This page has documents and forms to help organizations work with PHDC. Please email us if you have any questions about these resources.

Developers/Contractors/Small Businesses

Environmental Assessment Program Grants/Low-Cost Loans
PHDC has a limited pool of funds available for grants or low-cost loans to address environmental conditions at potential development sites for affordable/workforce housing and on vacant lots that may be used for urban agriculture or community gardens. PHDC is able to provide this assistance thanks to grant support from U.S. Department of Environmental Protection (EPA). PHDC has engaged AKRF Inc. to conduct these assessments. Eligible activities include Environmental Phase I and Phase II assessments. The program is on a first come first serve basis and will be funded until all funds are expired for the extent of the program availability.

Developing with Social Impact
Social impact has the intent of helping developers craft a successful social-impact strategy. It refers to the way a physical project may have a positive effect on people and communities by stimulating neighborhood economies, creating affordability and opportunity, and enhancing the community’s quality of life.

Acquisition and Disposition Policies
The Philadelphia Land Bank’s Acquisition and Disposition policies govern most transactions involving publicly-owned property, regardless of which agency has ownership. They provide for transparency so that everyone involved understands the rules.

Impact Development Fund
PHDC partners with PIDC to support commercial, industrial and mixed-use development in neighborhoods and commercial corridors in Philadelphia. The Impact Development Fund provides capital for neighborhood-based development in communities often overlooked by traditional lenders

Percent for Art Policy – September 15, 2021
Review the full Percent for Art Program policy.

PRA Services Fee Schedule 2021
This form outlines the various fees that the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority charges for certain services that it provides.

PHDC Cost Containment Policy – April 8, 2022
This policy explains circumstances when affordable housing developers are required to competitively bid their projects to general contractors. The policy includes a list of  Approved General Contractors/Construction Managers.

Workforce Housing Credit Enhancement Application
This form contains a description of the Workforce Housing Program and a credit enhancement application for financial institutions and developers interested in participating.

Property Applications
For more information please visit PHDC’s Buy Land page.

Property and Data Map
The Property and Data Map identifies all the properties in public ownership. Properties in green are available. Properties in red are not available. It also lets you filter by zoning and view data such as Opportunity Zones, access to healthy food, planning districts and other data sets.

If you are a developer looking to create low- and/or moderate-income housing, the Division of Housing and Community Development gives funding awarded through an annual Request for Proposals. Another source of funding for affordable rental housing is Low Income Housing Tax Credits awarded by the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency.

Home Improvement Programs/Home Repair

Homeowners Maintenance Manual
PHDC’s Homeowners Maintenance Manual provides general information on maintaining your home and cutting energy costs. Your home is an asset that needs maintenance to preserve its value. Before beginning any home maintenance project, you should plan thoroughly, carefully assessing your own skill level, available tools, and working conditions.

Housing Resource Guide
The Division of Housing and Community Development’s Housing Resource Guide is an extensive overview of housing and housing-related services in Philadelphia. You can find information on:

  • Agencies Directories including Housing Counseling, NACs
  • COVID Resources
  • Emergency Assistance
  • Emergency Shelter Housing
  • Fair Housing
  • Foreclosure Prevention/Mortgage Assistance
  • Greenworks
  • Homeownership Programs
  • Home Repairs
  • Housing Counseling
  • Landlord/Tenant Problems
  • Lead Poisoning
  • Legal Assistance
  • Property Tax Relief
  • Rental Assistance
  • Rental Housing
  • Returning Citizens
  • Senior Citizen Programs
  • Special-Needs Housing
  • Utilities Assistance
  • Vacant Properties/Parcels
  • Veterans

Download the  Housing Resource Guide rev. March 6 2022 (printable) or view the Guide as an ebook.

Energy Savings Tips
View these tips to help you save energy Weatherization tips

Income Guidelines

PHDC’s home repair programs are limited to low- and moderate-income households. These income guidelines are based on the Section 8 annual income limits for low- and moderate-income households set by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), effective April 1 2024. They are revised annually. The Heater Hotline program uses 150% of the poverty guidelines, effective January 17, 2024.

Annual Income by Household Size
Program name12345678>8 per month
per person
Adaptive Modifications Program (1)$48,200 $55,100 $61,950 $68,850 $74,350 $79,850 $85,350 $90,850 $5,500
Basic Systems Repair Program (1)$48,200 $55,100 $61,950 $68,850 $74,350 $79,850 $85,350 $90,850 $5,500
Eviction Diversion Program (EDP) Targeted Financial Assistance$64,250$73,400$82,600 $91,750 $99,100 $106,450 $113,800 $121,150 $7,350
Neighborhood Energy Centers$40,150 $45,900 $51,650 $57,350 $61,950 $66,550 $71,150 $75,750 $4,450
Heater Hotline Program (2)$22,590 $30,660 $38,730 $46,800
$54,870 $62,940 $71,010 $79,080 $8,070
Philly First Home Program$80,300 $91,800 $103,250 $114,700 $123,900 $133,100 $142,250 $151,450 $9,150
Rental Improvement Fund$46,920 $53,580 $60,300 $66,960 $72,360 $77,770 $83,040 $88,040
Restore, Repair, Renew$96,350 $110,150 $123,900 $137,650 $148,700 $159,700 $170,700 $181,700 $11,050
(1) Represents 60% of Area Median Income under HUD Section 8 annual income limits
(2) Represents 150% of federal poverty-level guidelines,

Philadelphia’s Foreclosure Prevention Program and housing counseling services are open to all Philadelphia residents regardless of income.

Application Forms for Review

The following forms will be required when a developer responds to a Request for Proposals (RFP). They are provided here for review.

As of July 2019 the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority (PRA) and the Philadelphia Land Bank (PLB) are staffed by employees of PHDC. PRA and the Land Bank remain independent organizations overseen by independent boards of directors. Accordingly, you may see references to PRA and the PLB. PHDC, PLB and PRA work together to create seamless programs and services that support community development in the City of Philadelphia.