive process to shape the future of their community; and 2) provide a framework for responsible land use decisions to build a resilient neighborhood.
“While this Strategy is a major step forward, we still have a long way to go toward implementing its recommendations,” said Gregory Heller, Executive Director of the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority. “Our promise to the community is that every step will continue to engage and empower the residents of Eastwick through an inclusive process. And every step will be made with a primary focus on neighborhood resilience.”
“I am pleased with the recommendations in this report,” said Councilman Kenyatta Johnson, 2nd District. “Eastwick residents have various needs and ideas, all while dealing with serious environment realities. This report has done a great job of engaging residents, and coming up with a plan that respects the community, and the land. From community space and jobs to open space and commercial properties, this plan covers it all.”
“Many thanks to the members of the Steering Committee, Mayor Jim Kenney, Councilman Kenyatta Johnson, Interface Studios, and all of the public agencies that worked on this initiative, and foremost, the residents of Eastwick who took part in this process to shape a positive future for your community. We look forward to continuing to work with you all in the months ahead,” said Heller.
City Officials And Partners Announce New Home Repair Loan Program
Providing Low Interest Home Repair Loans for Working Philadelphians
March 13, 2019
Today City officials announce the new Restore Repair Renew (RRR) program. This program is a partnership between the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority (PRA) and nonprofit service providers to offer affordable home repair loans of up to $24,999 to eligible homeowners.“Today is a great day for middle income individuals and families in the City of Philadelphia,” said Mayor Jim Kenney. “We understand that there are some families that work every day, and still need assistance in maintaining and preserving their home. These Philadelphians may not be able to qualify for a traditional home repair loan, and may need some assistance. The Philadelphia Neighborhood Home Preservation Loan Program, better known as Restore, Repair, Renew or RRR, is the answer.”
Restore Repair Renew was proposed by Council, and created by PRA. This program is in support of the City’s goal of creating and preserving affordable, quality homes in neighborhoods where the markets are rapidly changing, and in stable neighborhoods at risk of decline. part of a wide-ranging effort to increase housing security for low-income people, working-class families, and seniors.
“The Restore Repair Renew program is a critical part of Council’s strategic plan to support equitable growth and inclusive neighborhoods throughout the City of Philadelphia,” Council President Darrell L. Clarke (5th District) said. “People with lower incomes shouldn’t pay proportionately more for basic home repairs and modifications, yet many do when the only financing options available to them are precious savings or high-interest credit cards. I’m grateful to our lending and nonprofit partners who recognize that people’s ability to maintain their homes and age in place helps keep neighborhoods stable and primed for investment.”
PRA selected three program intermediaries and two lenders to support this program. Clarifi, Philadelphia Council for Community Advancement (PCCA), and Public Health Management Corporation (PHMC) are the program intermediaries.
“For too long, government has overlooked the ‘middle’ — homeowners in working-class neighborhoods who are not poor enough for grant programs but who are also denied loans by big banks. I am proud to have been able to take the lead on behalf of the City Council of Philadelphia in helping to design Restore Repair Renew with these households, along with all Philadelphians, in mind. This program provides an affordable tool for residents in middle neighborhoods and throughout our great city to preserve their most prized asset – their home. In order to stabilize neighborhoods, we need to invest in them now. As we know, an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure.”
“Clarifi is one of three intermediaries that will be providing direct services to homeowners for the RRR program,” said Jill Roberts, Executive Director, Healthy RowHouse Project. “Over our 53-history, Clarifi has delivered budget, credit and housing counseling, financial education workshops and a comprehensive continuum of outcome-driven financial capability services. The program was a perfect fit for our agency, and the clients we serve.”
“PCCA’s long-term commitment to the revitalization of City and surrounding counties and the economic wellbeing of the people we serve was the perfect fit for planning, testing, implementation, and participation in the Restore, Repair, and Renew program,” said Alfredo de la Peña, President of PCCA and CEO of Mission First Housing Group. “We are looking forward to the launch of this program.”
“There is an undeniable correlation between physical and mental health and financial stability,” said Richard J. Cohen, President and Chief Executive Officer of PHMC. “Helping individuals access the funds to improve the safety and quality of their homes increases individual wellness, stabilizes neighborhoods and supports overall community health. We are proud to partner with the City and the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority to assist local homeowners to maintain and improve one of their most important assets.”
The two lenders selected to take part are Univest and FINANTA.
“Univest Bank and Trust Co. is excited to serve as a partner for the Restore, Repair, Renew program,” said Dana Brown, Executive Vice President of Consumer Banking for Univest. “Since entering the city in 2015, Univest continues to expand its presence in Philadelphia and a large part of those efforts is to support programs and organizations that are making a difference in local communities across the city. The RRR program is a perfect fit with our mission which challenges us to be a strong leader in our markets and to be active in our communities.”
“We are thrilled to be a partner of the Restore, Repair, Renew Philadelphia Home Preservation Loan Program and to be able to provide an affordable home repair financing option for Philadelphia home owners,” said Michael Alles, Vice President of Lending for FINANTA
City of Philadelphia, PRA, and City Council Celebrate the Ribbon-Cutting of 16 Workforce Housing Homes
February 27, 2019
The City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority, and City Council work developers, Mo Rushdy and Larry McKnight of The Riverwards Group, celebrate the ribbon-cutting of the Francisville Workforce Housing project, located on Parrish Street between 15th and 16th streets.
These 16 homes are three-bedroom units being sold for $229,990. Each unit has spacious private backyards, a 10-year tax abatement, and no condo or HOA fees.
“Affordable Housing for working class homeowners is so important,” said Mayor Jim Kenney. “As neighborhoods across the City continue to change and grow, it is imperative to have housing for Philadelphians at all income levels. Philadelphia’s Workforce Housing Initiative was designed to leverage the value of publicly-owned land to create housing opportunities that will be affordable to households within a certain income level. This is a necessary part of the affordable housing creation model, and I look forward to more developments like this across the city.”
“We are honored to have been the developer on this project,” said Mo Rushdy of the Riverwards Group. “Because the requirements for workforce housing states that buyers must earn no more than $73,000 to qualify, this gives many more Philadelphians the chance to live in a great neighborhood like Francisville. These houses won’t be “flipped” and local residents get to stay in their neighborhood. It’s a win-win for everyone.”
“Our Workforce Housing Initiative is just one example of how cities can leverage existing assets to shore up their core strengths: diverse neighborhoods populated by working people who can raise families and plan for retirement in comfort,” Council President Darrell L. Clarke, 5th District said. “A strong housing market should not be frightening; rather, it should provide benefits that make our neighborhoods better, more welcoming places for all. I am grateful to all of our partners here who are committed to ensuring that the City of Philadelphia continues to manage growth in a fair and responsible way, with the goal of making every neighborhood a community of choice.”
“Francisville Workforce Housing development is a perfect example of how the private sector, teaming up with the public sector, can provide a good product (single family homes) at great pricing for hard-working, working class families,” said Larry McKinght of the Riverwards Group said “This isn’t the first time that The Riverwards Group participated in this great program. In fact, we did the first workforce housing development for the city two years ago and now Francisville is next. We want to do our fair share of giving back to this great city and can’t wait to do more when provided the opportunity.”
“I always wanted to buy a house in the neighborhood I grew up in, but I couldn’t afford it,” said first time Fransville homebuyer LaTonya McDaniels. “When I heard about this workforce housing development, I couldn’t pass up this opportunity.”
Another new homebuyer Kris Johnson said that he had rented until now. “To become a homeowner is something very special,” Johnson said.
PRA Expands Financing for Workforce Housing
Construction Loan Guarantee Gives Developers the Tools They Need to Build Middle-Income Housing
February 5, 2019 – PHILADELPHIA-The Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority (PRA) announces the expansion of the Workforce Housing Credit Enhancement —a loan guarantee that helps developers finance much-needed middle-income housing developments in rapidly appreciating neighborhoods.
The Workforce Housing (“WFH”) Program is a City initiative that promotes the development of housing for middle-income households (between 80% to 120% of Area Median Income).
“Affordable housing is a top priority for me,” said Mayor Jim Kenney. “The Workforce Housing program was created to help maintain affordability for hardworking Philadelphians like teachers, firefighters, police officers, and others who work every day, and want to live in neighborhoods that are becoming unaffordable for their budgets. I appreciate this effort, and am looking forward to the impact it can make on our great City.”
The City’s Housing Action Plan cites a need for 11,500 units of Workforce Housing over the next decade. PRA, which already offers financing for affordable housing at lower income levels, created this credit enhancement to allow developers to build Workforce Housing to help fill the gap in this missing middle of the housing spectrum. To date, the Workforce Housing program has resulted in 142 units of housing that has been completed or in development.
“At our core, Philadelphia is a city of workers, so we must do everything we can to ensure our neighborhoods remain accessible and inclusive – particularly in times of sharp high-end real estate growth. Supporting workforce housing is critical to our goal of shared health and prosperity across our city,” said Council President Darrell L. Clarke, 5th District. “This program will ensure that our city continues to welcome and celebrate working class people. In a time of ever greater inequities, we are working to make Philadelphia stand out as a superior place to live, work, and plan for the future.”
In February 2017, PRA tested a pilot credit enhancement in partnership with the Philadelphia Land Bank (PLB). Based on the success of that pilot, PRA is now expanding the credit enhancement to make it more widely available. The credit enhancement is now available to support the financing of any workforce housing within Philadelphia, for-sale or rental, that is built on land acquired from PRA, PLB, or Philadelphia Department of Public Property (DPP).
“Our goal is to partner with the private sector to come up with creative solutions that allow the market to build the kind of housing that our city needs,” said Gregory Heller, Executive Director of the PRA, “This partial loan guarantee helps developers to build, and banks to finance workforce housing, while ensuring that our scarce public resources can go as far as possible.”
“Working with the PRA and the Philadelphia Land Bank has been great,” explains Max Frankel, Frankel Enterprises. “Our Workforce Housing project in the West Poplar section of the City was possible because of this financing model. I am looking forward to working with PRA and the City on future projects.”
A full description and necessary requirements for developers to access Workforce Housing Credit Enhancement are on this website.
Maguire Residence Breaks Ground – Housing for People Recovering From Addiction
The Maguire Residence project will involve the adaptive reuse and substantial rehabilitation of the existing old Frances Willard School a four-story, mid-rise two elevator building. The gross building area is 50,902+ GSF. There will be forty-two (42) low-income housing units, which will consist of thirty (30) efficiency units and twelve (12) one-bedroom units with fifteen (15) units receiving HOME funds. Each unit will have its own private kitchen and bathroom. There will be eleven (11) parking spaces. All units will be visitable with six (6) accessible units, and two (2) units for persons with hearing and vision disability. The residents will be provided assistance with employment, education, health care-related services, as well as case management, life skills, and community-building activities. Five (5) units will be set aside for persons at or below 20% of the Area Median Income (AMI), seventeen (17) units at 50% AMI, and twenty (20) units at 60% AMI. The units will be targeted to homeless adult men, women and persons with special needs.
In addition, the project includes the new construction of a 1-story, 1,208± SF, rectangular lobby. The lobby will serve as the accessible entry to the building, which is necessary for the viability of the project. The addition provides for necessary lobby space without compromising any of the existing historic configuration of the 1st floor.
The project will receive Annual Contribution Contract operating subsidies from the Philadelphia Housing Authority to support the rents for twenty-seven (27) units. The City of Philadelphia Office of Homeless Services will provide rental subsidies through the Continuum of Care for fifteen (15) efficiency units.
PRA is providing a non-recourse construction/permanent mortgage in the amount up to $2,000,000.
Read the news articles:
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Expands Community Asthma Prevention Program (CAPP) in Partnership with Philadelphia Housing Development Corporation
Healthier Together CAPP+ Pilot Project Provides Health Education and Home Repairs to Reduce Asthma Triggers, Create Healthier Homes for Children
PHILADELPHIA – Dec. 17, 2018 – Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), in partnership with the Philadelphia Housing Development Corporation (PHDC), today announced a new Community Asthma Prevention Program Plus (CAPP+) Home Repairs Program, developed to address the impact of unhealthy housing on pediatric asthma outcomes in West Philadelphia neighborhoods. CAPP+ is the pilot initiative of Healthier Together, CHOP’s new umbrella initiative that focuses on some of the most pressing health and economic needs in neighborhoods surrounding the hospital’s campus.
The announcement was made at a press conference attended by President and CEO of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Madeline Bell, Philadelphia Mayor James Kenney, PHDC Executive Director David Thomas, Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell and other hospital and civic leaders, as well as families participating in the program.
“Healthier Together has a simple vision: to give every child a fair chance at a healthy future,” said Madeline Bell, President and CEO of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. “We are fortunate to live in a city that has many private and public sector change agents who have tremendous expertise. These partners share our commitment to doing the right thing for our most vulnerable children.”
Asthma – which affects approximately one out of four children in West Philadelphia – is the primary focus of CAPP+. Through a grant to PHDC, CHOP aims to further reduce asthma-related emergency department (ED) visits and hospitalizations by expanding the focus of its award-winning CAPP program to home repairs. CAPP’s community health workers will continue providing home asthma education and environmental intervention as they have since the program began in 1997, while PHDC will concentrate on remediating asthma triggers in the home, such as moisture and mold caused by plumbing leaks, carpet removal and pest infestations to improve air quality. Air quality monitors will be installed in every home, as will dehumidifiers when needed. CAPP+ participants may also be eligible for PHDC’s Basic System Repair Program, which provides repairs to correct electrical, plumbing, heating, structural and roofing emergencies.
Focusing on the actual homes patients are living in, CAPP+ has identified 10 homes to be part of the pilot initiative. Selected patients must be enrolled in the CAPP program, have three or more ED visits in a year, live in the targeted geographic area and be a homeowner. Currently, remediation is underway on two of the homes; one is near completion. After repairs are finalized, patients and asthma ED visits will continue to be monitored for a year.
“After 20 years of working with families in West Philadelphia, I am convinced that the increased prevalence of asthma and poor housing are closely related,” said Tyra Bryant-Stephens, MD, Founder and Medical Director of CAPP at CHOP. “This innovative and exciting initiative allows us to focus on ensuring that homes in this community are ‘asthma friendly’ and improving child asthma outcomes for underserved populations.”
Besides fewer ED visits and hospital stays, benchmarks of CAPP+ include fewer missed school days for kids and work for families, and lower healthcare costs. Another priority for this program is a mutual agreement that PHDC will use minority- and women-owned business enterprises for home repairs and supplies whenever possible.
“The City is proud to partner with CHOP to launch CAPP+, a vital tool to address unhealthy housing and help our most vulnerable homeowners and their families improve their quality of living,” said Mayor James Kenney. “We see it as a win-win to be able to support households in need while also providing contractors the opportunity to work on these homes and sustain their businesses.”
About Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia: Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia was founded in 1855 as the nation’s first pediatric hospital. Through its long-standing commitment to providing exceptional patient care, training new generations of pediatric healthcare professionals and pioneering major research initiatives, Children’s Hospital has fostered many discoveries that have benefited children worldwide. Its pediatric research program is among the largest in the country. In addition, its unique family-centered care and public service programs have brought the 546-bed hospital recognition as a leading advocate for children and adolescents. For more information, visit http://www.chop.edu.
About Philadelphia Housing Development Corporation: Founded in 1964, the Philadelphia Housing Development Corporation (PHDC) is a nonprofit housing corporation dedicated to improving the lives of low-income Philadelphians. Through its home preservation programs, PHDC makes it possible for residents of Philadelphia to remain in their homes by improving the structural integrity, mechanical safety, energy efficiency and accessibility of their homes.
Joey McCool Ryan [email protected] 267-258-6735
Jamila Davis [email protected] 215-200-4715
Mayor Kenney Celebrates First Rebuild Groundbreaking, Parkside Fields
December 13, 2018
PHILADELPHIA — Mayor Jim Kenney today joined City Councilman Curtis Jones Jr. and other City officials to celebrate the first groundbreaking for Rebuilding Community Infrastructure (Rebuild) which took place at Parkside Fields. Rebuild, made possible by the Philadelphia Beverage Tax, is Mayor Jim Kenney’s initiative to invest hundreds of millions of dollars to improve neighborhood parks, recreation centers, and libraries throughout the city.
This groundbreaking marks the first Rebuild project to enter the construction phase. Most Rebuild projects have been delayed due to a court case challenging the Philadelphia Beverage Tax. In July, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court upheld the tax which allowed the City to issue bonds for Rebuild and for the initiative to begin. Other projects that will begin soon include Vare Recreation Center, Olney Recreation Center, Frank Glavin Memorial Playground (also known as A&W Playground), and Cecil B. Moore Recreation Center, all of which will launch in early 2019 starting with community engagement and design.
“For too long we have under-resourced our public spaces,” said Mayor Jim Kenney. “Today marks an important step in changing that narrative. Now that the Beverage Tax has been upheld, we can make this investment in our neighborhoods. But this isn’t just an investment in a field. This is an investment in our residents and the future of this community. There are many more groundbreakings, ribbon cuttings, and celebrations to come. Our residents have waited long enough and the time has come to provide them with the high-quality facilities they deserve.”
The Parkside Fields project, which is being managed by the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority on behalf of Rebuild, will create two new public athletic fields that will serve the Parkside community in West Philadelphia, including the schools and sports programs in and around the neighborhood. The Parkside Fields project will be completed in two phases. The first phase of the project, where construction is beginning, will convert a grassy area on Parkside Avenue into a practice field. The second phase, which is currently being designed, will renovate a second field for football and soccer games.
“I was a strong supporter of Rebuild from day one,” said Councilman Curtis Jones, Jr. “The opportunity to provide new recreation space in the 4th District is critical for the growth and development of area youth. Area schools will now have a field to call their own. Not every kid will have a chance to go to Disney World but they should have access to a clean, modern and safe recreation space. I am incredibly excited that the first Rebuild project will be right here in the 4th District.”
In addition to the benefits that the new fields will bring to the community, the project will also advance Rebuild’s goals for diversity and inclusion. The project is expected to meet Rebuild’s goals for participation of minority-owned businesses and exceed the goals for participation of woman-owned businesses.
“The promise of Rebuild goes beyond fixing our parks, recreation centers, and libraries,” said Nicole Westerman, executive director for Rebuild. “This historic investment allows us to provide diverse businesses – which are often underrepresented on public works projects — with opportunities to strengthen and grow their businesses through work on Rebuild projects.”
Last month, the Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development (PAID) issued bonds for Rebuild on behalf of the City. The issuance provided $85.6 million in funding for Rebuild and represented the first of three expected borrowings for the initiative, all of which are made possible by the Philadelphia Beverage Tax. The new funding will allow for more projects to start across Philadelphia in the coming months.
“The Parkside Fields project will radically improve the quality of athletic opportunities for Parkside residents, youth sports leagues, and students from nearby schools,” said Philadelphia Parks & Recreation Commissioner, Kathryn Ott Lovell. “This first Rebuild groundbreaking is a watershed moment not just for the Parkside community, but for all Philadelphians. It marks the beginning of a surge of significant capital and community investments at Parks & Recreation facilities across the city, a surge that is long overdue.”
Community members and businesses interested in receiving project updates, event notifications, or contracting opportunities can sign up for Rebuild’s email list and visit the Rebuild website.
Frankel Enterprises Begins Construction on The West Poplar Homes
Monday, November 26 at 11:00 am
Plans for 26 Single Family Workforce Homes Unveiled
Frankel Enterprises unveils plans for The West Poplar Homes, workforce housing development comprised of 26 single family homes priced below $230,000, at North 11th and Wallace Streets in the West Poplar neighborhood. In partnership with Philadelphia Land Bank, Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority and City Council President Darrell L. Clarke, Frankel Enterprises is committed to creating quality housing opportunities for Philadelphia residents.
The West Poplar Homes will feature modern red-brick façades, reflecting the contextual design of the surrounding neighborhood while offering contemporary amenities and conveniences. The energy efficient three-bedroom, two-bath homes will include stainless steel appliances, sleek fixtures as well as patios and private rear yards. Mural Arts Philadelphia, in conjunction with local residents, will create community-focused public art to echo neighborhood values.
“Investing in Philadelphia’s future has always been paramount to our mission. The West Poplar Homes have a special significance for our company, as we emphasize our focus on opportunities in this city. I am thrilled to partner with Philadelphia Land Bank, while working with City Council President Darrell Clarke to ensure working families have an opportunity to afford high quality housing in their community,” explains Zachary Frankel.
“The Philadelphia Land Bank is excited to partner with Frankel Enterprises to develop over 20 units of workforce housing,” said Angel Rodriguez, Executive Director of the Philadelphia Land Bank. “This development helps place City-owned land back into productive use, while increasing the city’s housing stock. Workforce housing is vital to keeping our communities affordable for working individuals and families in great communities such as West Poplar.”
The West Poplar Homes signify a reenergized focus by Frankel Enterprises in real estate development in Philadelphia. Max Frankel and Zachary Frankel will lead the company’s strategic efforts in the region. Construction financing for the project was provided by The Reinvestment Fund with credit enhancement by the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority.
“These 26 new homes will help ensure working families can continue to plant roots in Philly neighborhoods experiencing price appreciation,” said Council President Darrell L. Clarke, who represents the 5th District and has long championed increasing the City’s affordable housing stock. “Everybody deserves quality, affordable housing, and a chance to achieve economic stability to support child-rearing and plan ahead for retirement. I’m thankful for all of our partners in this endeavor, including Frankel Enterprises, who agree that balanced, equitable growth is not just the right thing to do, it’s the best way to ensure Philadelphia’s long-term health and prosperity.”
Frankel Enterprises will host an informational community meeting on the evening of December 13th at St. Paul’s Baptist Church located at 1000 Wallace Street for residents to learn more about how to qualify for workforce housing as well as lending opportunities. To learn more about The West Poplar Homes, email [email protected], call 267-571-8519 or visit WestPoplarHomes.com.
“It is an exciting time to develop in Philadelphia,” explains Max Frankel. “Our family has a rich history of building high quality homes to last generations and we are thrilled to partner with the City of Philadelphia to reactivate vacant property to build high quality homes for working families.”
About Frankel Enterprises
Founded in 1936 by E.J. Frankel, whose work ethic, integrity and creativity launched major projects in Philadelphia, Delaware, New Jersey, Ohio and South Florida. Today, Frankel Enterprises is a fourth-generation, family owned real estate development company incorporating planning, financing and construction into an efficient development process. The company is widely recognized for building luxury communities in Florida as well as a legacy of Philadelphia development including The Warwick Condominiums, Kennedy House, William Penn House and 1845 Walnut Street.
About Philadelphia Land Bank
In December 2013, Philadelphia City Council passed and Mayor Nutter signed legislation creating the Philadelphia Land Bank (Land Bank) Since that time it has achieved numerous milestones that improve access to blighted properties for redevelopment purposes. As of July 2016 the Land Bank started acquiring vacant, tax delinquent properties at tax foreclosure sale. In FY18, the Land Bank will continue to align its goals to the goals of the City of Philadelphia’s Department of Planning and Development. This will ensure that acquisition and disposition actions support the need for affordable, workforce and market-rate rental and homeownership opportunities in Philadelphia as well as expand green space as side yards or community gardens and support commercial and economic development. The proposed acquisition processes and program criteria will lead to a more transparent Land Bank and elevated levels of production.
Roberto Clemente Homes Celebrate Ribbon Cutting
Wednesday, November 14 at 1:00 pm
Creating an opportunity community in north Philadelphia
Esperanza hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony of the newly renovated Roberto Clemente Homes (3921-61 North 5th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19140) at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 14. The ceremony, which took place at the former Roberto Clemente Middle School building, celebrated the completion of a year-long transformation in which the structure was converted into 38 units of affordable rental housing and 5,000 square feet of new commercial space.
“We’re very happy that PHA (Philadelphia Housing Authority) has partnered with us to create a much-needed development in the Latino community. I’m excited for the families that will breathe new life into this historical building.” said Rev. Luis Cortés, Jr., Founder, President and CEO of Esperanza.
Speakers included baseball broadcaster and former professional baseball player Roberto Clemente Jr.; Councilwoman Maria Quiñónes-Sanchez; Brian Hudson, Executive Director and CEO of the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency; and Kelvin Jeremiah, President and CEO of the Philadelphia Housing Authority.
This project completes the transformation of a facility that had previously offered employment and educational opportunities to the neighborhood but had over the years become vacant and blighted. “It will now once again become a community asset, providing quality, affordable housing to Hunting Park residents,” said David Ortiz, Esperanza’s Vice President of Housing & Economic Development.
Esperanza is grateful to the many partners who have collaborated with us on this project, including the City of Philadelphia – Division of Housing and Community Development, Federal Home Loan Bank of New York, Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh, M&T Bank, Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, PZS Architects, Philadelphia Housing Authority, the Philadelphia Local Initiatives Support Corporation, Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority, PNC Bank, the Reinvestment Fund, and the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Esperanza is a national community-based organization founded in 1987 by Rev. Luis Cortés and the Hispanic Clergy of Philadelphia & Vicinity with the biblical mandate to serve and advocate for “the least of these” (Matthew 25:40). Beginning with a local initiative, with programs targeted to address the unmet needs of North Philadelphia’s Hispanic community, Rev. Cortes is now sought by national and international leaders alike on issues of economic and workforce development, housing, immigration, and education. Under his leadership, Esperanza has grown from a small 20- person operation to a $40 million organization with more than 450 employees.
Nelson Playground Groundbreaking
Wednesday, October 3 at 4:00 pm
2500-34 N 3rd Street
Speaking Program
- Orlando Rendon, Deputy Commissioner, Philadelphia Parks & Recreation
- Councilwoman María Quiñones Sánchez
- Robert LaBrum, Director, Design and Construction, Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority
Ceremonial dirt toss to follow speaking program
City, Community Celebrate Ribbon-cutting of Anthony Wayne Senior Housing Phase III
Ribbon-cutting for 45 Affordable Units Coming to Grays Ferry
September 25, 2018
Department of Housing and Community Development’s Melissa Long and Councilman Kenyatta Johnson joined the Altman Group of Companies to celebrate the ribbon-cutting of Anthony Wayne Senior Housing Phase III. The new senior housing development is located at the northeast corner of South 28th and Pierce Streets in the Grays Ferry neighborhood of South Philadelphia.
Anthony Wayne Phase III provides affordable rental housing to those 62 and older. The development offers 34 one-bedroom apartments and 11 two-bedroom apartments. It is accessible via public transportation and is also near several retail centers, emergency services, a post office, and medical care.
“At DHCD, we work tirelessly to maximize our resources to create more affordable housing for our seniors in Philadelphia,” said Melissa Long. “Safe, affordable and accessible housing and services are critical, and Anthony Wayne III meets those needs.
“Anthony Wayne III keeps seniors in their community,” said Councilman Kenyatta Johnson. “The affordable development is another great addition to the neighborhood and builds a sense of unity among people of all ages in the neighborhood.”
The development is available to low-and moderate-income households. Each resident can access onsite services provided by the Philadelphia Senior Center. Six of the bedroom units are fully accessible and each unit meets visibility standards.
Every unit is equipped with Energy Star Appliances, low flow water fixtures, and low VOC paint to help reduce impact on the environment. The building is designed using Passive House Design features. The building was developed by the Altman Group’s development entity, Elon Development Co. Inc. It was built by Elon’s affiliated construction firm, Allied Construction Services.
“Anthony Wayne III is the last phase to complete the city block, and brings the total to 130 units of decent, safe and senior affordable housing”, said Francis Vargas Vice President of Elon Development Company. “That is something to be proud of.”
“The Altman Group is pleased that our time, resources and investments support seniors and this South Philadelphia community. said Brett Altman, a principal of the Altman Group. “Anthony Wayne Senior Housing is the result of many years of hard work and the public and private sectors working together for one common goal.”
The City of Philadelphia provided $1.5 million for the development. An additional $12.5 million was leveraged in private equity provided by Hudson Housing Capital and Capital One through the purchase of Low Income Housing Tax Credits awarded by the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency. The Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority is underwriting the financing of the development. The Department of Planning and Development’s Development Services division also assisted with the construction process. Altman Group also worked collaboratively with Grays Ferry Community Council.
Centennial Village Opens and Transforms West Parkside
Ribbon cutting and opening of mixed-use development
August 23, 2018
The City of Philadelphia, Community Ventures and Parkside Association of Philadelphia celebrate the ribbon cutting and grand opening of Centennial Village, Thursday, August 23, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. on the 1700 block of N. 52nd Street. Centennial Village provides 51 units of affordable housing and 7,227 square feet of commercial space. Community members, City and State officials, project funders, and Centennial Village new residents were in attendance.
“The completion of Centennial Village is an pivotal part of the revitalization efforts in the Parkside community,” said Mayor Jim Kenney. “This project eliminated a large area of blight, and brought more affordable housing units to our city. Projects like these impact levels of crime, property values, and community pride. The new apartments, homes, and commercial spaces showcase the City’s continuous commitment to invest in Philadelphia neighborhoods.”
“Centennial Village has transformed the vicinity of 52nd Street and Parkside Avenue. The project rejuvenated 44 formerly vacant and blights lots and buildings into a vibrant new neighborhood anchor,” said David La Fontaine, Community Ventures’ Executive Director. “The opening of Centennial Village is the culmination of almost a decade of planning and acquisition, years of funding applications, and a twenty-month construction process. We have partnered with Parkside Association of Philadelphia over the past twenty years to build multiple phases of affordable housing in the community. We look forward to discussing the next project.”
“Parkside Association has been working to build and preserve this West Park Community since 1997,” said Lucinda Hudson, Parkside Association of Philadelphia’s Executive Director and long-time community advocate. “The Shopping Center was one milestone. In partnership with Community Ventures, the housing renovation project was the next milestone. Now we are so proud to have partnered with Community Ventures again for this latest residential and commercial project, Centennial Village. This will further the growth of West Parkside area. Thank God! God willing more projects will be coming to the West Parkside area.”
The ribbon cutting included food provided by Star Fusion Express “Home of the Specialty Wing & Spring Roll Bar”, which will be opening in the former Parkside Inn at 5178 Parkside Avenue in the next few months.
The Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority provided financing and project oversight.
About Centennial Village
Centennial Village features new housing and mixed-use buildings on both sides of N. 52nd Street including a 30-unit apartment building, a mixed-use building with six residential units and two commercial spaces, the renovation of the former Parkside Inn on the corner of 52nd & Parkside and the renovation or new construction of seven single-family homes and one duplex.
The commercial space includes 7,227 square feet across three buildings along N. 52nd Street and connects the WestPark Town Center to Parkside Avenue and Fairmount Park. Two commercial tenants have already been identified.
Centennial Village is made possible through the financing from City of Philadelphia, Division of Housing & Community Development, Department of Commerce, Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority, Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, West Philadelphia Empowerment Zone, PNC Bank, Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh, Philadelphia Housing Authority and Reinvestment Fund.
Lower Eastwick Public Land Strategy Posted for Public Comment
July 26, 2018
The final meeting for the Lower Eastwick Public Land Strategy was held on July 26, 2018. The Strategy’s Recommendations can be viewed here: July 26 2018 Final Public Meeting Recommendations.
A community survey was distributed at the meeting to collect input on the process and will be open to the public through August 31, 2018.
PRA will be accepting comments on the Strategy’s Recommendations for 90 days or until October 31, 2018.
PIDC Announces $6M Impact Development Fund in Partnership with PRA
May 2, 2018
PIDC’s new Impact Development Fund, in partnership with Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority, provides new capital for neighborhood-based development, driving revitalization in communities that can often be overlooked by traditional lenders and often need that investment most. Read more about this new program here on PIDC’s website.
City of Philadelphia Announces New Executive Director for Philadelphia Land Bank
August 2017
Today the Land Bank appointed Angel Rodriguez the Executive Director of the Land Bank. As Executive Director, Mr. Rodriguez will oversee the strategic redevelopment of Philadelphia’s publicly owned surplus vacant property. This includes facilitating programs and processes that increase affordable housing, economic development, reduction of blight, and community gardens.
Mr. Rodriguez currently serves as the Vice President of Community Economic Development for Asociación Puertorriqueños en Marcha (APM). His responsibilities include managing APM’s housing development in Eastern North Philadelphia, community outreach efforts, Financial Opportunity Center (FOC), and the Sustainable Communities Initiative. He currently is on the Housing Advisory Board of Philadelphia and the board of the Food Trust. Mr. Rodriguez sat on the Land Bank Board prior to his appointment.
“Angel has extensive experience turning vacant land into productive uses,” said Anne Fadullon, Director of Planning and Development for the City of Philadelphia. “His background in economic development, affordable housing, and community outreach will be invaluable to the Land Bank.”
“I am excited to have found a new way to make a difference for people and communities in Philadelphia,” said Mr. Rodriguez. “I look forward to working with the dedicated professionals working to repurpose land and transform neighborhoods across Philadelphia.”
Mr. Rodriguez starts as Executive Director on September 11, 2017.
Three new board members have also been appointed to the board by Mayor Kenney. They are Dominique Casimir, Deputy Director for Real Estate in the Department of Public Property; Christian Dunbar, Deputy City Treasurer; and Lauren Vidas of the South of South Neighborhood Association.
“Dominique, Christian and Lauren bring experience in property disposition, finance and neighborhood issues to the board,” said Anne Fadullon. “Their expertise will be invaluable as the Land Bank continues to ramp up its activity.”
The new board members will replace Fred Purnell, Anjali Chainani and Anna Shipp. Mr. Rodriguez will resign his board position prior to the September board meeting. City Council will appoint a replacement.
City Officials Celebrate New Workforce Housing In Fast-Growing East Poplar
First Housing Completed Under City Council Plan to Ensure Balanced Growth in Gentrifying Neighborhoods
May 24, 2017
Council President Darrell L. Clarke (5th District), Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority Executive Director Greg Heller, and representatives of BMK Properties on Wednesday celebrated the completed construction of new Workforce Housing in the increasingly desirable East Poplar neighborhood in North Philadelphia.
BMK Properties, a subsidiary of The Riverwards Group, has redeveloped vacant City-owned land to construct 13 single-family homes that are affordable to moderate-income households. BMK Properties is one of several developers participating in City Council’s Workforce Housing Initiative, which seeks to expand affordable housing opportunities in gentrifying neighborhoods and spark new construction in “middle neighborhoods” struggling to attract investment.
Council President Clarke thanked the partners involved in the East Poplar Workforce Housing development for showing a commitment to diversity and opportunity in gentrifying communities.
“In 2014, I challenged the City of Philadelphia and the home building industry to come together and find a way to make sure our real estate boom benefits as many residents as possible. The Workforce Housing Initiative was designed to incentivize equitable, balanced growth, in order to avoid the economic and racial segregation that so often is associated with gentrification,” Council President Clarke said. “Today, these beautiful and affordable new homes are being sold to hard-working and moderate-income workers, who are truly the backbone of Philadelphia’s economy. Thank you to all who share Council’s vision for ensuring every Philadelphian is able to live in a community of choice.”
“This project is a powerful example of how the public sector can partner with the private sector to address pressing issues facing our communities,” said PRA Executive Director Greg Heller. “This project was built without any public subsidy other than a discount on the price of the land. Through this public-private partnership we can ensure a range of affordable housing in every community, bring blighted land back into active use, and allow the private sector to innovate in building high-quality, affordable homes. BMK has been a great partner and this project is truly a win for all involved.”
Eligible buyers must have household incomes below 120 percent of area median income (AMI). For a family of three in Philadelphia, AMI is approximately $88,050, according to U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development guidelines. Buyers of Workforce Housing are prohibited from re-selling homes for more than the original sale price for 10 years. In addition to East Poplar, construction of new Workforce Housing in consultation with the PRA is ongoing in rapidly appreciating real estate markets such as those located in Point Breeze and Francisville.
“BMK Properties is proud to partner with the City of Philadelphia to ensure hardworking people continue to have opportunities to live in great neighborhoods close to good jobs, public transportation, and schools,” said Mo Rushdy of BMK Properties. “The Workforce Housing Initiative is a great example of how the private sector, housing agencies, and City Council are working together to make Philadelphia an even more attractive place to live and work.”
The new Workforce homes in East Poplar were developed by BMK Properties and are being sold with assistance from Meridian Bank and Houwzer, a brokerage firm. The homes range from 1,100 to 1,200 square feet; are a mix of two-story and three-story; have a minimum of three bedrooms; have 92 percent energy efficient HVAC systems and hot water heaters; come with Energy Star appliances; and are covered by a one-year builder guarantee. Monthly mortgage costs for the homes range from approximately $1,000 to $1,400.
Homeowners Begin Receiving Free Home Repair & Modification Assistance Authorized By City Council
Ramped Up Housing Preservation Programs Will Help Stabilize Neighborhoods, Create Jobs
May 17, 2017
Mayor Jim Kenney, Council President Darrell L. Clarke (5th District), and Councilwoman Cherelle Parker (9th District) on Wednesday joined City housing officials and affordable housing advocates to celebrate fresh funding for key City housing preservation assistance programs.
Thousands of Philadelphians on waiting lists for the Philadelphia Housing Development Corporation’s (PHDC) Basic Systems Repair Program (BSRP), Adaptive Modifications Program (AMP), and Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) will soon receive urgent home repairs and modifications that will allow them to remain in their houses for years to come. The first of many residents have begun receiving assistance because of $100 million authorized by City Council last year to eliminate the three-to-five year waiting lists for programs that assist with home repairs, long-term disability modifications, and energy-efficiency weatherization.
“These programs are very important to our most vulnerable neighbors,” Mayor Kenney said. “These funds help repair roofs, fix heaters, replace sewer pipes, and enable other repairs that not only help a homeowner’s quality of living, but help keep them in their homes by providing these much needed repairs that may be prohibitively expensive otherwise.”
“Housing preservation assistance is a cost-efficient and highly effective way to create jobs, prevent homelessness and displacement, and stabilize neighborhoods at risk for decline,” Council President Clarke said. “With the help of committed partners in the Administration and the affordable housing advocacy community, Philadelphia can be an example to other cities of managing growth in an equitable way. Homes are not islands; we should all care about our neighbors and about making sure every Philadelphian is able to live in a community of choice.”
“As a longtime advocate for housing preservation, I am pleased to have one of the first homes
impacted by these additional funds be in the 9th District,” said City Councilwoman Cherelle Parker. “Residents in this district, and across the City, have been waiting for services, but funding has been very limited. These additional funds give PHDC the ability to positively impact so many homeowners across our great city! I am glad to be a part of that today.”
In 2016, Council President Clarke proposed a modest increase in the real estate transfer tax to raise $100 million to eliminate the BSRP, AMP, and WAP backlogs and to ensure more Philadelphians could remain in homes suffering from wear caused by age and weather. Low-income residents and seniors on fixed incomes often struggle to pay for home repairs, which left unaddressed can create larger problems such as high energy bills, mold, or severe structural damage.
As of 2014, Philadelphia had a homeownership rate of 52.9 percent, higher than the average for the 30 largest U.S. cities. Nearly 36 percent of Philadelphia homeowners have annual household incomes at or below $35,000 – the second highest low-income homeownership rate among the 30 largest cities. Philadelphia’s housing stock is also older relative to other cities: half of all owner-occupied housing here was built before 1945.
City officials and affordable housing advocates spoke outside the home of Hagar Redmond, who was receiving plumbing and insulation repairs more than three years after being approved for BHRP assistance.
“I am thankful to City Council and PHDC for allowing me to have one less thing to worry about,” said Redmond, who works as a Philadelphia Police dispatcher and resides with her daughter and grandson. “Having a leaky roof and cracked floor sent my utility bills up, and made me worry about making ends meet. Thanks to this program, I can have peace of mind that my grandchild will be warm in winter.”
“Since January, PHDC has been hiring and training additional staff and partnering with additional contractors to develop an effective strategy to administer these additional funds to the existing waiting list,” said Fred Purnell, Deputy Director for Housing and Community Development. “We are excited to be here today to serve this resident, and look forward to serving many Philadelphians in significantly less time.”
Maria N. Gonzalez, president of HACE and board vice president of the Philadelphia Association of CDCs (PACDC), said: “Community development advocates have long been frustrated by the limited amount of resources available to meet demand for affordable housing assistance. This new funding to attack waiting lists for critical home repair programs is a great relief, and will go a long way toward making sure more Philadelphians live in healthy and affordable housing.”
BSRP provides free repairs to roofs, electrical, plumbing and heating systems for owner-occupied homes in Philadelphia. AMP is designed to help Philadelphians with permanent physical disabilities remain in their homes. WAP provides free weatherization and energy-efficiency improvements to owner-occupied houses and tenant-occupied rental units located in the City of Philadelphia. Each program has income requirements and other criteria for participation.
For more information on these programs and to apply for assistance, residents are encouraged to explore this website.
City Officials Celebrate New Martin Luther King Older Adult Center in North Philadelphia
April 25, 2017
Mayor Jim Kenney, City Council President Darrell L. Clarke, Commissioner of Parks & Recreation Kathryn Ott Lovell and other City officials joined community leaders and senior citizens to celebrate the ribbon cutting of the new facility for the Martin Luther King Older Adult Center in central North Philadelphia. The 10,000 square foot building is located on the corner of 21st Street and Cecil B. Moore Avenue.
“This beautiful new state-of-the-art facility is exactly what the seniors of this community need,” said Commissioner Ott Lovell. “I want to thank all of the staff, architects, contractors and designers involved to make this a reality. I especially want to thank Mayor Kenney, Managing Director DiBerardinis and Council President Clarke for their vision and tenacity in getting us here today.”
The facility features a large lunchroom and commercial kitchen, a billiards room, a multipurpose room, and classrooms for art, fitness and computers. The construction process utilized sustainable practices and materials including an energy-efficient HVAC system and lighting.
The total cost of the project was roughly $4.3 million, with Council President Clarke’s office contributing more than half of the funding for the project. The City of Philadelphia, the Department of Parks & Recreation and Project H.O.M.E. are contributing the remainder of the necessary funding. The Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority (PRA) managed the construction and development of the project. PRA also owns the land, and is transferring it to the Department of Parks & Recreation.
“This center was designed with our seniors in mind,” said Mayor Kenney. “As active citizens that are a part of the fabric of our great City, our seniors deserve a modern and innovative facility. This project is another great example of City agencies working together with the community-from my administration, City Council, PRA, and Department of Parks and Recreation, and North Philadelphia community-we all worked together to make this happen.”
“The wonderful seniors served by the former MLK Older Adult Center were not shy about advocating for this necessary overhaul. They deserve so much credit for this day,” said Council President Clarke. “The new MLK Older Adult Center is truly reflective of the vibrancy and fellowship of this community. I am grateful to our seniors for their persistence and patience, and also thank our partner City agencies for a job well done.”
“With this partnership between PRA and the Department of Parks & Recreation we set a new standard for how we can efficiently build public facilities to improve the quality of life in our communities,” said Gregory Heller, Executive Director of PRA. “We look forward to future partnerships where PRA’s construction professionals lead the way in renovating our recreation centers, parks, playgrounds, and other important civic spaces.”
PRA Announces Developer For Osage Pine Project
April 18, 2017
PHILADELPHIA, PA-April 18, 2017-The Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority (PRA) announces AJR Endeavors, LLC to develop and restore housing on the 6200 blocks of Osage Avenue and Pine Street in the Cobbs Creek section of Philadelphia.
There were two submissions to the Request for Proposal (RFP) that PRA placed in December of 2016. After reviewing the proposals, PRA selected the team led by AJR Endeavors, LLC. AJR has a strong track record and experience working in Philadelphia communities.
AJR has successfully developed a significant number of projects in West Philadelphia. This project will rehabilitate all 36 properties for homeownership within 18-24 months of starting construction.
“The AJR team has experience renovating and selling homes in Philadelphia, the financing and capacity to do this project the right way—with a high standard of work, and with sensitivity to the neighbors and community,” said Greg Heller, Executive Director of PRA. “The PRA will work closely with Councilwoman Blackwell’s office and the development team to make sure that the community is engaged throughout the development process.”
“PRA, City Council, and city officials understand the tragic events that took place on the blocks of Osage and Pine,” said Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell. “We needed a developer who is sensitive to the complexities of the project and the community dynamics. Restoring these homes is a difficult task, but it is the right one, and the one the community wanted. We will continue to work together throughout this process.”
“This is not an easy project by any stretch of the imagination, but we are going to do it right,” said AJR Endeavors, LLC. “We owe it to the residents of this community so that we can all finally move on from the events of the past that have left a scar on this neighborhood for too long.”
“I am looking forward to the next chapter of Osage and Pine,” said Mayor Jim Kenney. “New homeowners can join this strong community to create their own part of history. The City, PRA, and the Councilwoman support the developer’s community engagement commitment, and we will work together to keep residents informed as the development progresses.”
The total development cost is about $3.2 million. This project qualifies for the PRA’s Fine Art program that requires developers to contribute one percent of their project costs to a public work of art.
Philadelphia City Council Approves 2017 Land Bank Strategic Plan
March 2017
The Philadelphia City Council approved the Philadelphia Land Bank’s 2017 Strategic Plan today. With the approval the Land Bank’s revised acquisition and disposition policies will take effect.
The Strategic Plan analyzes market conditions and resident needs and identifies opportunities where publicly owned land can support housing, green space and other reuses. It can be found HERE.
“City Council, along with the advocacy community, were critical partners in developing the Strategic Plan,” said Anne Fadullon, director of the City’s Office of Planning and Development. “With Council’s support we look forward to implementing the Plan.”
The Strategic Plan includes a target for the acquisition of 1,650 privately owned tax delinquent parcels over the next five years. These parcels will in turn be conveyed to new owners for affordable and market-rate housing, business expansions, community gardens and side yards.
Over those same five years the Land Bank will seek to return nearly 2,000 properties to productive use. More than 1,200 of those properties are expected to become homes, with nearly 650 targeted to lower-income Philadelphians.
“This strategic plan articulates City Council’s goals to allow residents to acquire vacant properties that they have maintained for years,” said Councilwoman Maria Quiñones-Sánchez, who introduced and sponsored Council’s resolution to approve the plan. “We will revitalize our neighborhoods by transforming these blighted spaces into productive use.”
“The Strategic Plan strikes an appropriate balance between economic development, affordable housing and green spaces,” said Council President Darrell Clarke, who cosponsored the resolution. “This year the Land Bank has already disposed of properties for these uses and approved sales worth more than $1 million. This Plan will continue that momentum.”
The approved acquisition policy outlines the criteria for the Land Bank to acquire vacant tax delinquent parcels for redevelopment, side yards, business expansion, affordable housing and other neighborhood uses. The disposition policy covers buyer eligibility, redevelopment expectations, pricing, sales processes and community garden criteria.
“A key goal of this Strategic Plan is transparency,” said Fadullon. “We want everyone to understand how the Land Bank operates, and we’re grateful to Council for their support in this effort.”
In addition to approving the Strategic Plan, Council today introduced legislation to reduce Land Bank operating costs, streamline Land Bank lease procedures and reduce costs for developers acquiring Land Bank property for affordable housing and homeowners acquiring low-cost side yards. The legislation is cosponsored by Councilwoman Sánchez and Council President Clarke.
Philadelphia Land Bank Board Approves 2017 Strategic Plan
January 2017
The Philadelphia Land Bank Board has approved the Land Bank’s 2017 Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan will now be submitted to City Council for its consideration. The Strategic Plan analyzes market conditions and resident needs and identifies opportunities where publicly owned land can support housing, green space and other reuses, and can be found HERE.
“The 2017 Strategic Plan provides goals for the Land Bank and guidance to those who will do business with it,” said Anne Fadullon, director of the City’s Office of Planning and Development. “Our goals include targets for the acquisition and disposition of properties.”
The Strategic Plan includes a target for the acquisition of 1,650 privately owned tax delinquent parcels over the next five years. These parcels will in turn be conveyed to new owners for affordable and market-rate housing, business expansions, community gardens and side yards. At the Jan. 19 meeting, the Land Bank Board approved the Strategic Plan and approved the first sale of a property acquired via Sheriff’s sale for a business expansion.
Over the next five years, the Land Bank will seek to return nearly 2,000 properties to productive use. More than 1,200 of those properties are expected to become homes, with nearly 650 targeted to lower-income Philadelphians.
“We heard from the public about the need for affordable, accessible housing and we listened,” said Tania Nikolic, interim executive director of the Land Bank. “After recieving public input, we doubled our goal of properties targeted for the lowest income families.”
The Strategic Plan also includes other elements to support property reuse. The Land Bank’s new acquisition policy specifies when properties can be acquired, and the disposition policy enables long-term or permanent property use for community gardens.
“The acquisition and disposition policies support the goals set out in the plan,” said Nikolic. “The policies provide clarity on the reuse of parcels so that people looking to acquire properties know what they can and can’t do.”
Under the Land Bank ordinance the Strategic Plan is submitted to City Council for its consideration. The Land Bank’s existing Strategic Plan will remain in place until Council approves the new Plan.
December 2016
“Philadelphia Land Bank Issues Strategic Plan 12-22-16” Press Release, December 22, 2016
The Philadelphia Land Bank has issued its 2016 Draft Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan analyzes market conditions and resident needs and identifies opportunities where publicly owned land can support housing, green space and other reuses.
PRA Launches Credit Enhancement for Workforce Housing
The Philadelphia Land Bank recently issued a request for proposals (RFP) for the development of 15 currently vacant parcels of land in the West Poplar neighborhood as workforce housing. The goal of the RFP is to facilitate the development of single family houses affordable to households with incomes up to 120% of the area median income. This RFP includes a new element that we hope will increase the ability for lenders to provide construction financing for workforce housing. The Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority, as a partner with the Philadelphia Land Bank, now offers a Credit Enhancement for workforce housing construction loans. This new facility will provide a 25% guarantee directly to the financial institution on construction loans made to developers selected through the Land Bank’s workforce housing RFPs.
The Beginning of a New Era for Germantown YWCA
November 10, 2016
Today the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority (PRA) announced the developer, KBK Enterprises, for the rehabilitation and purchase of the Germantown YWCA, 5820-24 Germantown Avenue.
“The PRA was impressed by KBK’s proposal for the Germantown YWCA,” said Greg Heller, Executive Director of PRA. “They have a track record of building quality projects in other cities across the U.S. We are thrilled to welcome a new developer to Philadelphia!”
In July of 2016, PRA issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the rehabilitation of the Germantown YWCA. Proposals were scored on several factors, including project concept, community alignment, developer experience and track record, and the ability to create a community-based economic opportunity plan.
“Our goal is to make Philadelphia business-friendly for both local and national developers,” said Fred Purnell, Deputy Director of the Division of Housing and Community Development (DHCD). “This developer, while new to Philadelphia, brings a wealth of experience and some interesting approaches to this project. We are excited to bring a different perspective to Philadelphia’s affordable housing development efforts.”
KBK Enterprises has offices in Columbus, OH and Pittsburgh, PA. KBK is a minority-owned development company that has built over 1,900 units of multi-family, affordable, mixed-income, mixed-use and single family housing. This portfolio represents over $1B of real estate.
The Proposed Project:
KBK’s proposal plans to renovate the Germantown YWCA into 12 one-bedroom and 12 two-bedroom units. The income mix will be 50% affordable and 50% market-rate. First two floors will contain commercial space and office space. The anticipated project completion timeframe is summer of 2019.
“The Germantown YWCA is a critical piece in the puzzle of revitalizing Germantown Avenue.,” said Councilwoman Cindy Bass. “Once this beautiful community asset is brought back to life, we believe it will catalyze other development and investment along Germantown Avenue.”
“Entering the Philadelphia market is exciting for KBK,” said Keith B. Key, President and CEO of KBK Enterprises. “We are looking forward to working with the City of Philadelphia, PRA, and the community to make our first Philadelphia project a huge success.
City Council must approve the plan/developer. The developer agreement is being finalized.
Governor Wolf Awards $10M Grant to Gallery Redevelopment
September 29, 2016
Governor Tom Wolf announced a $10 million state grant to aid in the redevelopment of the Gallery, Philadelphia’s primary downtown shopping mall, owned by the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority (PRA) and being redeveloped by PREIT and Macerich under certain redevelopment agreements with the PRA. The $325 million project will transform the site into the new ‘Fashion Outlets of Philadelphia,’ a 730,000 square-foot retail space expected to open in 2018. “This renovation project will serve as powerful economic engine for the City,” Mayor Kenney said. “It will create construction jobs in the short term, retail and office for jobs for the long term and hundreds of millions in tax revenue.”
Read more here:
Mayor Nutter Transfers First Properties to Philadelphia Land Bank
December 9, 2015
Mayor Michael A. Nutter electronically transferred the deeds for 150 properties into the Philadelphia Land Bank’s inventory from the Philadelphia Housing Development Corporation (PHDC), the first of approximately 650 PHDC properties that will be transferred to the Philadelphia Land Bank by the end of the year. In total, the Land Bank will receive 225 properties from PHDC this week.
This City Turns Brown Into Green, Just as the Pope Wishes.
National Geographic Magazine, September 25, 2015
“Pope Francis has written eloquently about the human need for green space: ‘We were not meant to be inundated by cement, asphalt, glass, and metal, and deprived of physical contact with nature.’ He chided cities for providing ‘beautiful and carefully manicured green spaces in so-called safer areas of cities, but not in the more hidden areas where the disposable of society live.’ But when the pope visits Philadelphia this weekend, he will be touring a city that is striving to ensure that its green space extends to all 1.5 million of its citizens . . .”
Divine Lorraine Groundbreaking
September 8, 2015
The PRA is excited to celebrate the ribbon cutting of the Divine Lorraine with the development team. The PRA participated in the financing of the development by providing a loan and grant to support the historic building’s renovation. For additional information please read:
- https://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/09/realestate/commercial/philadelphia-hotel-beloved-but-abandoned-gets-new-life.html?_r=0
- http://www.philly.com/philly/news/20150916_Divine_Intervention_as_work_on_the_Lorraine_Hotel_gets_underway.html?arc404=true
- http://rew-online.com/2015/09/16/blumenfeld-realty-secures-44m-for-historic-hotel-redevelopment/
Ribbon Cutting for New Pharmacy in North Philadelphia
August 20, 2015
The PRA is excited to celebrate the opening of the new pharmacy at the Stephen Klein Wellness Center at 21st and Cecil B. Moore in North Philadelphia. The PRA is proud to have supported the project by providing the land. For more information about this project please visit:
PRA Celebrates Habitat for Humanity Project in Point Breeze
August 20, 2015
On July 22, 2015, the PRA helped welcome the Sylla family to their new home in Point Breeze. Habitat for Humanity built five new homes on the 2300 Blocks of Cross and Greenwich Streets. Please read the following story for more information: http://www.habitatphiladelphia.org/updates/welcome-home-sylla-family
PRA Partners with Councilman O’Neill to Use Conservatorship in the Northeast
July 30, 2015
The PRA in partnership with Councilman O’Neill’s office completed its first conservatorship project in the Northeast. For the full article please visit the Northeast Times.
PRA Hosts Successful Auction of +100 Publicly Owned Parcels
June 12, 2015
PRA in partnership with Councilman Mark Squilla hosted the first City auction of more than 100 publicly owned parcels. The PRA was responsible for organizing the auction including the issuance of the RFP, selection of the auction company, coordinating with municipal agencies to finalize property lists and communication with the Councilman’s staff. As a result over 90 bidders attended the auction where 89 properties were sold with the potential of bringing in over $1.7 million in revenue. Please see below for additional coverage of the event:
Philadelphia Inquirer: http://www.philly.com/philly/news/politics/20150613_Going_once__going_twice__Auction_of_blighted_Philly_lots_is_a_big_hit.htm
Plan Philly Writes About PRA Workforce Housing in East Poplar
March 26, 2015
Plan Philly Article on Workforce Housing in East Poplar
We are excited to see Plan Philly’s article highlighting our workforce housing RFP for East Poplar. This long-term vacant strip of Marshall Street will now be reactivated thanks to the Council President’s Office and the PRA. We look forward to other opportunities to do similar work throughout the City.
PRA drops Dupree condemnation, recommits to Mantua
March 12, 2015
The Mantua section of Philadelphia is a vibrant community. Cultural amenities, transportation infrastructure and nearby institutions have helped spur recent real estate investment. However, despite its strengths, Mantua’s poverty rate still hovers at roughly 50%. Public safety, quality education, and unemployment still challenge residents.
Like many underserved communities in Philadelphia, Mantua is also a food desert. Studies have shown that limited fresh food options contribute to obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and have a negative effect on public health. Residents travel out of their neighborhood to shop at grocery stores, or use corner stores that are often limited in their ability to store and sell fresh produce. “We are Mantua!”, the Mantua transformation plan that engaged hundreds of community members, strongly indicated residents’ desire and need for healthy food choices.
In an effort to address this issue, in 2006 the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority (PRA) began working with the Mantua Community Improvement Committee, Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell and others to bring a grocery store to the neighborhood. A site located at 36th and Haverford was identified and the process to assemble the development site through condemnation began. Mr. James Dupree’s art studio was a key parcel to complete this assemblage.
The condemnation of Mr. Dupree’s studio has garnered coverage from nearly every media outlet locally, and some nationally. In each, Mr. Dupree has described PRA as an agency acting haphazardly, for the sole benefit of a for-profit developer and without concern for the broader community.
I strongly disagree with Mr. Dupree’s characterization of our agency and its intent in acquiring his property. Bringing fresh, healthy food to Mantua was a desire conveyed to PRA by neighborhood residents, and our efforts were designed to address that request.
Unfortunately, the legal costs associated with Mr. Dupree’s appeals make it impossible to continue. Despite all the work to date, PRA will end condemnation proceedings enabling Mr. Dupree to keep his studio. While we have explored the potential of building around Mr. Dupree’s property, a viable project under these conditions is not possible. In short, the inability to acquire Mr. Dupree’s property puts the prospect of bringing fresh food to this community at serious risk.
Despite this setback, the commitment PRA made to Mantua eight years ago to bring access to quality foods and employment opportunities will continue. We will do everything we can to bring a grocery store to this community, and are currently exploring other sites to make this a feasible project. Further, any properties that we acquired for this development will not sit vacant for long. Working with the community and Council, we will identify an appropriate development for this site.
While I believe PRA has done all we could to find a fair solution with Mr. Dupree – offering independent appraisals of his property, finding and offering other potential locations for his studio, and payment of all relocation costs – I know that the emotional attachment to property is real and deep. I am disappointed that Mr. Dupree and PRA could not reach a resolution to this issue but respect his passion.
Mr. Dupree is a talented artist and I wish him the best of luck in all his endeavors. I can only hope he recognizes PRA shares his deep passion for the Mantua neighborhood.
Brian Abernathy, Executive Director, Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority