The Monthly Report for Neighborhood Advisory Committees (NACs) must be completed online through the portal on this page. Click on the month at right to file your report.
You will need to complete information for the following where appropriate.
Information and Referrals
You will be required to provide the number of residents assisted in the following two sections.
1.Housing Programs and Services
- First Time Home Buyer
- Budget Counseling
- Received Pre-purchase/Financial education
- Referred to Pre-and Post-purchase counseling
- Rent Rebates
- BSRP referrals
- Adaptive Modification referrals
- Homeowner Tax Assistance referrals
2.Energy Conservation/Education
- ECA Contract (indicate Yes or No)
- Total Number served
- Home visit
- Crisis
- Energy Application
- Customer Responsibility Program (CRP)
- Customer Assistance Program (CAP)
- Weatherization
Please list events led by NAC staff, the NAS and/or with other organizations in your service area (i.e., campaigns, neighborhood clean-up, fairs, expos, etc.)
Issues Requiring DHCD Attention
List any issue(s) requiring DHCD’s attention and a timeframe for resolution.
Copies of the following information must be attached to your report.
- Minutes, Agenda and Sign-in Sheets of Neighborhood Advisory Subcommittee (NAS) Meetings held during this reporting period
- Minutes, Agenda and Sign-in Sheets from Board of Directors’ meetings held during this reporting period
- Mortgage and or Tax Diversion Outreach program report forms
- Minutes, Agenda and Sign-in Sheets of service area briefings held during this reporting period
- NAC program newsletter issued during this reporting period
- NAS election materials, if applicable

Online Submission of a NAC Monthly Report
Please click on the month for which you plan to file a report for NAC Programs, Services, and Events. Complete and submit the form. After you submit you will see a notification that we have received your report.
If you need to take a break from completing the form you can scroll to the bottom of the form, check the I’m not A robot and then to the right of the SUBMIT button click on Save and Resume and it will generate a link, Be sure to copy and save this link which you will use when you want to return to your form. We recommend you bookmark that link.
If you lose internet connection while working on the form it is set up to save your form. When your internet connection comes back it will repopulate your form with the information you had entered. Be sure not to turn off your computer.
If you would like a .PDF copy of your form, please contact [email protected] and he can email you a copy.
Click on “Select Language” at top right of this page for other languages.
November 2024
December 2024
January 2025
February 2025
March 2025
April 2025
May 2025
June 2025
For any issues or problems completing the form please contact Elhadji Ndiaye at [email protected]