How Do I Apply?
Contact a City-funded housing counseling agency. They will need:
- Total annual family income
- Source of that income (employment, SSI, DPA, etc.)
- Number of family members who will live in the house

Application Status Summary
Program re-launched on May 2, 2022
As of December 2023
- Awarded 1,739 people for $16.3million
- Approved 22 people
- Under Review 54 people
- Draft 73 people
• Average sales price is $193,300
• $11 million in transfer tax returned to the City
• Average interest rate 6.2%
• Average houseold income $60,858
AMI Awarded:
- <=50% AMI 349
- >50% and <=80% AMI 886
- >80% and <=100% AMI 502
- 54% Black or African American;
- 21% more than one race;
- 18% White;
- 3% Asian
- 3% Undisclosed
- 1% Other
- 30% Hispanic or Latino
- 70% Not Hispanic or Latino
- Female heads of households 853
- Average Household Size 2
- Average Age 34
- With Disabilities 29